Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 2: consciously

Igna showed a somewhat embarrassed smile.

Miss Fors's meaning couldn't be more obvious. She was asking the recorder's digestion.

"I'm going back." Igna took a sip of Gwadar, and the fragrant aroma was refreshing. He smiled and replied in a meaningful way, "But it was only after the manuscript was handed in that I dared to think about going home."

At this point, Fors Wall's hand that was playing with the wall of the drink glass even paused, and her blue-blue eyes looked at Igna in astonishment.


"Yes, when I left the confinement tower, I handed over the manuscript to the agent of the Council of Six in the City of Silver." Igna nodded, and he was still a little excited when he talked about this.

The history of the City of Silver is very interesting. If it weren't for other tasks, he might not need that long at all. Even a large part of "The Story of the New City of Silver" was completed during the research journey.

This was the task that Miss Fors gave him when he came to the City of Silver.

Ignat thought that the news of "completed" would make Miss Fors happy, but Igna saw only deep speechlessness in Miss Fors Wall's eyes.

What's wrong... Am I misunderstanding?

"Okay, great writer. You really never let me down." Miss Fors Wall quickly turned her consternation into a chuckle.

She blinked. "Then, I wonder when the great writer will have time?" She said, "Before returning to Aalto, there are still some necessary ceremonies to be completed. I believe you have not forgotten it."

"I was going to write you a letter." Igna straightened his shirt, Fors's praise and chuckle made his ears a little red, "I just didn't expect to see you here."

"It was the stars that brought me here." Fors Wall tapped the table with his fingers, and his fingers dipped in cold Gwadar across the table.

"Fortunately, our little Abraham is all right." Fors Wall said, "I saw you in Perizke five days ago, but it made me tremble for a while."

Igna was stunned.

Miss Fors even went to Pelitzk five days ago!

"Have you been to Pelitzk too?" Igna said in surprise.

"Yeah." Fors looked at Igna and squinted slightly, "Lemano's travel notes are missing pages for no reason, I'll always come to take care of them."

"..." Igna immediately thought of the "miracle" that he used up on that page.

The power of divinity really cannot be used repeatedly.

"Cough." Igna coughed lightly, intending to explain, "It was because of the emergency at the time."

But Fors Wall waved his hand, as if he didn't care about that.

"However, when I arrived, the battle was over. The elders of the City of Silver had already brought you to the square. They also brought extraordinary items related to the apprentice pathway, so I didn't come forward."

"You're amazing, on all levels." Fors Wall propped his chin and looked at Igna.

"After confirming that you are safe and sound, I have foretold what happened to Peritzk." Fors looked into Igna's eyes, "I admire everything you do."

"Good job, little Abraham." Fors blinked.

Igna was stunned. He didn't expect Miss Fors to praise herself.

After finishing speaking, Fors Wall patted Ignatius on the shoulder easily,

"I have been collecting materials in the Rhodes Islands for the past five days." Fors smiled, "So, if you are ready, you can contact me at any time."

"However, it will take some time to mark the coordinates of the spiritual world. It is best in the morning. But not too early."

After speaking, the girl left the Gwadar stall directly. Her entire body was like an eraser wiping out her lines, but they disappeared in a moment.

At the small stall in Gwadar, neither the owner nor the yawning tourists seemed to notice the disappearance of Fors Wall. Even though Igna and Miss Fors were sitting in the most conspicuous position on the stall before.

This is the sorcerer.

Igna was stunned. But when he saw Fors's writing on the table with water stains, he smiled and relaxed.

What Miss Fors wrote was a word in Ruen.


So, Igna bought another cup of Gwadar, and at the same time asked the half-giant next to the vendor to grill a few more skewers of Silver City's specialty grilled mushrooms, and left with satisfaction after eating and drinking.


With Miss Fors's care, Igna's body and mind were more relaxed.

Now that Miss Fors has made it clear, she will be in the Rhodes Islands during these five days, and will also help him complete the traveler promotion ceremony during this period.

Then, Ignat rest assured and boldly rested in the new City of Silver for a while, and then went to see Canterbury in Pelizke, and brought her the good news that she was recovering and was about to be promoted to Sequence 5, together with the guardian Drank a good pot of wine and helped her complete some planning work. He then entrusted Michelle to pass on the information, and met with the council of six, and made a more comprehensive understanding of the follow-up of the ancient alchemist.

What has to be done is still to be done.

After the things left behind were settled, Igna set up the ceremony of summoning a messenger in the room on the fourth day after seeing Miss Fors.

He sent the news that he was ready to Miss Fors Wall, and asked her to assist him in completing the rituals that he needed to prepare before being promoted to traveller the next day.

Ten o'clock the next morning.

Ignatius met Miss Fors Wall again.

Today's Miss Fors Wall is wearing a smart hunting outfit, high knight boots, and a honey-colored shirt and leather corset.

It took a lot of willpower for Igna to keep himself from taking a few more This was the first time he had seen Miss Fors dressed like this. Pretty much the style of Instructor Hugh Dilcha.

"Are you ready?" Forsi sorted out the pistol on his waist.

Igna nodded nervously. Then he saw Miss Fors walking forward, raising her hand and grabbing his arm.

At that moment, the color in front of Igna suddenly became thick.

He seemed to be in an oil painting, the red was redder, the green was greener. Ignatius is naturally more familiar with such changes.

He could see such a picture every time he used No Starvation to "shuttle" between the spiritual worlds.

Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, he and Fors Wall came to the spiritual world.

This is a world that cannot be described in words.

Everything here seems to be distorted, but it actually exists. Looking up, you can see seven different colors of pure light, which seem to contain infinite knowledge in different fields.

Even though Igna has seen countless magical and strange phenomena in real life, everything he sees in the spiritual world is still more abstract, whether it is the eternal light above their heads that they see when they travel fast in the spiritual world. , or all kinds of strange creatures encountered on the road.

It's a really weird place.

Miss Fors Wall was obviously quite familiar with the spiritual world, and quickly took Igna to set up four coordinates in the depths of the spiritual world.

But at the last coordinate, Igna's eyes were condensed on the stone tablet at the gate of this town's city-state.

Because it was written in Ruen language.

- "Utopia."

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