Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 15: Breath of the Unseen (Thanks Chris for the gift)

Igna walked into the room in amazement.

This was something he never expected. Why can the door be opened?

And, when he entered the room, the lights in the room turned on immediately.

This time, everything in the room is very bright. Including the bottle hanger scattered on the ground, the rusted operating table, the high-back chair covered with restraint belts, and the work table scattered with books... all clear.

Just like the room he had seen through the firelight before!

In the entire room, only the metal lever on the west side of the room, and the fence behind it that seemed to be an abyss, puzzled Igna.

What is this? Have I seen these before?

Ignatium expressed doubts at the right time.

And "Justice" smiled and gave the answer.

"There are things we see but don't realize."

"The answers to some questions may not have been answered at first, but they are actually hidden in the corners of our hearts. As long as we take the right way, they can be re'perceived' by us."

"Maybe something else grabbed your attention at the time. But it was there."

Her voice was soft and soft, and her smile was beautiful and warm. Even with a mask, it is like a dazzling but warm gem.

Igna nodded thoughtfully. I understand the meaning of justice.

Whether it is the clearly presented appearance in this room, or the door that was able to be opened just now, it is the correct and appropriate use of Beyonder abilities to guide the subconscious.

This is undoubtedly the handwriting of Miss "Justice".

"Audience" Sequence 7 Psychoanalyst, Sequence 6 Hypnotist, Sequence 5 Dream Walker. As long as you use your abilities properly, you can have the ability to subtly change the world.

This is the high-sequence Beyonder of the audience sequence!

Igna couldn't help but admire.

In "The Tarot's Trial", Miss Justice made an outstanding use of her abilities and promoted the development of countless important events in the surging waves of the world's undercurrents. It is also for this reason that Miss Justice has become Igna's favorite female character in "The Tarot's Trial".

The "audience" is a terrible character as long as he can use his abilities properly.

"I understand, thank you for your answer." Igna said sincerely with reverence.

"Justice" smiled and nodded, "No thanks. Your humility and eagerness to learn make me more happy."

Different from this side of the exchange.

On the other side, Fors Wall and Hugh Dilcha have begun to carefully explore this room.

First of all, the hanging bottles and hanging bottle racks scattered on the ground, as well as the mottled operating table, all made her feel energetic.

Before becoming a writer, Fors was an orthodox medical student and even worked as a doctor for a while. Therefore, she is fairly familiar with the equipment in this room.

The restraint chair was a piece of equipment found in mental wards of the last century. The operating table is an ancient product.

However, what Forsi cared about most in the whole room was the hanging bottle hanging in the room.

People without medical knowledge may see this as a simple hanging bottle.

But Fors clearly knew that the hanging bottles here were not ordinary.

They are old blood collection bottles with a long history.

And the experiment being carried out here is likely to be "blood therapy".

Although in modern medicine, "blood therapy" is still a treatment method used in hospitals, blood collection bottles are not rare.

However, the blood in the blood collection bottle in this place is obviously different from normal blood. In terms of taste, color and viscosity, it is different from humans.

Seeing this, Forsi and Xio exchanged glances, but did not speak.

Justice walked in with Igna Abraham and walked to the metal lever and fence.

"So we have no way of knowing what's behind this, do we, Miss Justice." Igna looked at the metal railing. Because of the lack of consciousness, it now looks chaotic there.

"Theoretically yes." Justice nodded slightly, "However, we can still try."

"Is there any way to try this?" Igna asked humbly.

Justice smiled, motioned Igna to turn his back on the fence, and said, "Believe in your own potential."

Igna blinked, feeling a little incomprehensible. However, he subconsciously followed the orders of justice.

"Close your eyes." The voice of justice sounded in his ears.

Igna did not hesitate to do so.

"This is a laboratory. But there's a joystick that doesn't know its purpose," Justice said in Igna's ear. Her voice was as soft as a flute, and seemed to rise directly from the depths of Igna's soul.

"Yes, so there is no way an operating lever will appear out of thin air here." Igna said down the words of justice.

"He must have his part," Justice continued in his ear.

"Yes, there must be a role for him."

I don't know if it was because Igna closed his eyes, he was able to easily outline the location of the lever in his mind. It's also easy to wander up to that fence in your mind.

What does this device do?

Suddenly, Igna felt a flash of light in his mind. And in front of him, the fence is no longer chaotic.

After a while, he pondered for a while, and said in a trance, "I think it might be an elevator."


"The floor structure of this building is very complex, and the builders have extraordinary ingenuity in the grasp of space. When I entered other rooms in this building, I have seen all kinds of passages, or ladders. , or stairs. And this room should have a similar structure as a first-floor 'lab'."

"Then we can see if this is the case." Justice standing in front of him clapped his hands.

Igna opened his eyes like waking up from a Then, he was surprised to find that a new space had been transformed in the iron fence behind him. It looks like an old-fashioned chain-driven elevator.

Justice looked at him with a smile and said, "Good job."

However, the next thing was not as smooth as Igna thought.

When the four of them stepped on the elevator, the elevator would only go up to the 5th floor automatically, but there were no openings for people to come and go.

They finally had to give up the method of exploring from the elevator.

"This is because I subconsciously know that the building here is a five-story building, but I don't know where the elevator corresponds to, so this is the case, right?"

Igna couldn't help asking.

Not only because of the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation "not being ashamed to ask questions", but also because "justice" is a good teacher who can answer questions.

She never showed any impatience with Igna's question, and even showed a very happy attitude when she answered it. It's like being able to communicate knowledge of psychology with people, which makes her very happy.

"Exactly." Justice affirmed with a smile.

Mystery: The Star Key https://

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