After interpreting the revelations obtained from the "prophecy", since the matter of "The Bound God" involves many good gods, evil gods, and the king of angels, it is too troublesome to explain, and at Xio's current level, it is not necessarily possible to know so much. It's a good thing...

Therefore, based on the principle of "keeping knowledge", Abner did not tell her too much information. He only said that he had an idea about solving the "curse", but it still needed to be confirmed.

After the two of them discussed for a while, they finally decided to split up. Abner would find a way to resist the "curse" and prepare for follow-up matters, while Xio would choose a suitable location for the "Teleportation Altar" and learn about Talim's story. Action trajectory, and seek a way to temporarily blind "0-08" from Mr. "World".

Of course, the last item needs to be clarified first, because all subsequent arrangements are based on the "world" having a way to block the "0-08" induction.

Therefore, as soon as Xio came out of the "Dream Labyrinth Tower", she recited the honorable name of Mr. "Fool" and asked him to ask Mr. "World" on his behalf.

Soon, she received a response: Mr. World does have a way, he just needs some time to prepare...

After receiving the exact information, Hugh and Abner no longer hesitated and took action independently.

Abner looked at Xio's retreating back and thought in his heart:

Asking an angel who is like a god to help me, even if the other party finally agrees, I will definitely pay a high price... Even if I don't have to pay now, I will definitely have to pay it back in the future...

If Xio knew that my method was this, she would definitely not let me try it again, and would definitely reject Klein's request directly. Anyway, both she and I have a very average relationship with Talim...

In fact, I was not prepared to do this at the beginning, but after turning on the "Pure White Eyes", I suddenly felt that if I saved Talim and changed his fate of death, it would have a big impact on me in the future. benefit……

This should be a passive prophecy ability "experienced" in advance, a possibility of future development...

Oh, through prophecy, changing someone's destiny and allowing them to develop better in the future... Is this the code of playing a "prophet"?

Well, the more difficult it is to change the destiny, once it is really changed through prophecy, the feedback will definitely not be small...

So, is the "benefits" "said" by passive predictions "pre-acting" and "pre-receiving feedback"?

Thinking about it carefully, since I time traveled, I have changed the fate of many people through "prophecy"...

Most of them have changed for the better... right?

As his thoughts flashed, Abner stopped a carriage and rushed to Rose Street in the South District of the Bridge. At this time, Mrs. Farthing should still be listening to Bishop Utravsky preaching... and at Harvest Church and "Beijing" Talking to the "God of Binding" made me feel more at ease.

On the other side, before going to choose a suitable location for the "Teleport Altar", Xio went back to the MI9 headquarters at No. 9 Bellotto Street in the West District and reported Baron Larry's information to Her Highness Vera.

After all, this information is time-sensitive. Once it "expires", its value will be greatly reduced.

After hearing Xio's report, Her Majesty Vera thought carefully for a moment, then suddenly laughed, nodded and said: "So that's it... No wonder the higher-ups keep letting Larry go...

"This piece of information is very important to me. I will record your merits on your behalf... Well, you better not get involved in the future."

Xio was already familiar with His Highness Vera, and knew that she was not a boring person - even though she pretended to be that way in front of outsiders, so he asked curiously: "Your Highness, what do you think of her?"

"Actually, their plan is not complicated. It's just that you don't understand it because you don't have comprehensive information..." Her Highness Vera took out a pen and paper, listed several items, and pointed at the first one and asked, " 'Heroic Detective' is your friend, right? Do you think the news that his house is vacant will really reach Baron Larry's ears by such a coincidence?"

Xiu thought for a moment and shook his head. After taking back the old house, Abner had always left it to the Scudders to take care of.

The couple rarely socialized, and almost only interacted with people in the circle of the Church of the Mother Earth. It was actually difficult for Baron Larry to get in touch with them.

"That's right..." As she said that, Her Highness Vera pointed to the second, third and fourth entries she had written, and said one after another, "The person who helped the 'Heroic Detective' redeem the villa was Duke Negan's. Secretary Lockhard Siakam, he handles all the procedures himself. If there is anyone who is most familiar with that house, apart from the 'hero detective', I am afraid it must be him...

"And your informant, the detective you mentioned, Miss Elsa, the investigation target entrusted by the fake Larry, is actually Duke Negan's current favorite mistress...

"Finally, Larry's lover, Mrs. Parnis, is probably someone from Intis pretending to be her."

"This... do they want to use Duke Negan for something?" Xio was still confused and couldn't understand what kind of fact these clues intertwined.

"You will know tomorrow at the earliest and the day after tomorrow at the latest... Haha, I'm afraid Intis will suffer a loss this time. I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass without paying something substantial. After all, they are not prepared...

"But the conflicts between each other have accumulated more heavily... This should be in line with the development expected by that person..."

Vera's voice became lower and lower, and Xio tried his best to prick up his ears and didn't hear the last sentence.

After that, Her Royal Highness Vera stopped explaining and only told Xio that Larry must have entrusted more than one detective during that vacation, so her detective informant had better not meet him again to avoid being implicated after the incident.

What happened? What happened? Xio left Her Majesty Vera's office in confusion. After thinking about it several times but to no avail, she decided to put the issue aside for the time being and consult Abner again when she met with him in the evening.

But before that, she prayed to Mr. Fool and conveyed to Mr. World what His Highness had just reminded him.

Although he didn't know the specific identity of "The World", since he mentioned the detective, he thought he might have some interaction with him... If something happened to that person, it might involve Mr. "The World" and threaten the Tarot Society.

In a cheap cafe in the East End, Old Kohler picked up the old bonnet on the table and thanked him sincerely: "It's time for me to go to the dock. Thank you, Detective Moriarty, for letting me have a wonderful life again." Life!"

beautiful life? In my opinion, what you have now is the most basic life for a person... After watching old Kohler walk out of the cheap cafe, Klein sat there in a daze, because at this time he heard Miss "Judgment" again Layers of illusory prayers.

After borrowing the unclean restroom of the cafe, Klein did not dare to take a deep breath. Instead, he felt something as he came above the gray fog and listened to what Miss Judgment reported with the help of prayer.

What might be involved in meeting that fake Baron Larry?

Klein pondered for a few seconds, manifested the pendulum, and began to do divination.

After a while, after verifying that what Miss Judgment reminded him was accurate, he sighed and thought to himself:

I originally wanted to go to the agreed place to meet him at three or four in the seems I can't go...

Well, just use the time saved to let the thief "Black Emperor" borrow the sealed item from "Happy Witch" Lina's hand that can temporarily block "0-08" in conjunction with the ritual.

——That item and the corresponding ritual method were all obtained by Lina quite "by coincidence" after leaving Tingen and before returning to Backlund.

These things, after Lina decided to believe in Mr. Fool, she had told Klein without reservation. This was also the reason why he was able to give a positive answer when Miss Judgment asked him if there was anything he could do.

However, when he actually borrowed Lina's sealed artifact not long ago, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

In the evening, before arriving at the pre-arranged meeting place with Abner, Xio suddenly received a message from Mr. World:

"That item that blocks surveillance can only be used by witches or hunters? If others want to use it, they have to simulate the state and aura of a witch or hunter?

"What should I do? Where can I find a hunter or a witch temporarily? And even if I find them, I can't trust them?

"Huh? Wait... I remember Abner told me yesterday during our chat. There is a 'Pleasure Witch' herding in his 'Magic Mirror'..." (To be continued)

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