Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 8: road not seen

"Go to the top floor."

This would have seemed like an easy goal.

However, in reality it is not that easy.

Because looking up from the ground floor of the research hall, you can already feel the intricate structure of the building.

The wooden staircase in the center of the building cannot be understood by ordinary thinking. The stairway it stretched out in all directions was like tentacles.

Lengths vary, no rules. The location of the connection is arbitrary. Arrogant and unreasonable, the space is connected in an unreasonable way.

Moreover, the corridors on each floor of this building are not even connected to each other.

If there are no stairs, even on the same floor, there is no way to go from one side of the building to the other.

Moreover, the intricate and unstructured stairs are just passages that can be seen on the bright side.

In places that cannot be seen, such as in the rooms on each floor, if you look carefully, there are upward or downward stairs, iron ladders, and elevators made of chains.

The building is like a labyrinth that looks orderly but is actually disorganized.

At first, Xingxing was a little patient. Walk up and down with little Abraham and let him find his way to the top floor.

But then Xingxing gradually felt a little irritable.

Because as they walk, the "stars" gradually have no way to locate their position.

"Can't you go to the top floor by teleporting?"

Fifteen minutes after leaving the room on the second floor, Xingxing stopped and asked.

At this time they were traveling in a dark room. The heavy, heavy door is in sight.

However, the stars are now completely unclear where they are.

Even he couldn't tell whether he was on the first, second, third, fourth, or fifth floor?

"Mr. Xingxing, I'm sorry that this is not allowed." Igna shook his head, "I already tried it when I left the room on the second floor. 'Teleportation' is forbidden in this space."

"And," Ignatius added after thinking for a moment, "it's not just teleportation. 'Open Door' and 'Blink' don't work either."

"..." Xingxing's footsteps stopped.

Igna also keenly noticed that Miss Magician's footsteps also seemed to be stuck for a moment.

It's like they only realized at this time that "teleportation cannot be used".

No way……

"..." Igna couldn't help looking at Miss Justice.

Fortunately, Miss Justice seems to have known this for a long time. She smiled reassuringly at Igna.

"So, this space is limiting the power of the 'apprentice' pathway?" Xingxing immediately looked at the magician and asked.

"I'm glad you raised this question, Mr. Xingxing, otherwise I don't know how to tell you the news at the right time." The magician said politely with a calm smile.

"I think it may be because the owner of this space is a high-sequence of the same pathway."

"All abilities related to the spiritual world are restricted in this space." The magician raised his hand, snapped his fingers in the air, and flames rose.

"There's nothing we can do about it."

"I see." Xingxing nodded and looked at Igna again, "So do you know where we are now? How long will it take to get to the top floor?"

"We are in the room on the fourth floor to the left of the door on the third floor." Igna said to Mr. Xingxing.

Igna raised his eyebrows when he saw the stars.

"However, I can't tell you exactly how long it will take."

"Just according to the current progress, it will take about 20 minutes." Igna estimated.

"I hope your estimate is accurate." Xing Xing said.

Ignat smiled properly, and after Mr. Xingxing seemed to have no intention of asking any more questions, he tried to open the door in front of him.

The heavy door can be easily opened inside, which has been verified before.


The heavy wooden door was pushed open with great effort. Igna walked out lightly. Unsurprisingly, on the number plate on the side of the wooden door, I saw "the fourth floor of the experimental floor" written in ancient Feysac.

In addition, he also saw a patient walking slowly along the corridor.

He was wearing the same clothes as the big-headed patient he had seen upstairs earlier.

However, this patient has no head.

On his white, dirty, red-brown blood-stained hospital gown, there was an obvious, neat, long-dry fracture in the part connecting his neck to the huge cloth head.

There is nothing on it.

He didn't seem to be fully accustomed to the headless body, and his body remained slightly bowed forward.

The patient, or in other words, the patient's body is slowly moving forward.

He has no head, so he can't hear or see things.

He just walked past the eyes of Igna, Justice, Stars, and Magician as usual.

"Clap clap clap."

In the eyes of everyone, he stepped on the ground with his bare feet, making a silent echo.

Igna's nerves tensed in an instant.

But he did not act rashly.

When the four of them walked out of the room, Mr. Xing Xing made a gesture and walked behind the headless patient.

" It was just a blink of an eye, and the headless patient fell to the ground.

Mr. Xingxing was just like taking a walk, turned around and waved to the three behind him.

Ignatius, Justice, and Magician all walked to Mr. Xingxing's side.

Xingxing pointed to the corpse on the ground and said, "It has no consciousness, it just acts by its own body reaction."

"Is it like a dead frog?" Miss Justice raised her hand slightly.

"Yes." Xingxing nodded lightly.

"But please come over, there are other reasons." Mr. Xingxing hooked the corner of his mouth, he raised his hand gently, and opened the door not far from him.

The room was dark.

The dim lights outside the gatehouse can only light up some of the interior scenes. Looking at the floor tiles and the familiar bed frame of the hospital bed, Igna felt that this might be another hospital room.

However, he also knew that everything in the room should be more than that.

When Mr. Xingxing opened the door, Igna heard some rustling sounds clearly.


"Tick tock-"

"A rustling--"

It was like something was wriggling, something imitating the sound of water droplets hitting the ground. The voice was imitating something softly and softly, telling something.

However, the sound of the cloth squirming and rubbing, mixed with these imitated sounds, sounds creepy.

What the **** is in here?


Mr. Star snapped his fingers.

The lights outside the door immediately subsided, but the wall inside the door lit up strangely.

Ignat subconsciously cast his gaze into the ward.

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