Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 531 Abner who appeared at the end

In a cemetery on the outskirts of Lemburg, the tombstones here are different from those in other parts of the mainland. They are not vertical cuboids or crosses, but are like open books. The pages describe the life of the owner of the tomb and epitaph.

Due to the special stone used in this "tombstone", it is very smooth after being polished, and it is as dazzling as sunlight shining on a mirror under the sun... This phenomenon is generally praised by the people of Lunburg as the light of "wisdom".

And at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the light of "wisdom" of a "tombstone". She was wearing a hunting cap and a rider's shirt with a waist...

This is exactly Edwina who just escaped from the mirror of "Daniel's Labyrinth".

After carefully distinguishing the surrounding scenery, she judged where she was, and then subconsciously glanced back at the epitaph on the "book-style" tombstone behind her:

"His body is stored here, and his heart will always follow the emperor."

This is exactly the tombstone of Edwards, one of Russell's four knights.

"Great-grandfather..." Edwina murmured. Although she was a little surprised why she was "dropped" here, she didn't think too much about it. A bouquet of flowers is placed on the grave.

After doing all this, Edwina tried to use the "Roselto dream technique" to communicate with Abner, but unfortunately it was unsuccessful.

"Is the distance more than 500 nautical miles?"

Her face was still calm, but a trace of worry flashed in her light blue eyes, and then disappeared.

At this time, her heart moved, and she turned her head to look at the entrance of the cemetery.

I saw a lady with black hair and blue eyes who looked only about 30 years old, wearing a long black dress, and wearing boots of the same color, approaching Edwina within a second or two. .

"I foresaw that you would appear in the cemetery today, so I came to take a look." After looking at Edwina, the beautiful lady showed a very standard etiquette smile.

"Teacher Isabella." Edwina recognized from a distance that the person was her mentor in college and the leader of her extraordinary path, a Sequence 4 saint.

This "prophet" once used non-organic substances to design and synthesize an organic substance without using any extraordinary power, which broke people's previous common sense.

After the paper was published, it caused an uproar in the academic field of ordinary people, and the academic circles all over the world were shaken by it.

Because of this, this Ms. Isabella was hired as a professor by Lemburg University, creating a new discipline and college...well, there is a doctoral degree.

This is also the system that Master Daniel once designed for Lemburg University. It was only because there were not many disciplines at that time, and they were generally not professional enough, so it was not implemented... It was not gradually realized until the great development of various disciplines brought about by the Russell era.

"Is there anything you want from me?" Edwina asked politely after greeting her.

Although she is a student of the other party in the field of occultism, because the research directions of the two are not the same, the relationship is limited to between the graduate student and the tutor. Even if it is "predicted" that she will return to Renburg, this lady should not Come to see her directly.

"I want to ask you something... I foresee that you will know the answer." Isabella didn't make a fool of herself, and directly stated her purpose of coming.

"What's the matter?" Edwina asked calmly, neither agreeing nor refusing.

"This is not a place to talk. Come with me and talk to me in my research institute." Isabella looked around and said with a smile.

Lunburg University is also located in the outskirts, not close to this cemetery, but not far.

Edwina thought for a while, and remembered that Abner had entrusted herself to collect the "spring water from the Spring of Wisdom in Lunburg". When she followed her instructor to the University of Lunburg, she happened to be able to drop by to get some, so she nodded her head and said, "Okay."

As for the "Golden Dream" that was still wandering in the waters near the Southern Continent, Instructor Edwina was not too worried. Before she set off, she had told the sailors that she would leave for four or five days, and only three days had passed.


"Vice Admiral Disease" Tracy entered reality through a full-length mirror taller than a person.

She was chasing and killing the "wraith" who had occupied her body, but after the hall started shaking, the other party jumped into a mirror on the roof, and she followed closely behind.

But the other party knew the "world in the mirror" far better than she did, and instead of entering reality at the preset "exit", she passed through other "doors" with the ability of "mirror jump".

In this way, no matter how unwilling Tracy is, she has no choice but to give up the pursuit. After all, she has no ability to travel through the mirror world if she is not a demigod. If she gets lost inside, she may directly appear in an extremely dangerous place. "The Abyss".

Filled with anger and grievances, Tracy stepped into the "exit" and came to a low-key but luxurious sun room.

She looked around, not sure where she landed, when a deep male voice came from behind:

"Ma'am, who are you? How did you come into my room?"

Tracy turned around, and immediately saw a young man dressed in simple but well-fitting temperament standing at the door, and beside him was an old butler with a serious expression who took care of him meticulously.

