Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 154: The First Contact (Part 1)

The next day Aristophanes awoke early from his meditation.

He opened his eyes and looked around, looking at the blue-purple crystals all over the surroundings and the blue baby dragon lying on it, said hello to the dragonman guard next to him, and walked out of the cave.

The sky was slightly bright, and the sun had just risen, but the Blue Wing habitat in front of me still looked quiet and dark due to the terrain.

"You woke up, thanks to your help last night." Telegosa walked in front of him, looked up and down the elf mage, and then said, "In case there is something wrong with Gragosa, I'm afraid the two of us You can’t even eat and walk around.”

Aristophanes shook his head, and said, "What are you going to do today?"

"It's nothing, I should stay here and wait for Lord Malygos to come back. Why, what do you think?"

Aristophanes pondered for a while, then pointed to the east: "I'm going to look around the barrier to see if I can find any useful news. Do you want to come?"

In fact, he has a goal for this trip, but he can't say it clearly now.

Telegosa looked at the elf mage in front of her, and thought for a while: "Okay, but we have to tell Stellagosa, otherwise we might get angry if Lord Malygos can't find us when he comes back."

Soon the two found the blue dragon girl who was feeding the young dragons. When she heard that her partner was going to "expedition" in Suramar to the east, she immediately put down her work and hugged Telegosa tightly. do not let it go.

"Take me there, Elder Sister Telegosa, I flew too hastily last time, and many things are unclear."

Telegosa looked at Aristophanes, motioning for him to solve the problem.

"Ahem, Stella, we're not going to play, but we have something to do." Aristophanes attracted the blue dragon girl's attention, "Well, I'll leave the spice bag and the barbecue method to you , you learn first, and when your grandfather comes back, you can bake it for him, so maybe he will let you go out to play as soon as he is happy?"

After hearing what Aristophanes said, Stellagosa tilted her head and thought for a while, then stretched out her hand: "Yes, but when you come back, tell me what's going on there, so that I can play in the future!"

Aristophanes took out the interspatial bag prepared in the morning and handed it to the blue dragon girl in front of her. After taking it, she immediately mobilized the surrounding half-dragons and a few young dragons to hunt.

Telegosa looked at the sisters who were screaming innocently,

Smiling and shaking his head: "Then let's go!"

Then the two walked out of the barrier, and Telegosa appeared as a dragon, and flew straight to the east with Aristophanes on his back.

----------Dividing line----------

On the top floor of the Night Fortress, a torrent of energy emitting blue light penetrated the center of the hall.

A female nightborn mage with a traditional staff and a purple hood suddenly appeared outside the portal after a flash of blue light, and entered the hall after the guard verified her identity.

"Your Excellency the Great Magister, are you looking for me?"

Floating in front of the beam of light, the leader of the Nightborne wearing gorgeous armor closed her eyes, a complicated circular magic circle rotated in her hands, and arcane energy flows visible to the naked eye surrounded her.

"You are here, Talisa, my chief arcanist." The female Nightborne who was floating in the air stopped her spell and slowly landed in front of Talisa.

Talisa took off her hood, and her smooth silver-white hair shone brightly: "Yes, Your Excellency Elisande, I don't know why you called me here?"

Elisande said directly: "Follow me." Then the two walked to the balcony next to them, and the great magister directly activated the lavender teleportation orb and teleported them to the attic.

"Oh my god, the Eye of Aman'Thul...what's wrong?" Talisa looked at the Pillar of Creation, which was spinning and emitting energy, and opened her mouth in shock.

"That's why I asked you here," Elisande said with a serious expression, "A few years ago, the Eye of Aman'Thul also made such movements, but it has never released its energy so crazily like today, and Since yesterday, I can no longer use its power to enter the time stream."

"Your Majesty the Great Magister, what do you want me to do?" Talisa asked.

"The last picture I saw when I entered the time stream was a short-eared elf with light skin sitting on a blue dragon, discussing something with one of our compatriots, surrounded by white silk A dilapidated building wrapped in objects. So I hope you will lead a small group of people to go outside to see if you can find any clues about the restlessness of the Pillars of Creation."

Talisa hesitated for a while: "But once we leave the enchantment and the magical nourishment of the Nightwell, we will soon become fallen due to the lack of magical power..."

"I have already asked Aluriel to prepare enough magic crystals and wine," Elisande said. "This matter concerns the future of countless people in Suramar City, so Talisa, I leave everything to you."

The Chief Arcanist heard that Elisande had prepared the magic crystal and enough magic wine, nodded, and said, "Leave it to me, Your Excellency the Great Magister, the Shaldorei will surely rise!" Turning around sent down.

Elisande stared intently at the increasingly restless Pillar of Creation in front of him, and stretched out his hand to form a large barrier to isolate the restless magic power.

On the other side, Talisa saw the leader of the fully armed magic swordsman, and she threw a backpack to the chief arcanist: "It contains enough crystals and magic wine for us to survive outside for ten days, and a set of light clothes for going out. A cloak, put it on now and we're off."

Talisa didn't say a word, and quickly found an empty room to change into this set of equipment, put away her backpack, and followed the magic swordsman out of the range of the Tower of Darkness.

On the way to the edge of the city, some Nightborne children were jumping around the horse-shaped structure that was parked in place. After seeing the two people, they shouted: "I didn't cause trouble, did I?" "You Want some magic juice? I'm full..."

Aluriel was expressionless, while Talisa smiled and declined their invitation.

The two quickly walked to the place where the criminals were usually exiled. After taking out the order of the great magister and checking it was correct, the two received the blue-purple magic saber and rode it out of the barrier.

"Which direction should we go next?" Aluriel looked at the flat, red and orange land, and the broken stone road hidden among the vegetation, and asked the chief arcanist beside him.

"According to the reminder of the great magister, the place we are going to has an abandoned town, so let's go to the Amber Valley to the west first."

Aluriel didn't object, and the two rode the magic saber to confirm the direction and quickly rushed towards the abandoned town to the west.

At this time, at the place where Valshara bordered Suramar, a blue dragon flapped its wings and stopped in the sky.

"Where are you going next, Aristophanes?"

The elf mage identified the direction and pointed to the southeast: "Do you see any ruins over there? Let's go there and have a look."

On the way, Telegosa asked loudly: "What are you looking for? Don't fool me with what you said to Stellagosa."

Aristophanes also said loudly: "When I was looking through the classics before, I found that there was an elf organization called 'Guardian' in ancient times. They were composed of druids and arcane mages. Their goal was to use natural energy to balance arcane magic. Energy, so a strange plant was researched. It is recorded in the ancient books that one of their organization members lived in seclusion in Suramar."

"Is this plant important?"

Telegosa couldn't see Aristophanes' expression, but the words passed into her ear showed his attitude: "Yes, it is very important to Quel'dorei!"

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