Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 4: private study

"Mystery: Key of the Star(

Su Yuanning walked into Zhou Mingrui's study, only to feel that his whole body seemed to relax.

The study room is always a place that can heal the soul.

Walking through the rows of bookshelves, Su Yuanning saw all kinds of books. They are all organized in a comfortable way, almost like a small library.

There are bookshelves dedicated to modern books that Su Yuanning is very familiar with. Those who are studying can see highly professional textbooks such as Python, Java, C++, advanced mathematics, advanced algebra, etc. There are also various books related to history and humanities. Shen Congwen , Wang Xiaobo, Shakespeare... and so on. At the same time, there are more popular comic books in the 1990s, such as Yuyou Baishu, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Slam Dunk. And, there are a variety of PS4 game discs!

But next to the modern books are all kinds of books belonging to this era. Academic works, such as Quaternary historical research, the origin and textual research of the ancient Feysac language, the remains of the Tudor Kingdom, etc. Books related to the occult, such as Feast of Blood, Book of Witch King, Book of Secrets. There are also various newspapers, novels, books. Su Yuanning also discovered "Tarot's Trial" here!

Generally speaking, a person's bookshelf can reflect a person's preferences and personality. And Zhou Mingrui's bookshelf, like this space, combines modern openness with the style of the Loen Kingdom, which complements each other.

Su Yuanning casually took out a book of poems that was placed next to "The Tarot's Trial" and looked at it.

"Ah! The sea, you are all water!"

"Ah! Demon Wolf, you have eight legs!"

... What a mess, Su Yuanning glanced at the cover.

The cover is beautifully framed, and the dark green cover has a very special texture. The signature is "Midnight Poet", and the inscription on the title page reads "Dedicated to Mr. Fool".


Su Yuanning silently stuffed the book back, carefully selected another book related to astrology, returned to the desk, and glanced at the notes spread out on the table.

"On February 23, 1943, it has been more than a week since I traveled to this world, I have to write something and tell something, otherwise I feel like I will go crazy.

"Hey, I write in simplified Chinese, no one can decipher it, this world is full of alphabetic characters!

"I am Roselle Gustav now, but I will never forget my real name.

"Huang Tao!" (Note 1)

Su Yuanning glared at the notebook at this moment.

This ugly word!

Su Yuanning was very impressed. This is—Russell Gustav's note!

No, it's Huang Tao's diary!

Su Yuanning never imagined that he would know the name of the emperor at this time!

But... Didn't Senior Xiao Zhou let me collect Roselle's diary? How come there is one here? Su Yuanning took the notebook in front of him with doubts.

Although this notebook was written in simplified Chinese characters by Roselle Gustav... Huang Tao, it was bound with parchment paper.

...Senior Xiao Zhou said in the message that the books in the study can be read at will, right?

Su Yuanning continued to look down again.

"I don't know exactly how I crossed. I thought about it for a long time, and then I remembered that a few days before I crossed, I bought a very mysterious silver medal with some peculiar symbols and patterns carved on it, which is very interesting. .

"However, after crossing here, it did not appear again.

"It's not my golden finger!

"Well, it's a world similar to ancient Europe, post-Renaissance, where artillery and guns have appeared, but they're all pretty rudimentary and primitive.

"And I, Huang Tao Russell Gustave, as a fan of online novels, used to like to cross the technical stream very much, learned a lot of useful things, and specially read the corresponding knowledge!

"This is where I'm going to show off my skills!

"But, I found out that I have a **** bad memory! I almost forgot!

"God let me cross, but didn't give me an excellent memory, didn't give me a system, didn't give me a two-way door, how could I mess up!

"Okay, let's start with some details, and when I have the money, I'll ask a bunch of craftsmen, inventors and scientists to help, I'm only responsible for giving ideas!

"It's been a long time since I had this kind of anticipation for the future.

"However, I still miss the old man and my mother a little...

"Moreover, the entertainment in this world is too monotonous. The maids are not very good-looking, and they have a rustic smell all over their bodies, which makes the red-sleeved Xiangye Reading Book, which I expected, go bankrupt.

"I haven't finished chasing the five hundred wastes of Lingao, and my Douyin ladies and sisters still have a lot to brush. My pesticides and eating chicken are waiting for me to be lucky. Thinking about it is still a little melancholy." (Note 1)

Su Yuanning's fingers tapped on the table.

Pesticides and eating chicken, Douyin and Lingao Qiming. These are all things that Su Yuanning is very familiar with.

Sure enough, Roselle's travel time was about the same as mine. Su Yuanning thought of the original inference.

Something should have happened to make the traversers collectively traverse.

However... Su Yuanning also noticed a very important point. For example, at the beginning of time-travel, Huang Tao was not as omnipotent as he is now.

Roselle Gustaf's biography used to be called "Son of Steam", so he should be an Extraordinary under the protection of the God of Steam and Machinery. And relying on extraordinary ability to achieve "big show".

But that's not too surprising. Su Yuanning even suspected that the most famous people in this world were related to Beyonders.

He continued to read the notes calmly.

"On January 13th, Mr. Door was contacted stably." (Note 2)

Su Yuanning's pupils shrank, and he didn't find his breath for a moment.

Mr. Door!

