Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 282 Abundance Church

"Surprise: Beginning with the Reader ()"

"'Doctor Strange'?" Dunn first glanced at Abner strangely, then nodded and said, "The classic character in the 'Heroes' series of novels of Lord Roselle... I have to say, your appearance and The emperor described it very similarly..."

"Maybe I'm the one who walked out of Roselle's novel?" Abner smiled and teased.

Abner, who has studied Roselle's various quotations and works since time travel, naturally knew the so-called "Heroes" series of novels, otherwise he would not have dared to name his "vest".

You must know that neither the goddess nor the priest Maozi is unfamiliar with the name of the superhero. If there is no endorsement by Roselle, he will be targeted by those two immediately as soon as he shines his "vest".

Speaking of which, although Roselle's "hero" is a series of novels, he only wrote "Doctor Strange", "Iron Man" and "Hulk", and it may be that the imagination is too far ahead. These three novels It was not very popular more than a hundred years ago, and its influence is far less than that of "The Earl's Return" plagiarized from "The Count of Monte Cristo".

On the contrary, it was in the past ten years that these three novels regained their vitality and were regarded as classics by many people...but they are still small.

Poor sales may be the reason why Russell did not continue to write the "Hero" series... Of course, it is more likely that the church intervened. Some specious extraordinary knowledge has been added.

And the reason why Abner used this name as the "vest" is also because of the need for "fame" in the role of "eruditionist"... With the gimmick of classic characters, "famous" is relatively easier .

If it weren't for the reputation of "heroic detective" having nothing to do with "erudition" - "fraternity" is almost the same, plus the church's strict management of Extraordinary people at the Sequence 6 level, he still doesn't want to be exposed... Why do we need to open another "vest"?

Dunn ignored Abner's joke, he carefully observed the composition of the ceremony in the hall, and after confirming that there were no "evil" elements, he was slightly relieved, and asked again: "'Doctor Strange', are you too? A blood-sucking... vampire?"

"I'm not a vampire... You don't have to bother to test it out. I can tell you that I was ordered to 'resurrect' you and give you some guidance." Abner shook his head and said bluntly.

" whose order?" Although Dunn was vigilant in his heart, he didn't show it, and asked cautiously, "Is it the high-ranking vampire who reserved 'guarantee' for me?"

In a sense, you guessed it right... Abner thought so in his heart, but on the surface he smiled and said nothing. Although Lilith didn't ask him to conceal this, he felt that it was not appropriate for him to reveal such information from himself.

Seeing this, Dun En knew that it was difficult to come up with words, so he had to change the subject and asked in a deep voice, "What is the guidance you mentioned earlier?"

"My task is to take you to the Abundance Church in Enmat Harbor...the rest, you will know when you get there." Abner replied.

Through the analysis of Dun En's body, he roughly figured out the other party's current situation, and knew that his spirit might still be in confusion and needed "treatment" by professionals...and in the so-called "Church of Abundance", there was no If expected, there will be a professional waiting there.

"'Church of Abundance'? The Church of the Mother Earth..." Dunn became less vigilant when he heard this. The Church of the Mother Earth is an organization of righteous gods, at least they will not do any evil things.

From the moment he woke up, the experienced Dunn knew that it would be difficult for him to return to the Church of Evernight and become a Nighthawk again...

Even if he goes back by force, his best ending is to become the internal guardian of Chanis Gate, and he may even be imprisoned underground for a long time...

It doesn't matter if he has nothing to worry about, he can bear that kind of treatment... However, he clearly remembers the moment before his death,

A palm pierced Klein's chest!

There was obviously a behind-the-scenes man behind the series of events in Tingen's previous three months, and that man behind the scene finally succeeded... He didn't know how many people in the company survived in the end... But even if it was just Klein's revenge, he I also want to report it by myself!

This made him temporarily unable to accept the fate of being imprisoned...

What's more, once imprisoned, it may become difficult to meet Dali... And such a self is even more unworthy of her...

So, after pondering for a while, Dunn asked again: "Accept your arrangement... Can I get a promotion method?" Generally, mysterious organizations use this condition to lure Extraordinary people to join, right?

Abner shook his head, and said with a smile: "How to be promoted is your own business... However, after arriving at the 'Church of Abundance', it should help your spiritual problems."

"You don't need me to join?" Dunn asked in surprise. Is it possible that the resurrection of me is just doing good deeds every day?

Just looking at the painting style of Bishop Utravsky, we can see that the belief in the goddess of the earth is mainly voluntary... and even if Lilith has a good relationship with the goddess, she wouldn't just poach the wall like this, right?

After slandering a few words, Abner shook his head and said meaningfully: "Didn't that one tell you that he was just selling favors from a friend."

No matter who this "friend" refers to, Klein definitely owes him a favor... Lilith is not in the least.

