Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 4: unpromised land

"It seems that whether you come to this dream or not has nothing to do with taking Bethel's Beyonder characteristics."

Looking around, Igna was not too surprised by this. It might even be expected. Because this is consistent with the results of divination.

Thus, when awake, Ignatius entered a state of complete alertness.

He didn't forget the last time he came here, he was not the only "comer".

However, this time, Igna did not see the man in the Fourth Epoch aristocratic costume before.

Moreover, the scene in front of him also seems to have changed a bit.

The lantern was brighter than before, and several lights were lit around him, illuminating the forward passage and leading him to a short staircase.

Listening carefully, Igna could hear the crackling of a few torches burning. There are also some unnoticeable water sounds.


After confirming the surrounding state, Igna first tried to pray to Mr. Fool for the first time.

No one stopped him this time. After he finished reciting Mister Fool's three-stage honorable name, he heard a majestic voice in the void. He said: "Go ahead, you have obtained my shelter, and enough luck."

After complimenting the Fool again in a low voice, Igna took a deep breath. Then, he checked the items he carried with him.

Fortunately, everything he carried was the same as before in reality.

Lemano's travel notes, a cane with military thorns, and some occult items.

Ignat first took out the Lemano travel notes that Miss Fors gave him.

He needs to figure out what kind of weapon he has.

Now he is the recorder, so he can easily understand the difference between the extraordinary abilities recorded in Lemano's travel notes

On the browned paper that was not allowed to be used, the divine ability was recorded.

They are "Historical Projection", "Miracle", "Miracle".

On the parchment-like paper, there are ten pages of the extraordinary abilities of Sequence 5 and Sequence 6. There are "Travel", "Line of Spirit", "Drive Natural Spirit", "Wraith", "Lightning", "Law" and so on.

Sequence 7 or lower abilities are recorded on plain paper. Igna found several effective extraordinary abilities, "psychological stealth", "damage transfer", "nightmare" and so on.

"Praise Miss Fors." Igna said sincerely.

Although he is now a recorder, his ability to record is still blank. Lemano's travel notes can effectively increase his survivability and ability to fight enemies.

After confirming the contents of Lemano's travel notes, Igna put the notes away carefully.

He did not immediately use the word "travel" in Lemano's travel notes. Because that would be too hasty. He has other plans.

He carefully opened his pocket watch.

Not surprisingly, his watch has completely lost its function. The time pointer is exactly the same as the time when the potion was drunk.

But Ignat had been quietly counting his heartbeats.

Judging from the passage of time, three minutes have passed by now, but he did not wait for Miss Fors Wall to arrive. Didn't wait for the arrival of Miss Justice.

"Then in such cases, conclusions can be drawn."

"First, this is not a dream." Because Miss Justice could not enter.

"Second, the key to enter here is not 'blood', or 'blood' is not a sufficient and necessary condition." Because Miss Fors couldn't come either.

"Third, the time here is chaotic, and it seems to be disturbed by something."

Countless guesses flashed through Igna's mind. But no matter what kind of speculation it is, it shows a fact - "His reinforcements can't come."

However, Ignatius was already mentally prepared for this.

He methodically made his final attempt.

According to the ideas provided by justice, he began to pray, and he said devoutly in Hermes.

"Serve the family of the foolish;

"Guided by good wishes;

"The guardian of dreams and minds;

"The protector of all poor children in Backlund;

"Insight into the justice of the world."

This is an honorable name belonging to "Justice", and justice as a Sequence 3 saint can answer prayers within a certain range. However, Igna, who was theoretically by her side, still didn't get any response.

"It seems that this place does not belong to the dream world. It is not in the real space. It is even far from Aalto's position." Igna thought and concluded, "And wanting to enter this place is not satisfied with pure blood. condition."

He already had the luck bestowed by Mr. Fool on him, but under such circumstances, he still had no way to contact Miss Fors and Miss Justice.

"You can only rely on yourself." Igna looked at the other side of the illuminated door.

It was an endless darkness that could not be illuminated by light.

Looking at the intense darkness, Igna thought for a moment. Then he took a button and a bag of needles and thread from his pocket without haste. This is the habit of master jugglers.

His fingers deftly wrapped the thread into the button, then threw the button forcefully into the darkness.

"call out--"

In the first second, Igna could clearly feel the button flying with the thread through the thread in his hand. But in the second second, the line in his hand could not feel the traction of the heavy object.

Igna pulled the thread back, and he could clearly see that the end of the thread, where the button was originally tied, had a very sharp cut.

"I can't get out this way." Igna judged.

According to the marks on the line, he could clearly see that the button was cut off about two meters after entering the darkness.

Then, Igna tried another experiment.

He took out the "teleportation" spell he made, and after speaking the "door" in ancient Feysac, he could see the environment with a radius of about fifteen meters at this moment. Except behind and underfoot. That place is also a void.

"There's no way to travel," Igna concluded for the experiment.

Both the teleportation spell and the travel are borrowed from the speciality of the spiritual world. Now if the teleportation spell cannot be used, the travel should not work.

"There is no other way but to go in and have a look." Igna can only make this judgment.

Except for the "transportation ceremony", he has tried all the methods, but none of them can open the way outside for him.

And he did not intend to use the "transportation ceremony".

The "transportation ceremony" is essentially a sterile small study room that avoids pollution and staring, and there is no way to help him leave this place.

"So, we can only go out and find the man, right?"

Ignat reluctantly came to a conclusion he did not expect.

But there seems to be no other way.

After carefully going through the knowledge stored in his mind, Igna still came to the same conclusion.

"Okay. I can only go up and take a look." Igna took a deep breath, clenched his cane, and stepped onto the lit stairs.


Igna tried to keep his pace as light as possible.

But his actions were not reckless. He didn't walk to the top of the steps all at once, but when he reached a position where he could look up, he quietly stuck his head out.

All around is a place that looks like a dilapidated school building.

There are less parts he can see now. Igna could only see the spacious hall, the broken floor tiles. There is also a quirky fountain-like place built into the floor.

Seeing this, Igna felt that his historical knowledge was not enough.

He can only tell from the architectural style The place above this ladder is also a Quaternary building. But what kind of high-rise building in the Fourth Epoch will build a pool, which touches his blind spot of knowledge.

"Maybe it's a sanatorium, a library or something." Igna judged secretly.

He has no way to give a conclusion now, but the answer will definitely be given in the follow-up exploration. Because he saw an upward staircase.


The sound of gently poking the water entered Igna's ears.

Igna listened with bated breath, and seemed to vaguely hear someone speaking.

But he spoke very quietly. Ignat didn't really hear it.

Igna carefully took out Lemano's travel notes, quietly used "Psychological Invisibility", and then slowly walked up the steps.

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