"Name: Lilith's Tears.

"Appearance: Blue crystal pendant.

"Function description: Placing the pendant at the heart can perform a whole-body treatment, and most diseases and non-fatal injuries can be quickly cured;

"Put the pendant between the eyebrows, and you can transform into a giant bear. In this state, the user's strength, speed, and defense ability will be greatly improved, and some earth-like spells will be mastered.

"If you crush the pendant, you can release 'Desolate'. Once this ability is activated, all creatures within a radius of 2 kilometers around the user will fall into withering and enter the end of life, even ordinary demigods are no exception .

"Note: Once the 'Desolation' is released, the pendant will be completely destroyed, and the user will also fall into withering."

"Negative effect: Every time you use the ability of the pendant, you will fall into an inexplicable sadness, and it is difficult to get rid of it. You need to receive psychological treatment in time, otherwise there is a certain chance of losing control."

In the study room of the villa at No. 28 Jinster Street, after three days, Abner finally analyzed the pendant given by the Mother Earth Goddess...

I have to say, this is really a powerful item, especially the description of "Desolation", it may even be the extraordinary ability of "Mother" Sequence 2 "Mother of Desolation"! But……

This ability is used to die with others, right? !

Except for the few ways that "The Fool" and "Reaper" can be resurrected, using this ability is suicide...

That's right, maybe "Mother of Desolation" is no problem. The Sequence 3 of the "Mother" pathway is called "Paffin Bearer". "Life and death reincarnation" and other authority...

No wonder Bishop Utravsky's painting style is so similar to those bald heads in the Western Continent...

Abner complained in his heart, and put away the "Lilith's Tears" pendant. No matter what, he finally had a powerful "hole card" in his hand. Even if he didn't really use it, he could still use it as a deterrence.

And since I dare not die together, it doesn't mean Mr. Fool doesn't dare either! After the withering of "Desolation", it happens to be a whole corpse...

Well, taking a step back, even if Klein didn't dare to try, wouldn't he still be able to use a secret puppet to go there in the future?

While his thoughts were spinning, Abner picked up the three pages of "Rosell's Diary" that Hugh had brought before, and while drinking a sip of sweet iced tea, he changed a comfortable position on the sofa and began to read.

He hadn’t noticed it before, but now that he looked carefully, Abner immediately found that the three pages of the diary were continuous, and they described the same thing, something he had guessed when he investigated the first Baron Ramud.

"On June 12th, I secretly came to Loen. It has been more than a week since I came to Backlund. Although the ladies and ladies here are generally reserved and not easy to communicate in depth, the Tussock River is very clear and the air is very clear. Refreshing, compared to Trier, which has already started the industrial age with my own hands, this place is really livable.

"It's worth mentioning that thanks to the advocacy of the Church of the Evernight Goddess, the residents of Backlund have long developed relatively hygienic living habits... At least the streets here don't smell the characteristic feces and urine of Trier!

"Speaking of which, if I am an Intis nobleman through time travel, I really want to settle here.

"On June 13, I found a hidden manuscript on an old bookshelf in the library of Backlund University today. It seems to record a hidden base left after the fall of the Solomon Empire... maybe there is a Treasure? Hehe, I am indeed the protagonist of this era, and I can meet adventures wherever I go.

"Well, I'll call back Green, Edwards, and Karen who are working outside, and then form a team to find this ruin... It should be in Severas County in Loen,

Somewhere north of the Hornakis Mountains and south of the Intersea.

"On June 14th, Karen and Edwards came back first. I mentioned the matter to them. As a result, Edwards' eyes lit up and he seemed very excited, while Karen seemed to lose interest and said to me. , even if there is any treasure there, it has been found long ago.

"Sure enough, these long-lived species are relatively 'depressed'. Even if they look young, they have long lost the enthusiasm of young people. But his opinion is not important. After Green came back, we voted.

"In the end, without any suspense, we approved the plan to explore the ruins with a vote of three to one.

