Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 179: Apprentices and Successors (Part 1)

In the dining room, Alfred and John Zaatara listened to the narration of the boy and girl in front of them with serious faces.

"So, that mage came to Gotham to find an apprentice?"

"According to what the mage Aristophanes said, he did come to Gotham to help God Naboo choose an heir, but the two of us just happened to meet and are extremely talented in magic." Zatanna looked at her father whispered.

And Zatara was playing with the hat badge in his hand, and after several inspections, he found nothing wrong with it. Instead, he was a little surprised by some strange magic circles and spells on it that he had never seen before.

"Okay, it's getting late, and it's time for Master Bruce and Miss Zatana to rest. Let's talk about the specific situation tomorrow." Alfred interrupted Zatara's meditation.

"Indeed, go to rest, children, and leave the rest to me and Alfred." Zaatara returned the badge to his daughter, and then watched Alfred send the two back to the upstairs bedroom.

"Do you see anything, John?"

John Zatara shook his head and smiled wryly: "This is a very powerful mage, Alfred, the magic power contained in the two badges he casually threw to the children is actually comparable to those magic items passed down by big families for hundreds of years .”

"So you have nothing to do with him?" The housekeeper of the Wayne family looked at the magician, "Then can you find someone else to help us?"

"Time is too tight, Alfred. The mages I know are all thousands of miles away in Europe, South America and even East Asia. According to the children, this elf mage will come over tomorrow, so even if I notify them, those There is no way for the mage to come in time."

Alfred rubbed the back of the chair: "You can't sit still! How about John, you go to contact your friends, and I will also activate my channel to find some backup power."

Zatara shook his head, hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter, John?"

"It's nothing, Alfred, just do as you say."

Early the next morning, Alfred, who was still preparing breakfast, heard the doorbell ring again. He looked out the window and found a man in a hood standing at the gate, holding a strange staff emitting white mist in his hand .

"John, John! He's here again, what shall we do!" Alfred stopped what he was doing, picked up the Remington 870 by the door and shouted.

Zatara walked to the foyer, he looked at the butler holding a shotgun, and patted him on the shoulder: "Put it down, Alfred, if he wants to come in, I think this gun is basically useless."

Alfred looked at Zatara: "Are you sure?"

"This gun can't even threaten me, let alone the mage. Let him in, I don't think he has any malicious intentions this time."

The butler sighed helplessly, turned around and put the gun on the table, opened the door and walked out, while the hooded man outside the iron door also took off his hood.

"Hello, Alfred Pennyworth, and this mage John Zaatara, you must have understood my reason for coming."

Alfred looked ugly: "What if I refuse?"

"I want to hear the answers from Bruce Wayne and Zatanna, both of you." Aristophanes smiled unchanged, "In fact, it's not that the two of them are inseparable, it's just that their magical talents are really excellent. up.


At this time Zatara walked to Alfred's side and said to him softly: "Alfred, let him in first, let's listen to his thoughts carefully before making a decision."

The butler took a deep breath, opened the closed iron door, and led him into the Wayne family's manor, and a small head disappeared from the window on the second floor.

"Zhatana, wake up, the elf mage is here!"

"Well, Bruce, let me sleep a little longer, so I won't have to hang myself upside down one morning." Zatana said in a muffled voice as she buried herself in the soft velvet quilt.

Bruce Wayne, who was in pajamas, looked at Zatanna who was lying in bed, ignored her, and walked out of the bedroom after washing alone.

When he walked into the dining room, he saw Aristophanes and John Zaatara sitting on both sides of the long table, each with a glass of white water in front of them.

Little Bruce looked curiously at the stern Uncle Zatara and the relaxed Elf Mage: "What are you doing?"

Zatara did not answer him, but stretched out his right hand, controlling the water in the cup to fly out, and Aristophanes did the same, and then the two used the ball of water as a weapon in front of Bruce to start a unique battle. magic battle.

