Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 433: News from the Southern Continent

The latest website: Backlund.

In the previous two days, Klein and Mike "visited" many places in the East District under the guidance of the old Kohler.

They have seen five or six people squeezed into one room, and this is not the worst situation. An ordinary bedroom can sleep ten people, and the precise division of ownership such as the floor, the right to use the daytime, and the right to use the night is the most important thing. normal.

Seeing the homeless who were driven out in the middle of the night and wandered the streets like living corpses,

I saw the girls standing numbly on the street or in the bar, and those alcoholics who indulged in alcoholism, did not hesitate to violence, and did not want to think about the future at all.

I saw the dust in the white lead factory and the female workers without any protective measures...

After two days of interviews, only the laundry woman named Liv insisted that her daughters go to the night school of the church is the only bright spot...

But this bright color only belongs to those souls who don't give in to fate... Its existence will only make the poor environment of the Eastern District even more unbearable!

Witnessing all this, as a reporter with a sense of justice, although Mike is not too young, his style is relatively stingy, and he does everything for interviews from time to time...but he still retains his original intentions, so he became angry out of touch.

In fact, his investigation was originally entrusted by a big man, but after a few days of visits, he now really wants to do something for the East District, for the real low-level people living here.

As for the reporter, the most powerful weapon is the pen in his hand! Not only did he want to truthfully report the situation here to that big shot, but he also wanted to write an editorial so that more people could understand the real situation in the Eastern District!

"This is like a large-scale bloody sacrifice ceremony, except that the goal is the flashing money symbol... If cult organizations such as the Aurora Society and the Rose School of thought can make good use of similar things, just like what Lanerus did in Tingen, That's a big problem..."

Klein, who was thinking of this in his heart, was also deeply shocked. Although he knew and had contact with the lives of those poor people when he was a Nighthawk, this time, the all-round and three-dimensional observation completely presented an abyss in the world. In front of his eyes...

"Go back, my investigation and interview are almost done." After a long silence with clenching fists, Mike sighed.

Then, under the leadership of the old Kohler, they walked towards the bridge area, silent all the way, and no one spoke.

"I hope that the Earl of East Chester can find a practical way to improve the living conditions of the poor in the Eastern District after receiving my report..." When we were about to part, Mike sighed with emotion, but his voice became lower and lower.

"The Earl of East Chester?" Klein felt as if he had heard this name somewhere. After thinking about it for a while, he recalled that the landlord, Mrs. Starling Summer, once said that the Chief Secretary of the Air Pollution Investigation Commission seemed to be He is the eldest son of the Earl of East Chester.

And thinking of Mrs. Starling, he suddenly remembered that the other party seemed to have invited him to participate in the blind date reported to her house tonight when he was at the Kragg Club... No, it was a dinner party?

"Yes, that is a real nobleman...and he commissioned my investigation and interview." After Mike explained a little bit, he sighed again, "It's a pity that even such a big man, I'm afraid it's very difficult. It’s hard to make big changes…”

"At least he is willing to understand the real situation at the bottom, isn't he? This shows that he really wants to change." Klein comforted the other party.

"I hope so... But even if the upper management still doesn't do anything, I will write everything I have seen and heard in the past two days in the report, so that more knowledgeable and caring gentlemen can pay attention to this issue." Mike He clenched his fist and said.

Then I suggest that you directly send the article to the diocesan bishops of the major churches... After muttering something, Klein bid farewell to the preoccupied reporter Mike.

After he left, Klein developed the old Kohler into his informant in the East District with the mentality of "a fivepenny party who brings his own dry food", and asked him to pay close attention to the activities of some cults here.

After all the way back to his home on Minsk Street, Klein, who was tired in his heart, was just about to fall asleep, but at this moment, Miss "Judgement"'s illusory pleading sounded in his ears.

"Miss 'Judgment' collected 2,200 pounds? She didn't ask Mr. 'Tower' to borrow it... It seems that I, the 'Fool', is the poorest in the Tarot Club..."

Although Klein was a little surprised, he still took four steps backwards, entered the ancient palace above the gray mist, and accepted the "sacrifice" from Miss "Judgment".

"Well, after going to the landlady's house for dinner at night, I still have to wait at home for Miss Sharron's arrival, and exchange with her the materials Miss Judgment needs...

"Tomorrow we will hold a Tarot Club, and we will have to break through the sixth floor of the 'Dream Labyrinth Tower' with Ms. Sharron the following night...

"I feel very busy all of a sudden!"

Just as Klein was expressing emotion, the crimson star that symbolized Mr. "Tower" rapidly expanded and contracted. He subconsciously spread his spirituality, and finally heard the "request" for him to "give" Mithor's body.

