Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 25: god of deceit

Tuk Tuk Tuk!

It seemed that someone next door curled their fingers and tapped the wall lightly.

"Who!" Derrick raised his voice and asked in a little panic.

The percussion stopped immediately, and after a few seconds, a deep but rather old voice came over vaguely.

"It turned out to be a young guy."

"Who are you?" Derrick accepted his words because he felt that the other party could communicate rationally.

The old voice laughed

"The person next to you almost lost control several times, and finally failed to save it today."

The Beyonder next door is completely out of control, right? Ignat was a little worried in his heart. The shrill scream and the strange itinerary just now made his scalp a little numb.

"Then he's turned into a monster now?" In contrast, Derrick Berg in the dream was much calmer.

"No, it's not a monster, it's a corpse, it's been solved by the items sealed here." The old voice sighed, "I've been here for forty-two years, and the guards told me that I've seen too many women. What a similar thing."

"You have been here for forty-two years?" Derrick asked in surprise.

Igna was also a little surprised.

According to Michelle, generally speaking, those who are locked in this minaret are Extraordinary who have signs of losing control.

Generally speaking, loss of control can be divided into three stages. First, there are precursors, such as auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations. Second, the mind and body are already out of control. From time to time, they will show a terrible or strange state. Completely collapsed into a terrifying monster.

In the textbook, he once sighed that the transition from the second stage to the third stage is quite fast, and maybe just after a discovery, a seemingly normal Beyonder will become a monster in the depths of darkness.

That is to say, if it is the Extraordinary of the first stage, it may only take a few days or a dozen days to eliminate the precursor. The second stage may take some time to heal, and it will not exceed two years. Note 1)

How could someone be imprisoned here for forty-two years? ?

The old voice suddenly laughed, "So I didn't expect that I would stay here for forty-two years."

"I don't have any signs of losing control, but they think I'm quite dangerous and could turn into a monster at any time."

"What happened forty-two years ago?" Derrick Berg frowned slightly and asked curiously.

The old voice said silently for a moment, "I used to be the captain of an exploration team."

"We found a ruined city half a month away from Silver, at our speed."

"That city is similar to our Silver Cheng, there are obvious traces of giants' rule, and it believes in the creator of everything, the omniscient and almighty God."

"It's a pity that they were destroyed, and they were destroyed not knowing how many years ago."

"You encountered some weird things there, so you think you may get out of control at any time." Derrick Berg replied immediately.

"Almost." The old voice snorted, "After we explored the core area, we found that the city was trying to change its beliefs and create some gods that they imagined could save them, but it was of no use, even The statues of those gods were also destroyed and scattered on the ground."

Speaking of this, the old man's voice suddenly became condensed, "However, we met someone there."

"This is the first living person who does not belong to our city-state that we have met in Silver City in more than 2,000 years!"

"Outside the City of Silver, in the endless depths of darkness, there are actually people alive!"

"There is someone outside the City of Silver!" Derrick Berg was surprised, and then quickly asked, "You brought him back to the City of Silver?" Note 2)

The old voice sighed, "We were very cautious to invite that person to come to Silver City as a guest, and he agreed after thinking about it."

"We monitored and escorted him to return, but when he was about to reach the City of Silver, he suddenly disappeared."

"We searched around and couldn't find him, and after returning to Silver City, my team members lost control one by one, all! All!"

"The six-member council suspected that we were all polluted by something, and suspected that the person was not a human at all, but an evil spirit, and the first was a monster, so they locked me here and checked my status every once in a while. But they never told me what the problem was or let me out."

The old man's tone was heavy and solemn, and Igna was shocked by his description.

On the other hand, the young Elder Derrick Berg seemed relatively calm. He just exhaled heavily.

"Do you remember what that person looked like?"

The old voice said with a bit of pain, "He looks very ordinary, he has no features, and his clothes are similar to us. Except for remembering that he is a male, I can't remember his appearance at all..."

"Then did he say what his name was? Did he communicate with you about his origins?"

The old man said "um", "He told us, his name is..."

He paused and said, "Amon."

Amon! ! !

This time, Igna was really shocked and sweated.

In the Tudor Dynasty, there were five noble families, Abraham, Antigonus, Amon, Tamara and Jacob, each of which could be called the "Angel Family".

In the 2,500-year history of Silver City, in the long darkness, I actually met the Angel Family of the Fourth Epoch!

Why is this happening?

Relying on the knowledge gained in the study above the "Transfer Ceremony", Igna knew that Amon was not a kind character.

Although he was written into the Fool's Holy Book as an "Angel of Time". But in fact, his name as "blasphemer" is even more famous.

In Senior Xiao Zhou's notes, he gave a more detailed description of Amon, the angel of the time. Good at deceit, teasing, fond of mischief, cunning character, unbelievable, is the **** of deception and blasphemy.

Senior Xiao Zhou also warned Igna in his notes that if he met anyone who claimed to be Amon, he would have to fight for 120,000 points.

At that time, Ignat had doubts after reading it. He was familiar with the Holy Book of Fools. He knew very well that the "Angel of Time" was an angel under the Fool's seat, an existence that sounded the bell of hope for the City of Silver. And why is such an "angel of time" in the notes, so highly valued by Senior Xiao Zhou and told him to warn him like this?

Now, the true history of the City of Silver reminds Igna of this unsolved mystery.

The captain of the exploration team in front of him felt strange.

He is the only one alive in the entire exploration team. This incident itself is enough to show that this person has a lot of problems, and everyone is in the dungeon targeting the out-of-control, but for 42 years, he is still very clear and rational, showing a complete strangeness .

This is beyond the scope of teasing and pranks.

Danger is an obvious just felt a little creepy.

Why, this memory will be allowed to record? Why is this past considered by the City of Silver as the Bell of Hope?

Just because he met someone outside the City of Silver?

However, that person is Amon!


Tee, Tee, Tee!

In total darkness and lightning, Igna didn't know how to tell the time.

I saw that Derrick Berg sat up after a nap and reached out and knocked on the wall.

Seeing this, Igna couldn't help but stand up.

Because he saw, I don't know when, behind Derrick, there appeared a dark shadow sitting quietly!

Note 1 Volume II The Faceless Man, Chapter 142, The Outsider

Note 2 The source is the same as above, but there are changes from the original text here. Little sun moving hands and feet jpg

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