Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 59: Fors' sense of urgency

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"Um..." Forsi pondered for a while, and said, "Indeed, there is a sense of urgency."

Hearing Fors' answer, Hugh Dilcha nodded in satisfaction.

"Igna Abraham's promotion is faster than we expected. According to the results of divination, maybe he will be promoted to Mystic Mage within this year." Forsi said.

Hugh Dilcha nodded again with satisfaction, glad that his friend had a sense of urgency.

As a friend who has been born and died many times and has lived together for many years, Hugh Dilcha often thinks that Fors is fine in everything, but lacks a sense of urgency.

Although this is not a disadvantage, even many times, Hugh feels that it is Forsi's lazy temperament that makes them come together.

But this was not the reason Fors was overly relaxed.

In particular, as Ignatius Abraham is a direct descendant of Abraham, his rapid promotion will still have a certain impact on Forsi.

First and foremost, what needs to be considered is how much "Abraham" attaches to Fors.

Under the guidance of Mr. Fool, Forsi barely managed to instruct Igna Abraham, and could be regarded as his teacher.

If Igna Abraham can be successfully promoted to "Mystic Mage", then Fors must also have a merit in it. The Abraham family will also pay more attention to Fors Wall.

Moreover, with Igna Abraham's temperament, Xio can be sure that even if this little Abraham is promoted to become a mystic, he will still respect himself, respect Fors, treat each other with courtesy, and even protect Fors more. Interest in the family of Abraham.

This is what Hugh can be sure of as Ignatius Abraham's instructor.


Don't think further.

Ignatius Abraham can digest the "Master of Trick", "The Astrologer" and "The Recorder" in less than half a year. How long will it take for the "Traveler"?

Forsi was fast enough to become a mystic within three years.

But now it looks like Igna Abraham will be faster.

Moreover, there is no doubt that Ignatius Abraham has the protection of Mr. Fool.

In addition, he is self-motivated and active, working very hard to digest the potion, and even acting in advance.

So under this premise, how long does it take for Ignatius Abraham to become a "mysterious mage"? How long will it take to become a "Wanderer", a "Planeswalker" or even a "Star Key"?

Certainly not slower than Forsi, right?

After all, the higher the Beyonder sequence is, the more fixed the Beyonder characteristics are.

As a witness to the Tarot Club, a friend and cohabitation friend of Fors Wall for many years, Hugh knew very well that the Beyonder characteristics in Abraham's hands were limited.

If the Sequence Level of Little Abraham, who is sheltered by Mr. Fool, exceeds Forsi, will Abraham still give Forsi the Extraordinary characteristics of the high Sequence?

Although... Xio deeply felt that his friend, the great best seller, the "Magician" of the Tarot Club, Miss Fors Wall...may not want to be promoted, thinking that "Mystic Mage" is enough.

But there should be a sense of urgency!

From Mr. Fool's sleep until now, the dear and lovely Miss Fors Wall, who lacks a sense of urgency, still has no clue about the digestion of the mystic!

And it doesn't seem to make an effort!

So far, Mister Fool has given her the task, and she has only completed the two points of guiding Igna Abraham and writing and spreading the gospel of Mister Fool!

Even among all the publications, only Gehrman Sparrow's is written by her own hand, and the stories about Sherlock Moriarty and Dwayne Dantes are still done by little Abraham!

Judging from the number of publications, there is already a very intuitive gap!

"So, are you going to do something?" Hugh asked.

Fors nodded and replied seriously:

"Take care of him, love him more, and give him other writing tasks before he becomes a mystic. In this way, after he is promoted to a mystic, he will not delay the draft. We can successfully complete all the writing tasks. biography published.”

"Hey...are you serious?"

Hugh Dill looked at Fors Wall's serious appearance, and for a while he didn't know if his friend was joking.

Fors smiled, lifted the quilt, pulled Hugh Dilcha who was standing beside the bed, motioned her to sit down, and sat beside her.

Hugh Dilcha, who was grabbed by Fors, didn't know what she was going to do, so she could only sit down obediently. And let Fors raise his hand and touch the top of his hair.

"Hugh, I can understand your worries and your care. I'm very touched." Forsi pinned the somewhat messy blonde hair to Hugh Dilcha.