"Morgue the corpse for a day, and don't even pay the corpse management fee..." Although Klein muttered, he still opened the "summoning door" and threw the remaining bag into it.

The loss of the "Fallen Morning Star" always made him a little bit unreasonable, so he was always quite "tolerant" to the "Tower"'s request.

"After all, I am a 'fool' of 'equivalent exchange'!"

After laughing at himself, Klein simulated the feeling of falling and returned to the bedroom. He fell asleep and slept until it was dark. When evening came, he was woken up by the sound of the landlady's maid ringing the doorbell.


Bayam, "Aroma Manor", in the master bedroom.

After receiving the body bag given by "The Fool", Abner, who transformed into "Doctor Strange", arranged the rituals required to perform the "Teleportation" and exchanged for a token from the "Dream Labyrinth Tower". A transparent dark spell.

Then, he recited a lengthy incantation, combined with the spell in his hand, "borrowed" a certain "special power" from the spirit world, and passed it into the ceremony.

Then the exchanged "Teleportation Charm" suddenly disappeared, turning into a circular "door" with sparks flickering on its edges.

Seeing this, Abner didn't dare to waste time, grabbed the bag containing "Smart Talker" Misol King, and stepped into the door in one step.

Different from the feeling of being "shuttled" by Mr. Azik, the "travel" through the "Edwards-Bryan teleportation technique" has a clear altar for "positioning", so it is only after seeing countless After discovering the bright and pure brilliance like endless knowledge contained in the highest places, the transparent shadows with indescribable shapes walked out involuntarily through another "door" formed by sparks.

Then, Abner saw Edwina with her hair down, standing not far away holding a pocket watch.

And the room he was in was filled with all kinds of weird objects, including huge keys, asymmetrical coins similar to the "Golden Solomon Coin" he gave to Hugh, and books bound with parchment. ...

Is this the collection room of "Vice Admiral Iceberg"? It seems that in her heart, the teleportation altar is also one of the collections... Abner looked at it and made a judgment in his heart.

"What time did you leave?" Edwina asked like a serious scientific researcher.

"Two thirty." Abner replied affirmatively. This was originally one of the projects of this "teleportation" experiment, so he naturally would not forget to record the time.

"When you came out of the 'door', it was 2:30 and 10 seconds... ten seconds? As far as I know, the average 'traveler' crosses such a distance in about this time... It seems The technique we developed was very successful,"

Edwina stared at the disappearing 'door' with bright eyes, and her expression became much more vivid.

She once tried to "imitate" the "travel" of the "Traveler", but unfortunately she was unsuccessful. Although this secret technique is troublesome and expensive, it is a "sign" of her conquering this field, which gives her a sense of accomplishment.

In comparison, although Abner was also happy with the success of this operation, he was not as pure as Edwina, so after being excited for a while, he talked about "business" and handed over the bag to other side:

"We can get 28 points for the bounty we get."

Edwina put it aside indifferently, nodded and said, "Yes."

Then, after she invited Abner to visit many of her collections, she seemed to think of something, looked at him and said:

"Maria sent a messenger to me a day ago, saying that someone found the Finx lion in the southern part of the Southern Continent's Pass River Valley, near the Star Plateau's Daniel Valley."

Abner's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he thought about the map of the southern continent he had seen in his mind, and asked, "Is there a more specific location?"

After all, Daniel Valley is not small...

"According to Maria, the people who saw Finks were all dead, and they knew what happened to them through the remnant spirits... and the place where those people died was the west side of Dal Lake in the valley." Ai Dewena relayed to Abner the letter "sent" by Maria in detail.

After she finished speaking, she paused, and added: "I just happened to be going to the Southern Continent recently... I can just use this to test the transmission distance and corresponding time of the 'Edwards-Bryan Teleportation Technique'."

You mean, let me keep teleporting between Bayam and the Golden Dream as you sail? Thanks to my "Teleportation Charm", it's just more "liver"...

Abner complained in his heart, but on the surface he agreed very simply: "Okay!"

At this time, the door outside the collection room was knocked suddenly, and then came Danitz's voice:

"Captain, a ghost ship has appeared in the nearby waters."


On Monday, in the City of Silver, Derrick at the bottom of the round tower suddenly had gray fog in front of his eyes, and the deep voice of "The Fool" sounded in his ears:

"Get ready for the party."

Just as the boundless crimson light gushed out of the void, drowning Derrick's astral body, the former captain of the exploration team next door to him suddenly knocked on the wall of the metal cubicle...

But it didn't ring the third ring for chatting as usual!

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