Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 224: The New Pirate General

After finalizing the transaction of "Phantom Crystal of Thousand Skills", Abner turned his attention to Mr. "Fool" at the top. He has not forgotten the mission given by Mr. "Fool" last week and the commission he proposed, so he took the initiative to said:

"Mr. Fool, it will take a few more days for the investigation of Baron Ramud to be fully completed...I don't know if your "Follower" is satisfied with the information I provided earlier?"

Although Miss Emma promised to go to the royal library to look up relevant materials, she had to arrange her time according to her own habits, otherwise it would be bad to arouse others' suspicion.

The efficiency of the "tower" is very high, it is worthy of being a famous "hero detective"! But he brought up this matter now to ask my "Faithful One" if he is willing to accept the commission to investigate "Fallen Morning Star"?

Klein sighed in his heart. He had already prepared for the question about the "tower", so he chuckled lightly and replied in a normal tone:

"He is very satisfied with this, so he expressed his willingness to accept the commission to investigate the source of the 'Fallen Morning Star'...Well, because of some special features of him, you need to provide him with some compensation."

Klein tried his best to avoid using degrading terms such as "golden pound" and "money" from the mouth of "The Fool", and only used rewards to replace them. We focus on this aspect, while ignoring the nature of his lack of money.

As for what is "special" in the end... The favored person and the god are the same person, and they are also poor and weak... Isn't this enough "special"?

While complaining in his heart, Klein carefully observed the members of the Tarot Society present, and found that Miss Justice and Mr. The Hanged Man really looked thoughtful, thinking about something; " "The Sun" didn't think about it at all, as if he was wandering into the sky; only Mr. "Tower" frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

It seems that Klein has divined this "investigation commission", so it shouldn't be too dangerous? Otherwise, he wouldn't have agreed so happily...

As for the reward... I'd better bleed a little, after all, the "Sun"'s "Thousand Art Phantom Crystal" will be sacrificed later, and it has to be stored in "Origin Castle" first... It will be considered as a storage fee...

Thinking of this, Abner deliberated and said, "What do you think about the compensation of, 300 pounds?"

Due to the high value of the booty captured at the Eternal Life Society, and the 1,800 pounds that Mr. "The Hanged Man" bought the formula last week, Abner is currently very rich and does not lack this little money, so he seems very generous .

300 pounds? I have only seen so much money from Sir Deville until today... Klein sighed for a while,

Pretending to have no interest in money, he nodded indifferently and said:

"A reasonable deal."

He originally wanted to add a sentence "Although he received compensation not because of the money itself" to improve his style, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was a bit superfluous. 1 penny as a symbol"...wouldn't that be self-defeating? So I had to give up.

After this matter was finished, the Tarot Society naturally shifted to the stage of "information sharing". The "Hanged Man" Alger on the side thought for a while and said proactively:

"'Admiral of Hell' Ludwell has never appeared again, his fleet has been subdued, and a new pirate general has been born."

"Justice" Audrey was very interested in the matter of the pirate general, and asked in cooperation:

"What's his name? There's no similar news about Backlund."

"The Hanged Man" Alger nodded slowly and said:

"She is a lady named Maria, who was not well-known before, and should be a strong person sent by the Spiritual Church to replace Ludwell.

"However, last week, she successively overwhelmed Ludwell's original first mate, second mate and third mate, revealing the strength of the pirate general class, and brought a ghost ship 'Pale Saintess' comparable to the 'Black Tulip' Number'."

"Then what is her title?" Audrey asked curiously.

"She calls herself 'Pale Admiral'...but because she has a very scary sword-shaped magical item called 'Pale Justice', and her own sword skills are quite superb, so many people call her 'Sword of the Sword' Saintess' or 'Admiral Sword Master'." Alger replied directly.

"Saint of the Sword"? Ma'am, did you go to the wrong set...

And 'pale justice'? This should also be the masterpiece of Emperor Roselle, right?

Abner and Klein complained in their hearts at the same time when they heard the words.

"However, as soon as the new pirate admiral subdued the fleet, he issued a reward for Ludwell's whereabouts... the amount is 10,000 pounds!" "The Hanged Man" Argel added at this time seemingly unintentionally One sentence.

Give 10,000 pounds just to inform her whereabouts? It seems that there is something important on Ludwell that needs to be recovered... Is it the death ring?

But "The Hanged Man" pointed it out specifically to see my reaction? He suspects that I killed Admiral Hell?

Abner glanced at Alger thoughtfully, but didn't express anything.

"The Hanged Man" Alger saw that "Tower" didn't answer, so he sighed inwardly with a little disappointment, and didn't say anything else.

Seeing that Mr. "The Hanged Man" had finished sharing, Audrey also talked about the changes in Backlund in the past week, mainly about the review progress of the "Public Servant Assessment" proposal in the two chambers.

After she finished speaking, she caught a glimpse of Derrick the "Sun" who was sitting blankly on the opposite side, so her heart moved, and she asked:

"Mr. Sun, I wonder if you can share the situation of 'Silver City' and 'Land Abandoned by God'? I can pay the compensation, but what do you need?"

Derrick was taken aback for a moment, and then said incoherently:

"I don't have any items that I'm eager to get recently... I should be able to digest the 'Singer' potion soon. If I want to pay for it, I can accumulate it there first. Hmm...but actually I don't know which things are important to you, So I don't know what to say."

Audrey was keenly aware of the word "digestion", and asked after deliberation:

"Mr. Sun, have you mastered the 'acting method'?"

Derrick looked at Miss Justice in puzzlement, and replied frankly:

"It's not something to be surprised about... The general education class in the City of Silver is teaching the 'acting method'."

The general education class was teaching the "acting method"... Audrey glanced at "The Hanged Man" and found that the other party was also looking at her, and the two sides suddenly fell into silence.

It turned out that only the two of them didn't know this method.

At this time, "The Hanged Man" Argel seemed to think of something, and asked tentatively, "Mr. Sun, have you explained clearly the precautions for the 'acting method'?"

"Yes." Derrick nodded without hesitation. "Our general education class is very clear. There is only one thing to pay attention to in the 'acting method', 'Remember, you are only acting'."

Just as I expected... We are bypassing the barrier in a clever way, completely disintegrating the residual spiritual influence in the potion, instead of yielding to it... "Sun", you are really a pure boy, so that Important information was stolen...

Resisting the urge to touch his forehead, Klein thought to himself.

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