Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Three hundred and ninetieth chapters retreat

"Crackling, cracking", after a tooth-sickening sound of bones and muscles twisting, the troll in front of Aristophanes gradually distorted and deformed, and a huge snake with wings appeared in front of him. Cracks appeared in the mask, which eventually shattered in two, revealing a somewhat ugly dragon-like head.

"Hahaha, I'm out!" The wind snake spread its wings and roared to the sky.

Aristophanes had just strengthened the seal of the Dragon's Summoning, a purple magic circle appeared around the long sword, and with his help, the group of natural forces turned into a green dragon, constantly biting the just wrapped dragon. Among them is the phantom of the red wind snake, and the purple secret energy is connecting it with the sword body, providing it with continuous power.


Hearing the elf mage's inquiry, the red wind snake withdrew its expression and stared at him with blue eyes: "Although I am very grateful to you for helping me break free from the shackles of this blasphemer, mortal, but you took my other A half body, give it back to me, and I will give you the power of immortality!"

Looking at the arrogant Haka in front of him, Aristophanes asked curiously: "How did you break free from this troll's binding spell? And where do you have such confidence when you only have half your strength?"

"I'm a god, mortal! Don't use your ordinary mortal thinking to think about me!" Haka proudly said, "As for this troll's spell, he really thinks he can extract me for nothing with those ridiculous totem poles The power of the troll? As early as when you entered the vision of the soul, I was able to break free and control this troll instead!"

"So that's how it is..." Aristophanes thought that when he was competing with Jindu for the control of the chain, he always felt that there were other consciousnesses, and now it seems that it was Haka's trick.

"After this humble troll gets my power, he can equalize you who has been practicing penance for many years. If you agree to my request, then these powers will be yours! I will make you the king of the world! "


The elf mage shook his head, pointed the short staff in his right hand, and the blue lightning instantly hit Hakar across the air, but it didn't respond.

"It seems that you rejected my proposal? Well, then I will deal with you first, and then kill that annoying dragon!"

Haka bowed slightly, the snake's tail bounced up instantly, his wings were tightly attached to his body, and he flew in front of the elf mage like a red long sword in an instant.

Aristophanes spun his long sword, and a layer of blue shield appeared in an instant, but he was not surprised when it was easily broken by Hakar? He continued to wave his hand? The burning ball of flame also dragged a long flame tail towards Hakar.

"..." Haka still didn't dodge? But the red power began to gather in its head? It kept smashing the shields arranged by Aristophanes,

Those burning flame balls were also easily dodged by it twisting its body.

But its speed still inevitably slowed down? Seeing this, Haka spread his wings, and his upper body stood up instantly? The snake tail on the lower body drew an afterimage like a long whip towards the elf mage.

Aristophanes flashed behind it in an instant? The snake's tail took a gap.

Seeing the elf mage dodging, Haka showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and rushed directly to the dragon's call, thinking in his mind how to release his other half body? But soon the sharp pain from the snake's tail made him stop in place. land.

Haka turned his head and saw a sharp ice spear sticking out of his snake tail, which pierced through his body and stuck heavily into the wooden floor.

Before he could react, the elf mage waved the Ebon Chill in his hand again, and more ice spears and spears fell from the sky, some pierced through the tail of the snake, some rubbed it and nailed it to the ground, and then stopped Haka.

"Ahhh! You mortal? I'm going to kill you, kill you!" Feeling the sting from the snake's tail, Haka turned around furiously, flapping his wings non-stop, and nailed all the ice chiefs to the ground. Then he lifted his tail up to break free from the spearhead and gunhead, and flapped his wings to spit out red poison at Aristophanes.

"Boom!" A huge ice block fell from the sky to block Haka's venom, and the red liquid flowed continuously on the ice block, making a "sizzling" sound.

Aristophanes kept waving his staff, and the white ice meteorite kept falling. Haka flapped his wings nimbly, avoiding the meteorite aimed at it.

It flew higher and higher, and it was about to leave the scope of the meteorite technique. The elf mage drew a semicircle with his left hand, and three or two clones appeared behind him. They nodded, spread out, and then pinched a seal, and the purple chain hung down.

"Go!" The three clones waved their hands at the same time, and the chain deftly bypassed the meteorite, and instantly wrapped around Haka's snake tail and the roots of his wings.

Haka reacted extremely quickly, and the red light surged and broke free from the chain, but Aristophanes' real body had already seized the opportunity of this pause, and the meteorite fell from the sky and hit it directly.

Soon one after another meteorites pressed Haka below. It kept struggling and roaring to fly up again, but Aristophanes' avatar had transformed a large number of ice spears and ice spears to firmly hold it in place. land.

Seeing this, the elf mage no longer hesitated, and flashed to the side of Dragon Summoner, grabbed it with both hands and pulled it out, and then flashed again in front of Haka, who was first pierced by the ice spear and then suppressed by the ice block, without waiting for him As soon as he spoke, he stabbed heavily, and at the same time chanted a spell, a huge purple magic circle appeared under Haka's body, and it felt a force trying to expel itself from this body.

"Ah! I curse you, mortal, I curse you!" Haka yelled furiously, but he couldn't stop the elf mage's expulsion ceremony at all. It is getting brighter and brighter.

"No!" With a "poof", the red wind snake under the ice completely faded, revealing the twisted limbs of the troll priest Jindu inside, and everyone present felt that the coercion on the soul disappeared.

Looking at the elven mage who was still observing the Dragon's Summoning, Isarios had a complex expression on his face, Melinthra also opened his eyes at this time, and asked with some difficulty: "Isarios, I can't feel it haha Ka's evil aura is gone, did Aristophanes succeed?"

"Ah, that's right, Your Royal Highness," Lord Green Dragon nodded, "We succeeded. Haka was successfully expelled, and he probably won't come back for a long time."

"Ahem, that's great," Melinsera returned to her human form, she staggered, her right arm still hanging unnaturally, "Then we can go back?"

"Alright, Your Royal Highness," Aristophanes flashed in front of them at this time, holding the Dragon's Call in one hand and handing it to Isarios, "Now there is Eranikus mixed in here." Your Highness's power and Hakkar's divine power are now given to you, my lord, please pass it on to Your Highness Ysera."

"...Okay," looking at the indifferent elf mage, Isarios took it with a complicated expression, and then Aristophanes recited the spell, and a huge blue teleportation circle lit up at their feet, and the elf He and the dragon disappeared in an instant, leaving only the glinting iceberg in the morning sun, and Jindu's cracked mask lay quietly next to his body, as if telling the cruel result of the battle.

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