After a while, Alfred also came in. He stood quietly behind Bruce and looked at the two sitting in front of the table with him.

The two balls of water transformed into various magic circles and weapon models in the hands of the mage, and Bruce soon discovered that John had been attacking, while Aristophanes had been defending.

"Ah Fu, who do you think will win?"

Alfred shook his head, and then said in a low voice: "Master, I don't know, but John seems to have lost the wind."

"Ah? But Mr. John has been attacking."

"Master, sometimes you can win without attacking."

Before the words were finished, the water cluster in the air split into two and fell into the cup in front of them again, but it was obvious that the water in Aristophanes' cup was much more than that in John Zaatara's.

"Looks like I won," Aristophanes said with a smile.

John Zaatara looked at the water glass in front of Aristophanes and at his own, and shook his head. Although he had expected the result, he was still disappointed.

"Bruce, where's Zatanna?"

"Oh, Mr. Aristophanes, Zatanna was still sleeping when I just came down." Bruce recovered from the dazzling tricks of the two.

"Then let me ask you first, Bruce, are you willing to inherit the mantle of God Naboo and become the successor of order magic and the guardian of order?"

"Huh?" Bruce Wayne froze for a moment.

Alfred looked at the young master who was still in a sluggish state, and quickly changed the subject: "Mr. Aristophanes, let's ask together after Miss Zatanna wakes up. Now let's have breakfast first."

John Zatara also came back to his senses, and also persuaded: "I'm going to wake Zatana up now, you guys eat first."

The elf mage looked at the flustered two and nodded in agreement with their suggestion.

John got up and left the dining room, Bruce noticed that his back was soaked with sweat, and Alfred brought out the unusually rich breakfast that had been prepared in advance.

Soon Zatana came in with Zatara who had changed clothes, and the four sat around the table, while Alfred stood aside.

After eating, Alfred led everyone to the living room and served expensive tea to them.

"Okay, we have eaten and eaten, and tested our strength, let's get to the point."

After Aristophanes finished speaking, he touched the ring on his right hand, and a golden fully-enclosed helmet appeared on his hand under the surprised eyes of everyone.

"This is the helmet of God Naboo. I am also entrusted by him to find the successor of destiny. So Bruce, Zatanna, can you tell me the choice of the two of you?"

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

Looking at the entangled crowd, Aristophanes did not rush, and slowly drank the tea prepared by Alfred.

At this time, Bruce Jr. mustered up his courage. Regardless of Alfred's obstruction, he opened his mouth and asked, "Sir, I want to ask if magic can resurrect my parents?"

"Good question, but let Mr. Zatara answer it for you."

Bruce stared at John with wide eyes, and he also looked carefully at the boy who was about the same age as his daughter, and said seriously and seriously: "Bruce, the essence of magic is a way of using energy, and life is ours. A restricted area that mages cannot touch. Not only will you have to pay an unimaginable price for life-reversing magic, but you will also be targeted by some kind of terrifying existence, and the whole world will be destroyed by then."

Bruce was silent after listening, and Alfred hugged his little master distressedly.

"So what's your decision?"

Bruce looked at the golden helmet on the table, and there seemed to be a whisper in his heart, allowing himself to approach it and accept it.

"Not yet, Mr. Aristophanes, I don't think I am suitable to inherit the inheritance of God Naboo. And compared to God Naboo, I hope to learn some basic knowledge about magic from you."

Aristophanes was noncommittal, turned his head and asked Zaatara and his daughter again: "Then what is your decision?"

"Is God Naboo really as powerful as you say?" Zatanna asked.

Aristophanes smiled, and without waiting for everyone's reaction, he picked up the golden helmet from the table and threw it to the girl: "Why don't you try it yourself?"

Zatanna caught the helmet, and looked to her father for help.

"Your Excellency Aristophanes, I wonder if I can try wearing the helmet?" John Zaatara asked, taking the helmet from his daughter.

"Please go ahead, Your Excellency Zatara, but I don't know if you will be approved by God Naboo."

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