Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 184 North Pole, Alien Spaceship

"Tuk tuk tuk," after a knock on the door, Martha Kent saw someone open the door through the screen window, and led a man and a woman in front of her into her home.

"Ah, good morning, both of you. Are you looking for Clark?"

"Good morning, Mrs. Kent." Aristophanes greeted, "Yes, we had an appointment yesterday."

"Sit down first, Clark should be down soon, have you had breakfast?" Martha greeted the two warmly.

"Don't bother, Mrs. Kent, we've already eaten," said Diana.

"Well, I wanted you to try the Kent family's secret corn soup. Clark really likes it..." She rambled and brought out a pot of steaming thick soup from the kitchen. The aroma of corn and honey entered their noses.

At this time, Clark, who was wearing a vest, came down from the second floor. His strong body stretched the vest tightly, and his feet made a "creaking" sound on the wooden stairs.

"Mom, it's time to repair the stairs again!"

"Brat, who am I going to fix if you're not at home!"

"Then I'll come back and fix it after I'm done with Mr. Aristophanes."

"Okay, those two are here, eat quickly and go to work!"

"Yes, Mother!" Clark showed his white teeth.

He then sat down at the dining table, and a gust of wind swept away the breakfast on the table. Then he changed his clothes and looked at Aristophanes and Diana who were sitting in the living room reading a book: "What should I do next?"

"Come with me, Clark." Aristophanes closed the book, and the three of them said goodbye to Martha Kent and got into Aristophanes' car.

"Sit firmly, Clark, the next one is a bumpy journey."

After Aristophanes finished speaking, he activated the space teleportation spell he had prepared long ago, and the three of them disappeared on the empty road in one car.

In the North Pole, on a snowy field under an ice cliff, a black car suddenly jumped out of the air, and then stopped steadily on the edge of the cliff.

"Ugh..." Clark opened the car door and vomited before the car stopped.

Aristophanes and Diana pushed open the car door and walked down. Diana took a bottle of white liquid medicine that Aristophanes gave her and handed it to Clark, who was still a little dizzy: "Drink it and you will feel better.


Clark shook his dizzy mind, there were still various "buzzing" sounds in his ears, and various strange images flashed before his eyes.

He stood in the sun and tried to recover, but this time it was obviously not as fast as before, so he could only take the potion and drink it in one go.

"What's going on here? What did we see and hear just now?" After a while, Clark asked the elf mage with lingering fear, while Aristophanes was scanning the ice cliff in front of him, " Why didn't you and Diana react at all?"

"We have just passed through some planes, and all you see and hear are some creatures on the magic plane and some unknown existences. We have seen a lot, and we have also driven away many guys who tried to invade "A circle of blue light appeared in Aristophanes' hand, and the rotating ring analyzed the ice in front of him, "Unlike Diana and I, although you have an extremely powerful body, you are still resistant to magic. Sex is basically zero, even negative, and yet has a horrible perception, so it's very easy to be affected by these things."

Clark fell silent.

"found it!"

Clark and Diana saw Aristophanes take out a staff, and as he waved it, a square hole gradually appeared on the cliff in front of him, and then he walked in first, and Diana and Diana closely followed each other. follow.

"This is..."

Looking at the huge spaceship frozen in the ice in front of him, Clark suddenly felt an unusually strong call.

"Follow your heart and go, Clark."

Looking at the smiling Aristophanes and Diana, Clark gritted his teeth and climbed up the passage below the spaceship, followed by Aristophanes and Diana.

The three stood at the entrance, the interior of the spaceship was empty and there was nothing.

Just as Clark took a step forward, a console with a black keyhole rose up next to it.

Looking at the shape of the keyhole, Clark suddenly remembered the black "s" prism he carried with him. He took off the necklace and prepared to insert it inside.

At this time, two drop-shaped metal creations suddenly appeared behind them. Seeing Clark's movements, the gray-black shell cracked open, revealing a metal whip that could be stretched arbitrarily like a beetle, and attacked the three of them.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Diana stretched her hands forward to grab the ejected whips, and stood in a stalemate with them.

Clark didn't hesitate anymore, he inserted the key into the hole forcefully, the inside of the spaceship lit up, and the two metal robots stopped attacking.

A figure in a black robe suddenly appeared in the distance. He was a little surprised when he saw three people, but he quickly calmed down and guided them to the control room on the top of the spaceship.

Along the way, the three of them saw dried up corpses and various shapes that were very different from the earth.

"The recursive program is diagnosed!"

"Navigation permissions confirmed!"

"Everything is working fine!"

After the self-inspection of the console was completed, the figure appeared at the entrance of the control room again.

"Seeing that you have grown up, if only Laura could see it with her own eyes." He ignored Aristophanes and Diana, and said to Clark gently.

"Who are you?" Clark looked at the person in front of him suspiciously. He could feel that this was not real, but just a shadow, or a program.

"I am your father, Cal, or his shadow, his consciousness. My name is Jo-El."

"What about Karl? Is that my name?"

"Kal-El, yes."

"I have many questions."

Along with Clark's doubts, his life experience was gradually revealed. At the same time, a dynamic model appeared behind Jor-El to explain why Krypton and Clark came to Earth.

"Although the people on Earth are very different from us, I believe you, Carl, you are the children of Earth and Krypton. Maybe they will make mistakes, but as long as you guide them, as long as you give them hope, they will not go back. The old way of Krypton. And hope, that's what the sign means."

Accompanied by the blue tights, the red cloak, and Joe pulling open the clothes on his chest, a big "S" logo appeared in front of the three of them.

"The meaning of the emblem of the Ayre family is hope, and in that hope is the firm belief in the inherent goodness of human nature, which you can bring to them..."

Clark turned his head to look at the blue tights, with different lights shining in his eyes.

"Jo-Eir," Aristophanes had changed back to very formal attire at this time, the luxurious robe exuded violent fluctuations in magic power, with a magic sword and short staff hanging on his waist, and Ebon Chill in his hand; Diana is also fully armed, wearing a red champion helmet, a shield of divine power and a spear facing each other on her back, and Aristophanes' reforged sword and lasso of mantra are also hung on her waist. crown glitters.

"The safety of the earth, the guidance and growth of people on earth will naturally have someone to pay attention to, and Clark alone can change the status quo."

At this moment, Clark cooled down from the excitement. He looked at Aristophanes and Diana to see what they had to say.

Joe looked at Aristophanes quietly: "Have you asked who you two are?"

"Great mystic, guardian of the earth's magic world, master of order and magic, Aristophane Windrunner."

"The daughter of Amazon Queen Hippolyta, the strongest warrior on Paradise Island, Godslayer, Diana."

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