Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 730: The studious Abner

"Silver Moon Project"... "Lion" Leon chased Fusac from the Southern Continent thousands of miles away, and told me the words of Russell, "The opening spell of the 'Moon Card' is 'Aitna'", I remember that I was also part of the so-called "Silver Moon Project"...

What exactly is this plan? Abner looked at the "Project Name" which had only one entry but no substantive content, and couldn't help but secretly complained:

"Could this plan be that Rhine only created an 'empty folder', and it was continuously improved by subsequent travelers, and it gradually took shape after arriving at Russell's place?"

Since there was no more information, Abner could only ignore this idea and read the subsequent experimental records and secret techniques.

Most of these "rituals" and "secret techniques" cannot be reproduced because they are too high-level and lack corresponding spiritual or starry items, and are of no use to Abner now.

For example, "vitisection" is an application that combines "creation" and "necropsy" technologies. It can transform the target's body structure and dissect the target's soul from a distance. It is a secret technique created purely for experimentation. ...Unfortunately, this involves authority and cannot be learned at all.

Another example is the "Black Domain Technique". This secret technique can be immune to the invasion of most extraordinary abilities except authority and physical attacks. It is a secret technique that makes Abner envious, but it requires a monster carapace from the stars. It can only be used as "material", so I can only watch...

But there are also some "occult arts" and "magic rituals." But it is something that the current Abner can barely use.

For example, "Charming Humans", a secret technique that can make people or humanoid creatures have a good impression of the caster, can be barely performed by relying on his own accumulation.

This technique consists of two parts. The first is to guide other people's bodies to produce corresponding hormones. This step can be completed by simulating the ability of the "potions professor"; the second is to influence people's subconscious, which is the domain of the "audience".

The superposition of the two forms the basis of "charming human beings".

Its effect seems to be achieved by relying solely on the "Potion Professor" or the "Dream Walker", but it is more secretive, more natural, and difficult to be detected by beings at the angel level. It is a very practical secret technique.

"This technique is actually equivalent to the lowest version of the 'Beauty God'..."

After carefully jotting it down, Abner turned his attention to several other "rituals" and "secret techniques" that he could now use.

"Creating undead creatures"... This is actually the original version of the "Bone Dragon Creation Technique" in Vicente's "Book of the Dead" later, right? Sure enough, according to the records, its initial model was a special corpse "made" by Rhine... Could it be that he "pinched" the corpse of a senior time traveler?

A time traveler earlier than Rhine...the "God of Luck"?

The ritual magic "Sealed Object Activation" involves holding a ritual to pray to unknown existences and offering sacrifices, so that the designated sealed object gains the "alive" characteristic.

The requirements for this ritual magic are not very high. Taking "Reader" as an example, the "Keeper" stage of Sequence 7 can probably be completed... But the danger is that it is not certain which unknown existence will respond, and the required sacrifices are also uncertain. It’s inconsistent, and it’s even impossible to determine what the character of the “lived” sealed object is, and how high its intelligence is…

"In short, there are too many variables... Why did Rhine develop such a ritual magic?

"Unknown...could this be his test of the 'unknown land'?"

While thinking about it, Abner also included it in his "learning space".

Next, he studied the "Stinky Cloud Technique", "Protective Escape Technique", "Eternal Stasis" and many other secret techniques and magic one by one. After about twenty minutes, Abner finally closed Rose's eyes. Er's translation and returned it to Lilith.

He has memorized all the contents in it, including those that cannot be learned temporarily. There is no point in keeping this book, after all, it is not the original.

Lilith took the translation and made it disappear with a wave of her hand, and then said with a smile:

"Anything you want to ask?"

Abner hesitated, then nodded and said, "Do you know the specific location of the island where the Duke of Rhine conducted experiments with the Black Emperor and Hades?"

He wanted to see it for himself and maybe find some items from the stars.

"On an island at the junction of the Polar Sea and the Misty Sea... you should be able to find it." Lilith didn't say much, only giving a rough range.

But this was enough for Abner. With such advance intelligence, his prediction would be very accurate.

"After finishing the matter with Intis and heading south to West Balam for an appointment, you can take a detour to look for that island."

After having some calculations in his mind, Abner was about to say goodbye to Lilith when he heard the latter say in an intoxicating voice: "I suggest you open the gear book here. After all, I'm watching, so I can't figure out anything big." It can also cover up movement and stillness.”

The voice of the "God of Beauty" is naturally extremely "beautiful". If it were not for the blessing of "mechanical mind" and "psychological suggestion", Abner felt that he would never be able to leave here again.

This is even more powerful than the song of the "Mermaid"... Well, maybe the "Mermaid" species was created by some "beautiful god" and given some authority... If I guess right, who would it be?

Lilith? Ornia? She can't be the goddess of the night who holds the uniqueness of "the moon", right?

While making random guesses, Abner calmly took out the gear book again and held it in his hand - the god's advice could not be ignored.

At this time, although the mechanical lock structure on the gear book that had lost the unknown aura was still complex, it was nothing in front of Abner who had the "Pure White Eyes" cheat.

It only took him three minutes to crack it completely.

With the sound of a series of gears turning, the book made of special material finally slowly unfolded, and a holographic projection was projected from the pages.

In an instant, the illusion of a huge floating city filled the entire basement, shocking Abner deep inside.

At this time, Lilith tapped the wall with her finger, and then the space in the basement seemed to be expanded and suddenly became empty, and Abner was able to see the entirety of the projected city.

It was an inverted mountain peak suspended in mid-air. Its flat cross-section had various buildings of various sizes. It could be seen that there were shops, theaters, schools, and luxury residential areas...

And in the center of all the buildings, also in the center of the mountain section, stands a silver-white tower.

The top of the tower attracts the power in the darkness and extends a "barrier" to protect the entire floating city.

Abner recognized at a glance that the "barrier" extending from the top of the tower was the secret technique "Ivans' Hidden Barrier" he learned in "Fallen Morning Star".

The tower in the image relies on a higher personality and "receiving" the divine power in the darkness, making the effect of this secret technique many times more powerful than when I used it, so that even in the dark environment around the floating city, There are countless hidden monsters, no matter they are weak or powerful, but none of them have discovered the existence of this huge city.

“In addition, the city’s floating power seems to rely on the remaining power of the ‘Storm Lord’ everywhere in the abandoned land!

"This senior time traveler really used all available resources to the extreme...

“It is indeed a miracle of civilization!

"It's a pity that the floating city is too big, so you can't observe the details of the projection, and I don't know how it uses the power of the 'storm'..."

“It’s not like using a loudspeaker to play ‘Leodro’ continuously, and then using the electricity from thunder and the accompanying strong wind as a power source, right?

"Oh, if that's the case, then when the steam-powered machinery inside this floating city is ignited, does it have to say 'Osykus'?"


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