Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 43: 1 friend (thanks to Ameng for the tip)

"My lord calls himself 'The Fool', in the past, present, and future. He is the great dweller who dominates the spiritual world, the king of yellow and black who controls good luck, and the eternal beacon pursued by every living being."

As soon as he approached, Igna heard the half-giant speak with a solemn and solemn expression. But not in Giant language, but in Loen with a heavy accent.

"My Lord lives above the real and spiritual world, and there are six angels serving at his seat..."

It's preaching... Igna quickly reacted. Once in Backlund, he also had such treatment.

The gentleman who seemed to be from Balam noticed Igna and nodded to him with a smile.

But he didn't interrupt the half-giant's mission, he looked up at the half-giant with a serious expression, his eyes were soft.

The half-giant was not disturbed by Igna's arrival. It seemed that because of the addition of an audience, his enthusiasm for preaching became more and more high.

He solemnly spoke the contents of the Fool's Codex that Igna was familiar with.

"The Angel of Mercury is the incarnation of fate; the Angel of Death is the consul of the underworld; the Angel of Redemption is the trumpet of our Lord; the Angel of Life is the crystallization of wisdom..."

These are all things that Igner is very familiar with, so when he listens, he can focus part of his attention on the gentleman beside him.

Upon closer inspection, Igna could be sure that this gentleman should be from Balam. And being highly educated, he didn't bother listening to the half-giant preach the teachings of the Church of Fools in giant language. In addition, Igna also noticed that the gentleman had a small mole under his right ear that was not easy to find without looking closely, and the gentleman's whole person gave him a special sense of familiarity.

Seems like they've seen it somewhere.

Of course, this possibility was immediately denied by Ignatius. He had never known any Balam people.

And Igna noticed that the gentleman showed a smile that seemed to have no meaning when he heard the "Angel of Death".

It is neither the piety of the believers nor the contemptuous sneer, but a chuckle with a sense of tacit understanding. It's like there are some little secrets in this passage of holy words.

Igna's eyelids twitched.

He did a divination before going out today, and got the revelation that he could go out for a walk, meet new friends, and maybe get a friendly friendship.

Originally Igna didn't take it to heart, but now his spiritual intuition was telling him.

This is the person in front of you!

Therefore, Igna did not rush into a conversation, but, together with this gentleman Balam, listened to the half-giant's teaching in the unskilled Ruen language.

The Book of Fools is always heard and new. Although it was extremely familiar, Igna could still hear something else.

"It has taken up a quarter of an hour of your time," the half-giant smiled and said to Ignatius and Mr. Balam. "If you are interested in our Lord, you can go to the Church of the Fools in the center of our city-state to learn more."

"Praise Mr. Fool." Igna had already subconsciously made a prayer gesture in his heart and said reverently.

The gentleman of Balam heard this, glanced at Igna with a smile, and drew a prayer gesture in his heart, saying, "Praise the Fool."

Hearing the responses of the two "Fool" believers, the half-giant did not have to worry about being useless for a quarter of an hour, but instead showed an expression of joy.

As if he didn't expect, he could meet other Fool believers on the street.

"Two gentlemen, may I have the honor to know who and where you two came from, and when did you choose to hear the gospel of my Lord?"

Igna was stunned for a while, and chose a decent answer: "In Backlund, Pastor Adal conveyed the gospel of our Lord to me."

"A friend told me." Mr. Balam smiled softly. "He used to be my student."


After sending off the half-giant priest, Igna thought about how to talk to this gentleman.

At the beginning, he also just wanted to chat with this gentleman about the "tour experience" of the City of Silver. But after such an exchange just now, Igna felt that perhaps this gentleman did not come to visit the City of Silver either.

After all, how many people can not hold prejudice against half-giants, but treat them with equal eyes?

Perhaps this gentleman came to the City of Silver with other motives... Ignatius thought. But that didn't stop him from "pretending" not to know.

"Hello," Ignatius tried to talk, "Are you here to visit the City of Silver?"

"Yes," said the gentleman with a smile. "My friend told me in a letter that a new city-state has been established here, so I want to come and see."

Slap in the face... Igna thought a little embarrassedly.

No, but not necessarily. Igna quickly denied his idea. After all, he and this gentleman met by chance, and this gentleman seemed to have no obligation to tell the truth.

But it's good to talk about this topic.

Ignatius raised his spirit and asked the original topic, "What do you think of the City of Silver?"

"It's an interesting city." The elegant gentleman from Balam smiled. "It made me feel as if I had entered a country in history."

Ignat immediately became interested. We continued to chat with the gentleman on the same topic.

Then he soon discovered that this gentleman was knowledgeable and knowledgeable about history. Moreover, after listening to Igna's vision, he even showed a strong interest.

"Your idea is very interesting. Do you accept investment?" the gentleman smiled, "I am willing to invest 500 pounds to develop the tourism industry of Silver City. Let more people know about Silver City."

"Huh?" Igna was stunned.

He didn't expect this gentleman to be so active, and he talked about investment at once.

Igna hadn't thought about it at all! 500 pounds is not a small amount, and considering the background of the gentleman in front of him, Igna knew that he was probably not joking.

"You can do it, right? You just described the idea of ​​making the City of Silver famous." The gentleman said with a I will do my best. ' said Ignatius.

The gentleman nodded with a smile, but didn't say anything about the empty check that Igna had promised.

"The amount of this investment is a bit high. In order to live up to your investment, I still need to get some help from the City of Silver official." Igna said after thinking about it, "and entrust a lawyer to draw up an investment contract."

"May I have your contact information?" Igna asked.

"Okay." The gentle gentleman said, "I will be staying at No. 24 Hotel, Marigold Street in Silver City these days."

"You can go there and contact me."

"My name is Azik Eggers."


happy New Year!

20:22 There is a short and joyful Chinese New Year extravaganza!

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