"But I have my own plans."

"Do you remember the task that Mr. Fool gave me?" Fors asked while biting Xio's ear.

"Collect more information on the Fourth Epoch, find out the state of Mr. Door at that time, and find out the hidden problems of the Abraham family." Hugh Dilcha remembered this very clearly (Note 1).

"Yes, figure out the status of 'Mr. Door' and figure out the hidden problems of the Abraham family." Forsi laughed.

"We've all been to the 'dreamland' of little Abraham," Fors said. "So, isn't this the task that Mr. Fool gave me?"

"If the secret of that dream can be unraveled, I think we can get the truth. What we can do now is actually just waiting for little Abraham to grow up to be able to explore that 'space', right?"

"Emperor Roselle said, 'I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry'."

"I know why you are worried." Fors said.

"But please believe me, believe in Mister Fool, and believe in our mutual student, Igna Abraham. Okay?" Fors said, hugging Xio and letting her lean against her warm chest.

Forsi's voice was very low, her voice was a little hoarse because of smoking. At this time, he lowered his voice and whispered in Xio's ear, and the gentle and lazy voice sounded particularly touching.

But Xio was not confused by Forsi's words.

"So what are you going to do?" Xio asked sharply again, "How to take specific actions? And what about your magician potion, is it indigestible?"

After being exposed, Forsi was stunned, and Xio broke free from her embrace.

"You make it clear." Hugh said sternly.

"Cough." Forsi coughed awkwardly and wanted to say something.

But she was glared at by Xio, and she could only speak the truth.

"Write a letter later to take care of Igna, and ask him if he needs to record a new 'trip'. Ask if he needs any help. If possible, take him to Susie's to check his mental state. "

"As for the magician's potion digestion..." Forsi said with a "ha", "I really have no clue. Don't you think it's too difficult to do the methods discussed at the Tarot Conference?"


Hugh Dilcha fell silent.


The key words for mystic are "secret" and "mage".

Guarding secrets is easy to say, but it is really difficult to practice as the content of "acting".

Because keeping secrets is a process, not a node.

Therefore, the suggestions made by Ms. Hermit, Mr. "The Hanged Man", and Ms. Justice at the Tarot Club will increase the difficulty of keeping secrets. Turn processes into "nodes" to aid digestion.

However, Hugh Dilcha knew that their suggestions were too difficult.

Want a Sequence 4 mystic to keep a secret in front of a high-ranking person and not be discovered?

For Sequence 4, the high-ranking person must at least be an angel, or even a true god!

Where do they go to find angels, where do they go to find the true God?

Moreover, what is even more difficult is that what they know, how can the true **** or angel not know!

The records of the Abraham family in this regard are also similar to the suggestions put forward by "The Hermit" and "The Hanged Man".

As a result, Fors Wall's mystic digestion was in a stalemate.

Although Mister Fool is kept in a deep sleep like now, and the secret that Fors Wall is a member of the Tarot Society, as the Tarot Society has a more profound impact on the world, Fors's magician potion can be gradually digested .

But...isn't it really all that's left to wait like this?


God, it's been chatted to death like this.

Xio was silent for a while, and decided to focus on the previous question: "When did you say 'late'? Give me an accurate time!"

In Fors's mouth, "later", Xio clearly knew, meant "later".

And "I'll talk about it later" means "whatever, anyway, I won't do it now, I won't do it tomorrow, and I won't do it the day after tomorrow, and I will do it any day in the future when I have to do it."

"Tonight, tonight." Fors said quickly.

"Are you sure?" Xiu raised his eyebrows, "He is in Bayam now, and there is a time difference with us. If you mean the night he was there..."

Xio looked at the wall clock in the room and said, "Just before six o'clock in the afternoon."

Fors was stunned.

She looked at the wall clock in the room in for a while, and she asked quietly, "How about...tomorrow?"


Note 1: The task arrangement comes from the 8th volume The Fool, the 36th chapter "The Fool" commission.

fake title

Fors' sense of urgency

real title

Forsi's sense of urgency: No, it doesn't exist.


Not to mention that there is only one update.

No changes today.

Caring for working dogs starts with me. (?????)??

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