Emperor Roselle actually contacted Mr. Door!

Patriarch Bethel Abraham has become an eternal legend in the family. In Su Yuanning's consciousness, he has almost become a symbol, a symbol.

A symbol of gods, a symbol of honor, a symbol of omnipotence!

Who would have thought that someone, a fellow countryman, had directly communicated with Mr. Door!

Su Yuanning's heartbeat accelerated slightly, and he continued to look down at a glance.

"This powerful Beyonder, who was lost in the depths of darkness and trapped in the storm, did not eagerly urge me to complete the complicated and difficult ritual to help him return to the real world.

"He seems to have understood that he must come up with things that impress me, instead of giving me three illusory wishes, so that I can consider whether to take a hidden, great risk to save him.

"Mr. 'Door' did not mention this matter for the time being, but talked about the tarot card I invented with great interest. Hehe, the word must be in quotation marks when inventing this word. It can be seen from this. 'Door' Mister can indeed be exposed to the real world in a specific way at a specific time and thus observe a lot of things.

"When communicating the card "Moon", I thought of one thing that Zarathus mentioned. He said that the School of Life worships the moon, not the further 'Goddess of the Night'. Yes, I added the last half of the sentence !

"I asked Mr. Door, a strong man in the Fourth Epoch, on this question. He chuckled twice, but he also didn't give a positive answer, but compared to the divination that made people want to play the divination that was hidden and exposed. Home, he's frank a lot.

"He told me that if he wanted to pick a tarot card to represent the 'Night Goddess', he would not pick the 'moon' card, his choice was:

"The 'star' card!

"This is very interesting, I asked, who is the real owner of the "Moon" card? His answer became more and more interesting.

"He said with a smile that the 'Moon' card currently has no owner.

"If I understand correctly, what he means is that the top of the "Moon" pathway is empty, and the position of Sequence 0 is empty!"

Seeing this, Su Yuanning paused.

He frowned slightly and looked at the last line.

- Sequence 0?

According to the arrangement order of the sequence, is there still sequence 0 above sequence 1?

what does this mean?

According to the context analysis, if the owner of the moon card means sequence 0 above sequence 1, then in the same context, the owner of the "star card", "Goddess of the Night", is also "Sequence 0".

That is, sequence 0 means true God!

In other words, there is still Sequence 0 after Sequence 1. True God is a position that can be reached through potions and ritual promotion!

Su Yuanning's breathing became a little heavy in an instant.

Is this the secret recorded in Roselle's diary? No wonder Senior Zhou asked me to collect Roselle's diary! This simply involves the secrets of the mysterious world!

Su Yuanning immediately turned the diary in his hand to the next page

"I continued to ask, but Mr. Door didn't want to say more, hehe, he wanted to whet my appetite and let me rescue him? No way!

"I hid my curiosity and turned to ridicule Mr. Door for not having enough respect for the true god. He replied leisurely, yes, leisurely, this is the attitude of the great nobles of the Fourth Epoch towards the gods.

"This guy is too good at pretending! However, I am really interested in the great nobles of the Fourth Epoch, so I asked about the situation.

"Mr. 'Gate' told me that in the Tudor Dynasty, there were five great nobles, Abraham, Antigonus, Amon, Tamara and Jacob, each of which could be called the "Angel Family", Has extremely terrifying power.

"'Angel Family', just this name can explain a lot of things, it's really desirable! Mr. Gate said that there are not only these five angel families in the fourth era, but also Zara, who has always been loyal to the Solomon Empire. Tu and the Zoroaster family, the Augustus, Sauron, Einhorn, Castilla family of the Trensost dynasty, the Andrellard and Beria family of secret activities~www and further than the angel family, from the true god, the witch family.

"It turns out that the final winner of the Fourth Epoch was the Trensost Dynasty, but where did their royal family go? The four angel families, Augustus and Sauron, divided the Northern Continent.

"As Mr. Men said last time, the number of top powerhouses in the Fourth Epoch is beyond my imagination, but most of them have been buried in the dust of history, and even the Sauron family has declined and was I overthrow it. After a thousand years and two thousand years, perhaps Augustus and other families will cease to exist. Only those true gods will seem to shine on the real world forever.

"Although there are gods who have fallen in the fourth era, they should only be very few. This reminds me of a sentence, a sentence I wrote down when I read online novels before, and I can use it here if I change it:

"If you don't become a true god, you will end up in ashes!

"The time for communication is over, and Mr. Door has dropped the line. He really looks like a prisoner who is released for a fixed time, and he really knows enough. When he mentioned the Zarath family just now, there was a hint of contempt in his tone. .

"I may have to maintain my relationship with Mr. Door, and leave a way out outside the Church of Steam, Zarath, that secret and ancient organization.

"The cunning rabbit is more than three caves!"

Notes are here. Whether Su Yuanning turned forward or backward, he could only see a blank space.

He responded quickly. These two Roselle diaries were specially left to him by Senior Xiao Zhou.

So why these two copies?


Note 1: The original text comes from Chapter 146 of the second volume, Blasphemer

Note 2: Originally from the Angel Family Chapter 227 of the Faceless Man in the second volume

Organized data index mainly from wikifandom Roselle diary entries

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