"Him?!" Dunn couldn't hide the shock in his tone. Although he guessed that the vampire was at least an earl...but he didn't expect it to be a duke at the "angel" level!

Surely an angel wouldn't fool a little guy like me...but is there anyone I know who could make an angel think that much? Who is worthy of an angel's careful planning of "favor"?

Suddenly, Dunn made a decision in his heart, staring at Abner with deep gray eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I will follow you to Enmat Port first, so that you can complete the task..." Speaking of which , he changed the topic, and said in a mellow voice, "But before we go, I need to confirm some things..."

After a little thought, Abner guessed what Dunn was thinking, and asked in a firm tone: "You want to know the result of the battle against the Blackthorn Security Company last Sunday... and who is behind the scenes, right?"

"You know?" Dunn looked at him, his gray eyes full of seriousness, obviously afraid of hearing news that he could not accept.

"The first thing to rest assured is that you have successfully saved Tingen, and the heir of the evil god has not been able to descend.

"During that battle, you, Klein Moretti, and the inner watchman were killed... In addition, Ms. Sika and Leonard were only slightly injured.

"As for the man behind the scenes... it's Ince Zangwill."

Abner combined the plot of the original book with the information given by Bishop Utravsky, and briefly explained the results to Dunn.

Hearing this, Dunn frowned slightly, his eyes retracted, and he said to himself as if thinking: "Ince Zangwill...'0-08'...those coincidences...that's how it is, I understand, he I came here for the 'Ashes of Saint Selina', all the previous incidents were to affect my spirit and make me make wrong decisions at critical moments..."

After more than ten seconds, he looked back at Abner and said, "Can we go to the cemetery to see Klein before we leave... It was my mistake that killed him..."

Abner's face was a little weird when he heard this request. After all, what's so good about an empty grave? But seeing Dunn's cooperation, he didn't refuse. After looking at the already bright sky outside the window, he took out a mask that looked like graffiti from his pocket and handed it over.

"This is the 'clown' mask. Wearing it can allow you to disguise yourself as another face... I don't think you want to be recognized by your former colleagues." Abner hid his smile and said very seriously.

Dunn took the mask without hesitation and put it on his face. Immediately afterwards, his face began to squirm, and the flesh and skin were like a half-dissolved wax block, undergoing strange changes, and finally combined into the face of "Tony Stark" that Abner had pinched before.

Feeling the squirm on his face stopped, Dunn stood up, walked to the full-length mirror in the corner of the hall, looked at it carefully, and finally nodded: "It's okay, people who are not particularly familiar with it should not be able to recognize it."

Next, Dunn changed into the clothes that Abner had prepared for him in advance, and then went out one after the other.

However, when Dunn came to the garden and saw the whole picture of the house, he couldn't help sighing: "So I was resurrected in this house..."

"Is there anything special about this house?" Abner was a few steps behind because he had to clean up the ritual items. Hearing Dunn's words, he asked in a daze.

"I, Klein, Leonard, and the others once fought the 'Witch' Triss here... Hehe, if Klein had followed Klein's thinking and bombarded with cannons first, I'm afraid this house would not have existed... ..." At this point, Dunn suddenly fell silent, and then muttered in a hoarse voice: "Klein..."


A corner of Raphael's cemetery, in front of Klein's grave.

Dunn looked at the bookish black-and-white photo, stood up after a while, and said to Abner beside him, "Let's go."

Klein, as the captain, I will avenge you.


At the same time, Klein, who had just spent 30 pounds to advertise his detective work in some tabloids, sneezed unnaturally.

He sniffled, looked up at the misty sky, and complained, "The air in Backlund is really bad."

Then, he picked up the "Becklund Secret News" that he had just paid for advertising for, and silently complained: "It costs so much money to advertise... and Mr. Tower obviously didn't spend a penny, but There's so much 'news'..."

Hey, when I think of Mr. Tower, I think of the "Fallen Morning Star" taken away by Ince Zangwill... What reason should I use to fool this matter in the afternoon party?


At noon, Abner and Dunn walked out of the steam station in Enmat Port together, and under the strange eyes of the coachman, they rushed to the "Church of Abundance" located near the outskirts of the city.

At least half of the people in Enmat harbor believe in the Lord of Storms, and the Church of the Mother Earth has almost no believers here.

Therefore, the Abundance Church is much more deserted than Backlund's Abundance Church, with only two priests presiding over it.

One of the pastors was a man in his 50s, with a lot of silver in his beard and hair, with kind eyebrows and eyes, and his temperament was very similar to that of Bishop Utravsky.

The other one is a pretty lady. She looks about thirty years old, has beautiful long brown hair, and a dimple at the corner of her mouth when she smiles.

When they saw the two of Abner coming in, they stood up and greeted them.

The lady with long brown hair first looked at Dunn a few times, then looked at Abner, said with a smile:

"The cow you asked my daughter to find, I have already helped her transport it here, it is in the open space behind the church."

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