Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 29: cycle tour

"I'm so hungry..."

In the almost dreamy words, the little boy Jack raised his head and looked at Joshua wearing red gloves.

"So hungry!"

His mouth grinned open until it reached the base of his ears, Bai Sensen's teeth were neat and viscous, and the slightly viscous saliva kept pouring out.

At the same time, he rushed out and rushed towards Joshua in front of him, so that there were still broken images in place.

Although Joshua was on high alert, he was a little too late to react at this time.

Before he could even see the process clearly, the little boy Jack jumped in front of him.


The light yellow-haired figure seemed to hit an invisible wall and stopped just one step away from Joshua.

The little boy Jack was stuck in the air, and a reddish light appeared on his body, which corroded the transparent barrier that blocked him.

Behind Joshua and Derrick, Colin the Demon Hunter knelt down on one knee and inserted the straight sword smeared with silver-gray ointment into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the entire area where the altar was located instantly brightened, as if sprinkled with the purest morning light.

Colin suddenly drew his sword, and his figure split strangely, turning into overlapping afterimages distributed around the altar.

Each figure raised the sword in their hands at the same time, combined with the nearby morning light, blooming brightly.

Whoosh whoosh!

A straight sword pierced out, and the light of the morning light swarmed together, surrounding the little boy Jack from all sides.

In the splendor of the rising sun, the black and red figure quickly evaporated and disappeared in the storm-like attack.

In the underground hall where the altar was located, the brilliance became so bright that Igna couldn't help but close his eyes.

He shook his head suddenly, woke up from his deep sleep, and saw the quietly burning fire in front of him and the team members who were dutifully guarding the camp.

Colin the Demon Hunter, who was sitting cross-legged beside a stone pillar, opened his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"Go after 50 lightning strikes." (Note 1)

Igna was stunned, feeling that this scene seemed familiar.

He looked at Michelle beside him.

Michelle nodded slightly without explaining.

So, in the deep darkness where the lightning frequency has not yet recovered, Igna followed the exploration team of the City of Silver to the periphery of the semi-abandoned temple for the fifth time. The behavior of the first five teams was much the same.

Ignatius, who was a bystander in the deep dream, only felt horrified.

This is the "loop".

But I don't know where the problem is.

These explorers of the City of Silver, without their knowledge, went through five cycles.

Completely ignorant.

Even knowing that this incident would definitely be resolved perfectly in the end, Igna couldn't help but break a cold sweat for them. Moreover, he puts himself in his shoes to think if he is not a bystander, but a participant. In the team, can he find the "loop"?

The sixth "departure".

Derrick Berg's movements changed a bit. This time, after entering the temple, Derrick Berg changed his previous behavior and actively won the area where the mural was located.

This is a different performance from the usually taciturn Derrick Berg.

After seeing this, Ignatius finally let go of the heart he had been holding.

Derrick Berg seems to be aware of the "loop".

It's easy to see why it's Derrick Berg and not the well-informed chief.

Igna drew a prayer gesture from the Church of the Fool in his heart.

"Praise the Fool."

This time, Ignatius is still following behind Derrick Berger, experiencing this adventure from his perspective.

They reached their destination after passing through mottled or collapsed walls.

As the light of the animal skin lantern went from far to near, the mural on the wall gradually became clear.

Igna followed Derrickberg's line of sight and found a line of words.

"Redemption Rose."

"Redemption Rose." Ignatius recited the name silently.

He had no impression of the name, but Derrick held up the animal skin lantern and let the dim light illuminate the mural, making it easier for the details.

On the mottled wall, the highest point is blurred, a huge pitch-black cross with a shadow that is difficult to see.

Against this background, there is a barren and dead plain.

In the plain, there was a long line of people walking, their target was the mountain in the distance, and the cross and the upside-down man at the top of the mountain.

In this line, some members are still kneeling on the ground and praying sincerely, while others have stood up and walked forward against the strong wind.

Their faces were simply sketched, and they seemed to highlight the tatters of their clothes. Only the leader at the front was quite clear.

It was a tall, thin man with silver hair reaching to a vest.

The man's facial features are soft, his head is lowered, his eyes are closed, and there are layers of light wings behind him. His face was gentle with a little indifference, as if he was looking down at the river and fate.

"Tail Swallower, Ourorius!"

Ignat immediately recognized the angel.

He is the "Angel of Destiny" mentioned in Senior Xiao Zhou's notes, the Sequence 1 of the Destiny Pathway, the Serpent of Mercury. Allegiance to the True Creator.

I saw it too, be careful!

"The Serpent of Mercury, end-to-end, symbolizes an eternal cycle. Could it be that He caused the Silver City team to fall into a cycle?"

The fresco that Igna scrutinized, the foot of Ourorius, there is a meandering, shimmering river.

The river keeps turning, circles back, pours itself into itself, and becomes the source.

Igna was looking at the mural seriously, but was surprised to find that Derrick raised the "Hurricane Axe" and slammed into the river on the mural.

The electric light that just flashed was triggered, and the silver fell onto the axe.


Derrick's axe, wrapped around silver lights, smashed into the river on the mural, slicing the wall sag, and stone chips flying.