Tracy wanted to control these two people subconsciously, but the housekeeper revealed a terrifying aura when she just had this thought, which made her spirituality keep warning, reminding that the person in front of her was not easy to mess with .

She stared at the butler, thinking about the countermeasures in her heart, and the atmosphere froze for a while.

Finally, the young man broke the silence and asked calmly: "Ma'am, it seems that you need help... Well, the weather has been cold recently, and you may need some warm clothes."

Hearing his words, Tracy noticed that her clothes were indeed too "cool", and she glanced at the young man calmly.

It was a young and energetic nobleman with a round face and narrow eyes.

Clothing style, tone of voice, weather... and other factors, all show that I am currently in the Kingdom of Loen, probably near Backlund...

Thinking this way in her heart, Tracy saw the young man keep his eyes away from her body as much as possible. Knowing her "charm", she felt that this man should be a well-educated gentleman with a good character, who might be able to communicate instead of fighting……

She was physically and mentally exhausted, and after deliberating for a while, she asked for the first time:

"Excuse me... Excuse me, what is this place?"

"This is the Red Rose Manor." The young man had a look of surprise on his face, but he still replied politely.


In the Southern Continent, after the demigod battle between the "Rose School of Thought" and Loen's side, the "Saint of White" Katerina took the opportunity to leave the area of ​​Lake Daniel, and relying on her sense of "bloodline", she searched for Tracy's whereabouts.

Suddenly, her rapidly moving figure stopped suddenly, and she stretched her hand into the water of a well not far away.

Immediately afterwards, she pulled a man out of it.

That was the "wraith" who was chased by Tracy before and fled around.

At this time, Katerina also recognized that the person entangled in the spider silk in his hand was a Extraordinary person from the "Rose School of Thought" who had entered the maze.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, this "Immortal Witch" could guess what happened just based on the strong breath of his own daughter on him.

She rolled her eyes, pulled the "resentful soul" in front of her, and said with a smile:

"Tell me what happened in the maze... I don't mind letting you experience what is called extreme pleasure."

Saying that, the almost transparent white robe on her body with high openings on both sides fell off by itself, revealing the beauty that made the "Wraith" man's mouth dry.

He was a lustful person, how could he resist the temptation of such a dignified, holy and mature charm, and soon he was induced by the "White Maiden". Confided all the secrets.

After a while, Katerina glanced at the man on the ground who was shrouded in black flames and had two strange expressions of joy and despair on his face, and said to himself:

"In the end, people from the military took the treasure? What was in that box?

"Lord Larry...Prince Mountbatten...

"Before they enter Backlund, they should have a chance to figure it out.

"Could it really be a ticket for the 'Empire of Ghosts'?

"As far as I know... the last legacy of the Trensost Empire was successfully created by 'sacrificing' a 'Witch of Disaster'...

"Its core may be... His characteristics."


Backlund, West District, Intis Embassy.

The "Wizard" Bianca was still calm on the surface, but she was extremely depressed in her heart.

On Tuesday night, since Mr. Tan De left the embassy, ​​he never came back.

At first, no one cared. After all, the "Master of Secret Puppet" was alone and had no friends. Only Bianca, who had just joined him, was most worried.

After all, a battle broke out between the Aurora Society and the Punisher in the southern area of ​​the bridge that night. It is hard to say whether Tan De got involved.

Four days passed in fear, until the punisher just came to inform Tan De's death and rewarded him for his heroic act of "stepping forward" at the critical moment and assisting the official team in fighting the Aurora Society, Bi'an Kacai finally resigned to his fate.

"Another one died..." Bianca sighed. Many people in the embassy noticed that she had taken refuge in Tan De, and they looked at her strangely.

After all, since the mysterious organization that first made her a "Secret Peer", her "master" has changed five times...

Just when Bianca was giving up on herself, Mr. Special Envoy's secretary suddenly appeared in front of her and gave her a task:

"Approach Baron Larry of Loen and find out what he got.

"After things are done, you can give you the life you want."

Holding the paper in her hand, Bianca opened her mouth, wanting to say that this is impossible to complete. After all, her identity has not been kept secret. To get close to a baron like this is to tell the other party that she has other plans.

But the secretary handed her an identity document and a "mask" at this time.

Bianca looked at these two things, and after struggling violently in her heart, she decided to gamble on her future again.


In the Fusac Empire, a mountain hot spring near Port Indo, Abner and Xio, who was holding a dagger, got out of the water in an extremely strange posture.

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