Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 12: unrealized people

Latest Website: Ms. Marianne…

The female patient's words caught Igna's attention.

In his knowledge, there happened to be a "Marianne".

Marianne Tamara.

A big man who has been recorded in the "Abraham Family History".

He is an angel, the originator of the marriage of the family of Abraham and Tamara, the lover of Bethel Abraham.

In reality, though, not much is written about Mariana Tamara in family history. This patriarch of the Tamara family is mostly in the form of memories, in the words of Bethel Abraham.

Therefore, Igna remembers the information about this person very clearly.

First, in the strife of the Fourth Age, before Solomon's First Empire was established, Abraham's ancestor Bethel Abraham and Tamara's ancestor Mariana Tamara were taught by the same teacher.

Second, the family history clearly stated that the ancestor Bethel Abraham had a lot of differences with that teacher!

Even the original sentence Ignatius has an impression.

Bethel once said: "Marianne and I have a lot of respect for the teacher. But unfortunately, the teacher's philosophy is different from ours. He has therefore embarked on a different path from us."

a different path? what road?

Ignatius vaguely remembers flipping through the "Abraham Family History" a dozen times. However, there are only a few words about Jiazu Bethel's teacher, let alone what the differences are.

Even though Igna has read a lot of information now, he can't find any clues.

So far, he knew that the fief of the teacher of the family ancestor was in Byerkingworth. And that teacher is commonly known as Archduke Byrgenworth. (Note 1)

"So what does the 'Mrs Marianna' in the patient's mouth have to do with the family's ancestor's lover, Marianna Tamara?" Igna thought to himself.

This guess has some reliability. Because the creator of the space he is now in is Bethel Abraham. In Bethel Abraham's life, there was only one "Marianne" that he could specifically refer to.

If, suppose this guess is correct. The "Marianna" in the patient's mouth is "Marianna Tamara".

So, what does Mariana Tamara have to do with this experimental building?

Is she the manager here?

Igna stayed still, and continued to quietly look at the big-headed patient struggling in pain on the bed.

She rolled painfully on the bed, murmuring the same content as before.

Igna also tried to nudge her shoulder gently with the military thorn, but she didn't respond. Still in pain, moaning unbearably.

Igna thought for a while, and asked for the first time, "Who is Marianne?"

No one answered.

He was answered only by the sobbing and murmurs of female patients.

Igna hesitated. He took out Lemano's travel notes and turned to the "Stupid Paper Man" page.

Then, he put away the military thorn and tried to hold the girl's hand.

The boy's hands were shriveled and emaciated, the knuckles protruding more than the phalanges of the fingers, and nothing more than a skeleton. Her hands were fluttering in the air, and it wasn't easy for Igna to catch it.

"Ah...Miss Marianne, is that you?" the girl said.

"It's not her, it's me." Ignat said in a low voice, as slow as possible.

He finally held the girl's hand, it was as thin as a wood, and the hand in his hand felt as cold as a cold zombie.

Then, it was unexpectedly quiet at this time.

But her words did not change.

"Save me, don't let me drown in this cold sea..."

After she finished speaking, she shook off Igna's hand and continued to sob in pain while covering her face, as if she was caught in a loop again.

Igna was silent.

It seems that these patients really have no way to communicate and communicate.

Although there are tangible entities that can be touched, it can even be assassinated. But they couldn't give any response.

"Then let me free it for you." Igna put away Lemano's travel notes again, drew a prayer gesture from the Church of the Fool on his chest, and pulled out the army thorn.


"You are so gentle."

When Igna took out the army thorn from the girl's body, he suddenly heard someone say so not far behind.

The man's voice was deep and rhythmic, like a viola with a rich, long-sounding sound.

There was no hostility in his voice, the words just now seemed to be just a friendly sigh.

But Igna still jumped up like a cat with fried fur, and protected the weapon in front of him.

Only then did he realize that ten meters behind him, in the corner on the other side of the room, stood a man wearing asymmetrical clothes of the Fourth Epoch nobles.

His void-black hair mixed with a small amount of white hair could not be seen clearly in the dark night, but his rippling blue eyes were like stars in the dark night.

It is Him!

The great noble of the Fourth Epoch that Igna met when he came to the dreamland last time!

When did he come here?

Ignat couldn't help tensing up when he saw him behind him.

He was very sure and certain that when he entered this room, there was no one in that position! If he really stood there, he couldn't have not seen.

"Don't be nervous." The man smiled and comforted, "You should know that I have no hostility."

The man's voice is still low and pleasant, and it seems to be able to ease the tension in people's hearts and make people feel peaceful. Looking at him, he seemed to see the silent but eternally shining stars in the night sky.

He made Igna feel familiar and made Igna want to relax subconsciously.

But Igna still forced himself to play 120,000 points of spirit.

"Hello." Ignat said politely after thinking about the words, "I'm very sorry for bothering you. I hope my behavior just now didn't offend you."

"Hello, little Abraham. You're sensible, calm, and polite," the man smiled. "I'm very pleased with the choice you made. So, no offense, you did a good job."

"So, may I know your name?" He smiled softly, "This is the second time we've met. I'm Zion."

Igna was stunned. I didn't expect the man to report his home.

Therefore, Igna hesitated for a while, and also reported his name.

Zion nodded as if he was very satisfied with Igna's cooperation, or was pleased with the meaning of the name.

He looked at Igna with those rippling blue eyes: "Okay, Igna. This time you came here by yourself. Do you have any questions for me about this place?"


Note 1: The Traveling Agreement, Chapter 13, Volume II, mentioned the second setting about Abraham mentioned in this chapter. I'll write again because it's been a while. Again, I'm bullshitting everything about the Secrets of Abraham. There are no clues in the original text. Can you digest the Prophet's potion? (So ​​guessing wrong is normal)

Some readers have reported that this paragraph is incomprehensible because they do not know blood. So let me explain, it doesn't matter if I haven't played blood. This section was originally a foreshadowing of riddleman-style puzzle solving, and it is normal to not understand. When it is fully decrypted, you will know what happened during this period of time.

In addition, Igna's English (Ejnar) means warrior. From Danish. The impression is calm, exemplary, beautiful, logical, the name of a Christian saint.

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