With one blow, the end-to-end river was completely cut off from it.

Igna jumped.

"Demon Hunter" is Colin's figure flashing, came to him, said with a sullen face: "What are you doing?"

The demigod's sword tip was still hanging down, but the hand holding the handle was obviously stronger than before.

Derrick was puzzled and fearful again and said, "A black shadow flashed past here just now, Your Excellency, it really looks like a child!"

"?" Igna was a little puzzled. He followed Derrick Berg all the time and didn't see the child.

Colin Iliad asked another team member without looking away: "Heim, did you see it?"

The expedition team member named Haim subconsciously moved closer to the chief, shook his head firmly and said, "No, I didn't see anything."

Colin's light blue eyes suddenly shimmered, highlighting two dark green complex symbols, and quietly stared at Derrick for four or five seconds.

Finally, he retracted his gaze and said to Derrick without any abnormality: "This is your first exploration mission. It is normal to have hallucinations due to tension. Next, you follow me, I think you It will be calmer."

"Yes, Your Excellency." Derrick agreed without hesitation.

Then, what happened after that was not much different from the several explorations in Igna's memory.

Everyone repeated the past, and reached the final hall with the altar for the sixth time, and found the little yellow-haired boy Jack curled up in the shadows.

Hearing the words "Save me, save me" and seeing the obvious figure of the child, Colin the Demon Hunter nodded invisibly, and took back most of his attention on Derrickberg.

Just as Colin was thinking about the language as before, and was about to speak, Derrick suddenly asked, "How can I save you?

The little boy Jack showed an excited expression: "Save me, save me, take me home, take me home"

"Where is your home?" Derrick asked curiously and scared.

Seeing this, Colin closed his mouth and clenched his palms.

The little boy Jack raised his hand weakly and said, "My home, my home is in Port Enmat!"

Port of Enmatt!

The people in the City of Silver did not react, but Igna was shocked.

Yes, this boy is from Port Enmat, as Mr. Michel mentioned at the beginning.

At this time, Ignat realized that this little boy from the port of Loen Kingdom had been using giant language in the conversation.


How could a little boy from the Loen Kingdom be able to master the giant language and communicate with the people in the City of Silver?

A layer of sweat appeared on Igna's back again. He didn't realize it until the sixth time he saw the little boy.

The occult and extraordinary powers are terrifying. On the premise of transforming a child into a monster, in addition to extraordinary power, how many things have been given?

Ignatius is shocked here. However, on the other side, when the strange boy spit out "Port Enmat", a picture of a new world unfolded in front of Colin, which made him, who was struggling to find the future of the City of Silver, instantly forget it. Something else, blurted out:

"How did you, or you, come here?"

The little boy Jack showed a look of recollection: "My father and I first took the boat, then joined his companions, and continued on the boat. After a very big storm, the rest of the people landed on land and followed the Lord. Going forward in the direction of the eyes, we have come here."

Following the direction of the main gaze, Colin the Demon Hunter, Derrick and the others looked at the statue on the altar at the same time, and discerned where he was looking.

"The ruins of the Giant's Royal Court." Michelle told Igna the answer directly.

"That is the palace of the gods that once lived in the ancient **** 'Giant King' Ormir, not far from the City of Silver."

"The descendants of the Silver Country, who have been ruled by the giants for a long time, all know exactly where its ruins are located, but they have never been able to complete the exploration because it is extremely dangerous, even more dangerous than pure darkness without light." Michelle said .

Giant King... Almir... never heard of...

At this time, Igna once again deeply felt the poverty of his own historical knowledge.

I have never heard of "Rose of Redemption", nor have I heard of "The Giant King 'Olmir'". Although I have heard of the "Eight Kings of Angels", I have never delved into their connection with history and reality.

Work hard to make up lessons.

...on the premise of safety.

"Then the ruins of the 'Royal Court of Giants' are the correct location?" Igna asked after thinking about it.

"Yes." Michelle nodded, and he followed the gazes of Colin and Derrick to look in the direction of the "Royal Court of Giants".

"This exploration gives us hope."


"Are you injured?" At this moment, Derrick suddenly said. he asked cautiously.

Only then did Igna realize that the clothes between the chest and abdomen of the little boy Jack were dyed dark red, and it seemed that liquid was slowly seeping out.

Jack lowered his head and replied in a erratic tone: "Something ugly"

During the conversation he pulled off his clothes, revealing his naked chest and abdomen.

There, inlaid with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth.

It wasn't painted, it wasn't made of gems, it was purely made up of real eyes, real noses, and real mouths, and they didn't look like a group, as if they belonged to three people.

The face was gentle and indifferent, which made Igna inexplicably familiar.

It only took a second or two for Igna to figure out the reason for his familiarity: this human face is very similar to the angel in the fresco above, the angel of fate "Urolios" who steps on the circulating river.

"Redemption Rose!" Derrick Berg said suddenly and solemnly. (Note 2)

The little boy was Jack raised his head, his mouth opened a little bit, and it reached the base of his ear:

"I am so hungry……"

"I'm so hungry..."


Note 1: Volume 2, Chapter 245, An ancient blood clan.

Note 2: Volume II, Chapter 252, Emlyn's Perseverance

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