"On June 15th, we went upstream along the Tussock River. Although the river was not too fast, the boat we were on was still not moving fast...Unfortunately, at this stage, I don't really want to design a better one so soon. High-powered steam engines, otherwise travel would not be so slow if there were railroads.

"On June 17th, the four of us arrived in Conston City."

"On June 18th, the mountain roads in the Kingdom of Loen were really terrible. Even though I built shock absorbing facilities, the carriage still bumped so badly that my ass was about to explode... I will improve the power of the steam engine when I go back this time. Be sure to popularize steam trains and railways throughout the northern continent!

"On June 20th, after two days of searching, Karen found the entrance to the ruins by relying on one of his Extraordinary items. Speaking of which, the entrance is very strange, it is clearly on the halfway of a cliff, but we actually You can reach a certain position at the foot of the mountain in one step...but you can't reach it no matter how long you walk from other directions.

"Karen said that the concept of 'distance' is 'confuse' here, and I don't quite understand what he means.

"After entering the ruins, the road becomes even more terrifying! Sometimes you are advancing, but suddenly find that you have retreated to a lava pool and almost fell. Sometimes you want to stop, but find that you are still following the inertia run……

"I understand why there are no monsters here, because even monsters cannot survive in such an environment.

"In short, after a lot of hardships, we finally arrived in a very beautiful looking hall.

"But at this time, apart from a mural, there is only a pair of knights who thrust their swords into each other's chests in the hall at this time. The rest of the items seem to have been emptied long ago. Well, even those two look quite The extraordinary characteristics of the powerful knight are also gone.

"Karen seems to have guessed the matter. Sure enough, someone has been here a long time ago. Could it be that I am not the protagonist? No, I don't think so1, so I studied the mural carefully and finally discovered the mystery.

"It turns out that this mural indicates the location of the real treasure, the required opening method and the correct opening time..."

The diary came to an abrupt end here, and Abner turned over the back, but regrettably found that there was no follow-up.

The road was "chaotic", which should be the high-sequence ability of the "Dark Emperor" pathway... and the two dead knights, although there is no evidence, are probably the friend Kilgor of the second Baron Ramud and the one in charge of surveillance. His royal agent Gru...

So, that ruin is just a clue to the real treasure left by the Black Emperor?

But why didn't the follow-up personnel of the Loen royal family evacuate the items in the hall, but didn't destroy the murals, and didn't bury the two knights?

It feels like there are other reasons for this... And Emperor Roselle succeeded in becoming the "Dark Emperor" in the end, probably because he got this treasure in the end.

I have speculated before that the condition for opening the treasure is likely to be the blood of the descendants of the Solomon Empire... That is why the royal family has been treating the descendants of Kilgor favorably until Roselle became the Black Emperor. knighthood.

And Roselle later met and recruited Savigny, the father of "King of the Five Seas" Nast, in the White Maple Palace!

And Nast has always claimed to be a descendant of the Solomon Empire.

I see……

Thinking of this, Abner closed his eyes, as if feeling something, then shook his head slightly disappointed.

He was not disappointed with his speculation, but disappointed with the progress of the potion digestion.

Although there seems to be tiny traces of digestion, it is not obvious... It seems that exploring secrets from historical events to enhance different kinds of knowledge is not the key to the role of "polymath"...

In fact, before drinking the potion of "Eavesdropper", Abner naively thought that with the knowledge of mysticism he had mastered, he might be able to digest more than half of it immediately.

But the reality is very different from his expectation... Then, what is the key to the role of "Earthmaster"?


Tingen, Raphael's Cemetery at night.

The bronze-skinned Azik held a bird with illusory feathers in one hand and a bouquet of white flowers in the other. He stood in front of Klein's tomb. He didn't speak for a long time, and finally sighed and said to himself:

"Sorry, I'm ten minutes late.

"But I should know who it is..."

He bent down and put down the bunch of flowers, turned and left the cemetery, and also left Tingen.

The crimson moon is shining here, and there is an indescribable tranquility and desolation,

Suddenly, the stone slab that sealed the tomb was turned, and a slightly pale hand stretched out from the soil.

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