Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 6: senior traveler

Igna bowed with the three of them.

This is not the first time that "Justice" and "Magician" have come here, so when they "come" to this "space", they look as usual.

As for Mr. Xingxing, who came for the first time, his gaze stopped for a moment on the black wall beside the lantern with a slash-like pattern on the brand. As if remembering something.

"What's the situation with the potion?" As Igna's mentor, Miss Fors Wall the Magician was the first to break the silence.

Hearing Miss Fors' question, Igna thought for a moment.

How should he answer Miss Forth's question in front of everyone's eyes?

Earlier, when he gradually found himself in the spiritual world, Igna "knew" his current mastery of the traveler's ability from the potion.

In fact, the improvement of "Traveler" is not too big compared to "Recorder". (Note)

The main thing is that there is an extra "teleportation" and an "invisible hand". This is nothing new for having Ignat who doesn't starve. On the other hand, as a "recording officer", his related abilities have also been improved.

Now the demigod abilities he can record have increased to six, and the specific effects are also close to Sequence 4.

This is the effect brought about by the preliminary digestion of the potion.

Yes, in line with the promotion to the recorder...

Just after being promoted, Igna was able to feel clear signs of digestion in his body.

This is the result of "playing ahead".

By now, Ignatius would not be surprised by this.

Just like "record".

After coming to this world, he has been "recording" the deeds he has seen, witnessed and experienced in this strange world in his own way.

The same goes for "travel".

After becoming Igna Abraham, why didn't he travel constantly?

From Constantine to Backlund, from Ruen Kingdom to Rorsted Islands. After coming to this unfamiliar land, he has been to many places, met many friends in foreign countries, and gained countless experiences worth engraving in his life.

He has friends, seniors, "parents" and "home" in this world.

However, even so, it still cannot be changed.

——The fact that he was a traveler since he came to this world.

After coming to this world, Igna knew that he would definitely go home.

So it has always adhered to the guidelines that travelers should follow.

He can meet new friends, go to new places, and complete new tasks.

However, they will say goodbye eventually.

"The situation is good. Now I can record 6 kinds of demigod abilities." After thinking about it, Igna expressed his magical medicine digestion in a more euphemistic way.

However, even this euphemism made the air quiet for a moment.

Igna saw the sloppy movements of His Excellency "Star" looking around, there was a pause, and he seemed to look at himself a little seriously.

However, it seems that only Mr. Xingxing has some surprises, Miss Justice and Miss Magician seem to have expected such a result.

"Since the situation is good, then perhaps, we can prepare to go?" Justice proposed gracefully and softly.

"I would like to explore the way for you." Igna bowed and walked ahead.


This space is not much different from when Ignat arrived before.

The elder brother, who was kneeling by the pool looking for his eyeballs, was still muttering the same words. The big-headed patients patrolling above the stairs are still dragging their thin bodies.

As an insight, Miss Justice used psychology to walk past them stealthily. Mystic Mage Miss Fors used a part of her hidden power to successfully walk past the big-headed patient without being discovered.

But when Fors Wall withdrew his hidden power, those big-headed patients immediately discovered the existence of Miss Fors Wall and launched an attack.


In just an instant, those big-headed patients were split into coke by white lightning. However, Miss Fors Wall's expression was not good-looking.

The reason they chose to go up the stairs in batches and use different extraordinary abilities was because of a request from Ignatius.

And the strange result that appeared in front of them also made Justice, Xingxing and Magician all show some thoughtful expressions.


They are already experts in mysticism, but the situation in front of them seems to be unheard of.

The psychological stealth of the audience approach makes it almost impossible to be discovered without excessive interaction with the outside world.

Perhaps some high-level abilities can "see" audiences hiding in silent places. However, these patients in front of them are obviously not extraordinary.

Fors Wall also determined this through divination.

Of course, she also confirmed through divination that their current state is not human, but they were once human.

So, for what reason are these big-headed patients able to "see" them?

Further, is the ability of these large-headed patients to "see", the reason or the result of their coming here?

Therefore, after listening to Miss Magician's divination result, Your Excellency Xing pondered for a while and said, "Let me take a look."

At the same time, he also turned back and said to Igna.

"You close your eyes."


Igna was silent for a moment, but made no objection.

He could probably guess Mr. Xingxing's plan, so he turned his back.

And after that, Igna heard something that seemed to be stirring the slurry.

Then, there was the crackle of the flames burning.

Igna smelled the burnt smell of the woven linen sack. And an inexplicable taste mixed in it.

This made the back of Igna's neck feel a little cold.

"Okay. It's over." Mr. Xing Xing clapped his hands.

Igna turned around.

He saw that the corpse that was supposed to be on the ground was gone.

"Please continue to lead the way." Mr. Xingxing said, "As long as the patient doesn't break his head, there is no problem."

"Please use the method of cutting off the heads of 'cloth' to deal with these patients."

"Okay." Igna nodded, no doubt about it.


They go all the way up.

After a while, they came to the second floor where Zion used to be.

However, there was no one there.

There are only four small skeleton-like spirit creatures emerging from the These spirit creatures wear top hats on their heads, dark red bows tied around their necks, and hands together holding an envelope.

After they saw Igna walk in, they hurriedly sent the letter in.

After the divination was normal, and after receiving the approval of Miss Fors Wall, Igna took the envelope.

The messenger disappeared and the envelope was opened.

It was a note written on very high-grade stationery.

"Hello, little Abraham."

The upline is written in a very beautiful font, in Old Feysac: "Look for and open the stairs to the third floor, I'll be waiting for you there."

The meaning is not difficult to understand. Judging from the handwriting, style and wording, it is just like the impression of Zion. Gentle, polite, and once extremely well educated.

Therefore, after reading it, Igna immediately passed the letter in his hand to Miss Justice.

"Can you see anything in these writings?" asked Igna.

Senior viewers may be able to see more things from the notes.

However, Igna saw Miss Justice's brows tighten.

And, from the letter, she raised her eyes and looked at herself.

Those emerald green eyes looked a little obscure in the dark room.

"Is there something wrong?" Ignat felt a little scared for a while, and couldn't help asking softly.

"On this..." Justice slowly returned the letter to Igna, "I didn't see any writing."


Note: For the description of the content of the promotion of the traveller, the main reference, see the sixth volume of the light chaser, chapter 39 of the winter ceremony

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