Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 335: Scattered Rough Stones

It's been a week since aliens invaded New York, but the waves of the invasion intensified.

The tragedies of New York City and interviews with New Yorkers were played on a loop in the daily news, while the popularity of Captain America and Tony Stark rose again, and even the other members of the Avengers and the civilian heroes who participated in the war were also given awards. their respective names.

In the Karma Taj library, Aristophanes, Natalia and a man wearing a yellow robe and a hood but with a somewhat unreal figure stood together. They looked at the five people who were sealed by the elf mage An infinite rough stone remained silent.

"Aristophanes, what is the matter with your arm?"

The elf mage opened his sleeves while talking, and there were some faint red marks on it: "It's nothing, I was ready to use the ether, but I got the power and the soul stone in the end, surpassing The armor I made was limited, so I was injured. But with the help of the natural magic of Mantis Mantis, these skin traumas healed very quickly."

Gu nodded slightly: "You are amazing, but what are you going to do with these rough stones? Just seal them on the earth like this?"

"I have already made a plan. I will hand over the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to the Asgardians. The ether particles will be collected by collectors who know nothing about the field. After the power stone is sealed, it will be kept by the Nova Corps. In Karma Taj, as for the original soul stone, I will use it to set up a large-scale illusion here as a test for Kama Taj's exit, and at the same time guide its power into the three holy temples to strengthen the earth's shield. "

"Oh? What kind of illusion?" Gu Yi became interested.

"I would also like to thank Thanos, who used the mind stone to trap me in a hallucination when he was fighting on Titan, which gave me a hint," Aristophanes said as he lifted the seal of the mind stone, and then he clasped his hands together, A magic circle appeared in front of the three of them, and the yellow gem gradually floated to the center of the magic circle, and the yellow light gradually spread.

"Want to try, Master?"

"I don't dare to invite you." Gu Yi said something in Chinese, and snapped his fingers with his left hand. The originally somewhat illusory figure instantly solidified, but Natalia and Aristophanes seemed to vaguely heard the sentence "Gu Once you skipped work again..."

"Whose voice is that?" Natalia was a little curious.

"Don't worry about him, it's nothing," Gu Yi waved his hand a little awkwardly, "How do you use this?"

"Just stand still and don't move, Natalia, expand the dimensional space," the red-haired female mage waved her hands, and some wrinkles appeared in the surrounding space instantly, Aristophanes twisted the magic circle, and a faint yellow mist came from Protruding from the rough stone, Gu Yi sucked in some, and his eyes instantly turned yellow.

About a quarter of an hour later, a terrifying tide of magic power gushed out of Gu Yi, and Aristophanes and Natalia had to activate the magic shield, but the bright red dark dimension rune on Gu Yi's forehead did not appear.

"Huh..." Then Gu Yi let out a long breath and calmed down.

"How does it feel, Master Ancient One."

"Very good, my heart is more peaceful," Gu nodded, "If the mages of Karma Taj can break through this trial, then even if they leave, it will not affect us. But even with my In terms of level, it is considered a very difficult trial, can ordinary Karma Taj masters break through?"

"This will be graded according to difficulty, Master Ancient One," Aristophanes said while deciphering Natalia's dimensional space, removing the original stone from the magic circle and putting it into the seal again.

"I see, if that's the case, then I won't stay any longer, and Kama Taj will be completely handed over to you, Natalia," Gu Yi said while breaking the last connection between himself and the Eye of Agamotto , the artifact groaned softly, and at the same time a green light flashed, and Natalia felt that the connection between herself and the Eye of Agamotto was closer.

Gu Yi glanced at Aristophanes for the last time, turned his head and said to Natalia: "Remember our duty,

Natalia. "

"Yes, Master Ancient One."

Then her figure gradually weakened and disappeared into the library.

----------split line----------

Half a month later, in Zhiwu Domain, the collector looked at the two people in front of him and a cloud of red smoke that was sealed in the crystal in front of him.

"So you want to keep it with me?"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Collector," Aristophanes held up his teacup, "After all, the name of the collector Tifan has already spread throughout the universe, so a mere Infinity Stone can still be well protected."

"Ha~ha~ha~" Ti Fan gave a strange laugh, "I, Collector, is nothing more than a pawn in front of someone who can kill the Death Titan. Since it is your request, don't worry."

Aristophanes and Natalia nodded and planned to get up and leave, but the collector stopped him: "Wait, Your Excellency the Mage."

"What's wrong?" Aristophanes stopped walking.

"On behalf of my brother and I, I would like to thank you for your contribution to the creatures in this universe." The collector got up and made a solemn courtesy.

The elf mage also returned the gift, and left here without looking back.

"Farewell, mage." Tifan looked at his back, shook his head and said softly.

On the spaceship, Natalia looked at Aristophanes: "The power stone and ether particles have been properly handed over to the Nova Corps and the collectors. Where shall we go next?"

"New Asgard," Aristophanes marked the position of the star sector on the computer, then looked up, "Mikhail, let's go."

"Yes, Commander!"

After a slight sense of pushing back and a flash of light in front of them, they came to a slightly barren galaxy, and a blue planet appeared in front of them.

"Isn't this Earth?"

"New Asgard is here on Earth," Aristophanes said with a smile.

"..." Natalia rolled her eyes, and then left the spaceship through the portal at the same time as the elf mage.

In Siberia, Thor was talking to Heimdall when suddenly a cloud of blue smoke appeared beside them, and Aristophanes walked out with the Rubik's Cube in their hands.

"Aristophanes, long time no see, what brought you here?" Thor left Heimdall and walked over quickly, hugging the elf mage, "Why didn't you ask me to go to the war in New York before?" help?"

"Because it's unnecessary," Aristophanes laughed. "Where's Loki?"

"Traveling, Heimdall?"

The tall black man raised his head, then narrowed his pupils, and then said: "Loki is now on a planet called 'Saka', and has a good chat with the ruler there."

"Okay, let's get down to business," the elf mage said with a serious expression, "You must know that I collected five of the six rough stones after the Battle of New York. Just in case, I'm handing over the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to Aspen. Gard, Odin gave it to the earth, and now Natalia and I will return it to you on behalf of the earth, whether you hide it or use it."

Seeing the shining blue cube in Natalia's hand, Thor solemnly took it down: "Don't worry, Aristophanes, I will take good care of it."

(end of this volume)

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