Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 86: fortune teller

"Mystery: Key of the Star(

The answers to these questions are, of course, up to Igna to find out.

And the way to find...

After Canterbury had finished her inspections, it was Ignat's time.

Without changing his face, he took out the crystal ball.

An astrologer has to look like an astrologer.

Use magic to defeat magic.

The reason why Ignat used the crystal ball for divination instead of psychic and dream divination is mainly because the red wolf has a high probability of being "contaminated by the contaminated moon".

At this moment, it is better to reduce the chance of contact with the "contaminated moon".

Therefore, Igna sat on his knees in front of the body of the red wolf, holding the crystal ball with both hands, and muttered the question in a low voice.

"The origin of the red wolf."

The stars lit up one by one in the crystal ball.

Relying on solid astrology knowledge, Ignatius obtained more accurate revelation.

The content is "ancient castles, corpses piled up in mountains, and resentful spirits", which were formed by "some undetectable changes" in the "night when the female power was prosperous".

It seems that it has nothing to do with life refining.

"Um..." Igna groaned.

The revelation given by the stars "undetectable changes" is acceptable from the perspective of mysticism.

After all, mystery is full of unexplainable power and unexplainable changes.

Moreover, if it is such a revelation, the results of the divination can perfectly explain why the piles of corpses that Ignat had seen in Arrodes' mirror before are now gone. The halls in the castle can also be called spotless.

However, beyond the revelation, Igna thought of something else.

The information that he now relies on divination to obtain is what Arrodes "didn't see" at the time.

As a powerful evil spirit above the gray fog, Arrodes' peeping was disturbed by "unknown power".

However, Igna, who is now on the island, can rely on divination to "see" a part of the process. Moreover, this process has a certain rationality and credibility, and can be consistent with the results of the on-site investigation.

Why is this?

What "power" was it that blocked the "sight" of Arrodes?

What "conditions" did they meet to produce different results?

Ignatius pondered for a while and performed the divination again.

"The cause of the mutation in the castle."

The stars twinkled in the crystal ball, and Igna once again obtained a clear revelation.

The content of this revelation is that "infants born without permission, stillbirths, inbreedings, lords, abundant spirituality, witches" were born because of "an accident from the sky" when "night and twilight appeared at the same time".

Igna raised his eyebrows, which was too different from the previous divination. Even if it's not exactly the same, it can be said to be irrelevant.

Is this reasonable?

of course not!

However, after a little thought, Igna understood the reason for the deviation of the divination results.

This is due to differences in the formulation of the "divination problem" he proposed earlier.

When asking the question, he did not strictly limit the time and object, and the result of the divination directly pointed to the more essential question - the reason why the island became the "island of resentment".


Although the reason for divination is not Igna's original intention, isn't the amount of information implicit in it too much?

What did Pelizik's former city lord, Test, and his wife, Yada, do? (Note)

cough. That's not the point. Now is not the time to dig deeper into this issue.

Igna immediately corrected his problem and performed the divination again.

"Factors related to the birth of the red wolf in the castle."

This time, the results of the divination finally returned to normal.

However, there is only one revelation from the stars - the "moon".

It seems that the birth of the red wolf has nothing to do with the ancient alchemists. It is completely the change brought about by the mystery of a full moon night.

"Okay." Igna smiled and felt that part of the node where the contaminated moon realized interference finally surfaced.

However, about this speculation, Igna needs further confirmation.

So, he lowered his head and divination one more question.

"Visitors who have arrived on the island during this week."

Elsewhere, Igna's question probably won't work. Because on the island, in addition to the constant visits of humans, various animals will arrive. "Visitor" is too broad.

However, due to the influence of the Wraith, there are almost no living creatures on this island.

The stars twinkled in the crystal ball, and it really gave a clear answer.

"A female half-giant warrior who hunts monsters, and a traveler who is good at magic tricks and astrology."

really. Igna smiled.

What is the tainted moon hiding? Only then did Igna have a basic hypothesis that could be further derived.

However, the possible answers to the question have nothing to do with the effects of the Wraith Island.

At present, what Igna wants to solve is the "change" on the island of Wraith, and what role does that demigod play in the plan of the demigod.

Igna thought for a while and directly fortuned a few questions:

"Red Wolf's Ability", "Red Wolf's Scope of Activities", "Relationship between Red Wolf and Original Wraith on the Island", "Red Wolf has an unfinished promise".

Except for the last question and the first three questions, the stars in the crystal ball responded faithfully.

The abilities are the same as the information obtained during battle, namely "Night", "Death" and "Grace of the Moon".

The range of activities is "unlimited", and the relationship with the resentful spirit is "the contract between the soul and the body".

But the answer to the last question is "no".

In this regard, Igna has only one reaction.

"Ha ha."

However, based on the answers to these questions, Igna can already preliminarily speculate on "the red wolf can play a role in the layout".

The red wolf with the body is not like the original resentful spirit, bound in the cursed land, has a wider range of activities and freedom of movement.

That is, the Red Wolf can be anywhere he needs it to work, when that builder needs it.

When can the red wolf, which can cause people to fall into nightmares on a large scale, and has no compassion for creatures, can cause the death of large-scale creatures, when can it play a role?

The results speak for themselves.

In the divination before Senior Xiao Zhou, there had been a result of "destroying the city".

Can a group of pirates who are not considered influx have such serious consequences?

This wolf might also be able to play a role.

Don't look at how easy they were when they killed the wolf just now.

Easy battles depend on the advance of information and preparation before battle.

In order to solve the ghost of the Sequence 5 of the Night God of Death, Canterbury and Ignat rushed to the island at noon. And also adopted the decisive battle type of lethal combat technique "Light Storm".

If it is unsuspecting, it is attacked by this wolf at night. Then the damage that may be caused cannot be estimated.

It was a battle in a town. If there were unarmed civilians behind them, how could Canterbury use "Storm of Light" without distraction?

Of course, this assumption makes no sense here whatever role the wolf is going to play. Now it has no chance of working.

However, Igna does not believe that the role of the wolf is nothing more than that.

Perhaps, it could also serve as a way of reducing their spiritual reserves and physical energy?

After all, if the tainted moon did locate them in some way, then he or his favored ones must have some idea of ​​their current situation.

Won't the witcher go to the island to get rid of the spirits?

The answer is of course no.

Whether they "know" or "don't know" that there may be disasters in the future, Igna and Canterbury will not ignore the grievances and leave the hidden dangers behind.

Wraith must die.

And, the sooner the better.

No one wants to be hostile to an opponent who has mastered the power of the night at night.

However, even if they are ready for battle, Igna and Canterbury still have a certain consumption.

Especially Canterbury Bucher, she released the Dawn Domain and the Storm of Light, which used a lot of spirituality.

However, such consumption cannot be avoided.

The existence of resentful spirits can be said to be stuck in the throat, no matter what you choose, it can weaken Igna and Canterbury.

Perhaps, this is the purpose of the arrangement.

But does this arrangement work?

Igna smiled.

He put away the crystal ball, looked up to Canterbury and said, "My divination is over."

Canterbury nodded slightly, raised the knife and put away the Beyonder characteristics of the monster.

Igna also switched from starvation to "arsonist" and did the final finishing work.


No prize quiz, what is Igna going to do next?

Note: Reference is made to the origin of the first monster in the original Witcher. Breathtaking.

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