Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 80: island exploration

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Igna, like Canterbury, looked at the ship debris not far away.

Although similar preparations have been made for a long time, the process and content of the battle have been deduced in the mind, but there are still some differences when it comes to the actual operation.

For example, the "red moon" slowly rising above the island in the dream.

Yes, fortunately, in the past two weeks, Igna received Gehrman Sparrow's "private teaching" course on Beyonder fighting above the gray fog.

Under the training with a real sense of death pressure, Igna already has a big heart to face Gehrman Sparrow and be able to execute his plan stably.

If it were him before, I'm afraid he would still find the situation just now terrifying.

but now……

Igna straightened his collar, which had been ruffled by the wind, reached out and took out a golden pocket watch from the inner pocket of the windbreaker, and pressed it open with a "pop" to confirm the time.

At 14:25 noon, it took less time than expected.

"Let's go." General Ignatius switched out and said to Canterbury, "While it's still early."

It is still noon.

During this period of time when the direct rays of the sun are relatively close, every minute is precious.

"Well, good." Canterbury lifted the Dawn Armor covering her body, drew out the straight sword she carried behind her back, and walked in front of Igna with her broad back straight.


The island is still very peaceful and quiet, just like the coast just visited.

Here, no bird calls or insects are heard.

After getting away from the shore, even the sound of the waves crashing gradually disappeared.

As they went deeper and deeper into the jungle, only the footsteps of Igna and Canterbury echoed around.



Igna was already trying to control his footsteps as much as possible, but he still couldn't help but make a sound.

It's not that Ignat is not good at learning, but that there are too many fallen leaves on the island. Withered branches and fallen leaves fell on the ground, layer upon layer, and even Canterbury inevitably made some noises.



The condition of the island is consistent with what Ignatius saw in the mirror of Arrodes, with all kinds of creatures showing an atmosphere of decay and corruption. It seems that there is no living thing here at all.

Once upon a time, the island may have been full of lush and thriving trees, but now these trees have stopped growing and have taken on a dead color. Leaves cannot rest on it either.

But the trunks of the trees remained in the dirt, not corroded or collapsed. Bare branches, withered hopelessly pointing to the unreachable sky.

Therefore, at this time, even on the wooded island, Igna and Canterbury could see the scorching sun in the sky.

However, after stepping on the island, the temperature in the air has dropped significantly.

Obviously not as hot as it does on the sea. There is even a coolness that makes people feel comfortable, making people want to stay for a long time.

Of course, organ sensations cannot fool Igna and Canterbury.

Both of them knew very well that the coolness did not come from the temperature difference between land and sea, or from geography.

Instead, it originated from the "abnormalities" on the island.

The coolness here is not from the normal sea breeze, but under the neutralization of the scorching sun, people can barely feel the chill in the air.

It is also the influence of the breath of the resentful spirit after being suppressed.

Killing people like numbness, a Sequence 5 Beyonder in the Night Domain who can control the resentment of three Beyonders is already difficult enough. What's more, her strength doesn't stop there.


Ignatius and Canterbury moved quickly and cautiously across the island.

Before they set off, they had already learned about the island structure through the previous map.

The "map" is something that Igna "borrowed" by the way when he went to the room of the Loen garrison to make a certain arrangement.

Therefore, Canterbury and Igna knew where their main destination, the "Castle", was located before they set off.

It was also learned that the island and the castle above originally belonged to the former city lord of Pelizke, Test, and his wife Yada.

As the process progressed, the small castle in the center of the island could already be vaguely outlined.

At this time, Canterbury also re-covered Dawn's armor.

Soft and bright as if the light of dawn enveloped Igna and Canterbury. Although the light of dawn did not bring warmth like the spell in the field of the sun, Igna, who understood the effect of the light of dawn, still felt a little more inside. Calm down.

It is impossible for the Wraith to complete a direct sneak attack in such a field.

All cursed creatures must be prepared to be annihilated when approaching the Dawn Knight.


Ignatius and Canterbury were silent, carefully and carefully marching towards the castle.

Suddenly, Igna was in a trance again.

In an instant, he felt the surrounding light dim.

In an instant, the island changed from a sunny afternoon to a starry night sky.

The red moon vaguely sticks out a head behind the island. Judging from the area where the red light is scattered, if the moon rises completely, its area can be huge enough to cover the entire island.

The moment he saw the changes in the environment and the moonlight, Igna didn't hesitate, and immediately broke free from the dream.

He didn't want to have even one more second of contact with the "moon" at this time.

When Ignatius broke free, Canterbury realized that he had been dragged into a dream again unconsciously.

She clenched the straight sword that had been anointed with the holy anointing of the Wraith Spirit in both hands, but failed to shoot.

Because, within her domain, there is no trace of resentment.

"It's a test," Igna said. "I want to see if our previous 'breakaway' was due to luck."

Canterbury nodded silently in agreement.

But neither of them changed their direction, but continued to move towards the castle.

But Canterbury, who was walking in front, suddenly made a gesture to Ignatius.

Ignat understandably replaced Canterbury, stood still, and began to look around.

Instead, the tall witcher crouched down. She carefully observed a certain place on the ground, and stretched out her fingers to twist the dust and leaves that fell on the ground.

Igna waited patiently, without rushing, even now in a hurry.

"Recently, in three days, three people have been here." Canterbury stood up and said to Igna. "Two men, one short and thin woman."

"Well..." Igna nodded, and exchanged places with Canterbury in a polite manner.

"Also." Canterbury took the sword and stepped forward again.

She whispered to Igna: "There are wolves on the island. The footprints are new."

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