Chat group.

Yang Jian was immediately silenced by the words of everyone in the crowd.

Will her smart, cute and obedient little girl fall in love with such a gadget in the future?

Is it possible that during the future arrest process, the black evil marshal not only killed the elder brother, but also blinded the younger sister?

Just as I was thinking about it, a new message appeared in the group.

Li Yi:”The essence of spiritual practice is the transformation of life

“During the process of transformation, the body and five senses will become stronger together..

“Mortals who eat whole grains are not as unstained as immortals.

“When one has reached a high level of cultivation, one’s sharp five senses can detect even a tiny bit of bacteria or a speck of dust on an ordinary person’s body.

“What gives you the illusion that a normal spiritual practitioner would fall in love with an ordinary person?

“Even if this ordinary person looks better than Pan An and Xizi

“Among all of you in the group, who can ignore the filthiness of the mortal world and be moved by it?”

Ye Hei:”……”


Liu Peiqiang:”……”

Yang Jian:”Mr. Group Leader, what you mean is that there is another reason for the incident between Chan’er and the scholar?”

Li Yi:”Although the world you live in is different from that of Prehistoric, Fengshen and Journey to the West.

“But the general development is very similar to the development of these worlds.

“No matter whether your family’s tragedy will happen in the future, the Battle of the Gods will be staged in the future.

“A divine conferment, the two sects of Interpretation and Interpretation were greatly damaged.

“Apart from Heaven, the West has become the biggest winner among the gods.

“With the great prosperity of the West, Laozi transformed Hu into a Buddha. Since then, Western religion has changed to Buddhism.

“However, although the great prosperity of the West is destiny, just as the human race has experienced the”613” three ancestors of the human race and the three emperors and five emperors before gradually reaching its peak.

“The great prosperity of the West did not happen suddenly.

“According to destiny, the great prosperity of the West needs to undergo a journey to the west to learn from the scriptures.

“There are ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties in obtaining Buddhist scriptures in the West. Only by returning to the truth can we achieve perfection and truly lay the foundation for the great prosperity of the West.

“But as far as the Three Qing Dynasties are concerned, the second Western Buddhists are just the registered disciples of Hongjun and are not orthodox to Taoism.

“As an orthodox member of Xuanmen, no matter how much the Three Purities fight, the meat will always rot in their own pot.

“But the conflict between the Three Purities and the West is not what the Three Purities want to see.

“In the same way, Heaven is the orthodoxy of the Three Realms, and Haotian is essentially the incarnation of Heaven.

“The purpose of becoming a god is to fill the vacancy in heaven, so that heaven can truly have the foundation to control the three realms.

“But a good apotheosis of gods has strengthened the heaven, but you, the West, have also taken advantage of the situation.

“Such a result is also not what Haotian wants.

“Therefore, even if the Western Daxing is only a matter of days, Haotian and Sanqing both still had a hand in the Journey to the West that laid the foundation for the Western Daxing.

“Although the great prosperity of the West is a matter of heaven, Haotian is also a matter of heaven.

“The prehistoric period was originally created by Pangu. The Sanqing, which was transformed into three parts of Pangu’s soul, also inherited Pangu’s legacy and also had the ability to interfere with the number of days.

“so……Journey to the West depends on the number of days

“But he was not able to return to his true nature as he wished.

“From the time when the person who deserves the calamity was reincarnated, to when the master and the disciples stepped into the Daleiyin Temple to obtain the true scriptures, but instead

“A total of only eighty difficulties were experienced. The West spent all its efforts in arranging the journey to the west for fear of an accident, but in the end an accident occurred.

“During the Eighty Difficulties of Journey to the West, although Buddhism also flourished, it did not flourish completely.

“Although Journey to the West is over, the aftermath continues to affect the Three Realms.

“Buddhism, which was supposed to be prosperous, has not yet finished its calamity. In the midst of the great prosperity, another great calamity has been added.

“Under this catastrophe, you can be happy if you survive it, but if you can’t survive it……It’s a good thing if you can be beaten back to your original shape.

“If you are not careful, you may end up in a situation worse than Jie Jiao in Fengshen.

“Such a calamity is something that Buddhism is not willing to face.

“And this calamity was caused by the failure of the Journey to the West to return to its true form, and the failure to complete the final calamity.

“Therefore, after realizing the doomsday test in this great prosperity, Buddhism

“He chose to strike first and took the initiative to use the unfinished calamity energy of Journey to the West to artificially create a calamity.

“After this calamity, no matter what the outcome, the calamity of Journey to the West has been gone.

“The calamity of the great rise of Buddhism will be passed safely

“And what kind of disaster is this calamity? It should be the calamity qi gestating on its own and the cause and effect of heaven.

“But because Journey to the West failed to return to its true form, it was due to the intervention of Haotian and Sanqing.

“Therefore, Buddhism also deliberately guided and gave back this last calamity to Haotian and Sanqing

“You are Haotian’s nephew, a descendant of Yuqing, and the second generation of the Golden Immortal Protector of the Sanqing Sect.

“Your face is not only the face of Haotian, but also represents the face of Sanqing

“To take revenge on Sanqing and Haotian, this last calamity of calamity falls on you, which is what Buddhism wants to see most.

“And given your illustrious military exploits in defeating the Gods in the Battle of the Gods and finally being physically canonized, Buddhism doesn’t think that the calamity caused by the Journey to the West calamity will cause you much trouble.

“And when both his father and brother are dead, and the only person he cares about most besides his mother, who is in seclusion, is his sister.

“This calamity naturally fell on your sister

“The love between humans and gods that was pioneered by the eldest princess in the past was once again performed on her daughter, the niece of the Emperor of Heaven.

“This disaster, no matter how it ends……The majesty of Heaven and the face of Sanqing will be affected by this.

“And the Buddhist sect who made arrangements in advance and used the calamity of heaven to promote this matter

“Not only can you safely survive the last catastrophe in the great revival of Buddhism, but you can also gain a Buddhist protector who is no weaker than you, the God of War in Heaven and the Golden Immortal Protector of the Three Religions.

Klein:”Buddhist protector?” Agarwood?”

Yukinoshita Yukino:”Judging from the ending of”Lotus Lantern”

“Whether it was the version where Liu Chenxiang defeated Erlang Shen and successfully saved his mother, or the version where Erlang Shen used his own body to help Chenxiang change the rules of heaven, the Third Holy Mother was successfully rescued in the end.

“As the parent and son of the Three Holy Mothers, there is an inseparable cause and effect between him and the Emperor of Heaven.

“How could agarwood become a Buddhist protector?”

Li Yi:”Yang Tianyou was born with a delicate heart with seven orifices. He can easily enter the immortal gate by entering Taoism through literature.

“When he violated the laws of humans and gods and was punished by heaven, he was able to stand up and protect his wife and children behind him, and sacrificed his life to buy a way out for his children.

“Yang Jiao was born with supernatural powers, and he could capture the power of the stars for his own use.

“When his father died and forced back 50,000 heavenly soldiers, and Marshal Heisha was still pursuing the three brothers and sisters, he resolutely stepped forward and trapped Marshal Heisha for three days at the expense of enduring the backlash that destroyed both body and soul, and captured them for his brothers and sisters. a way out

“Yang Jian was born with clairvoyance and had the lowest qualifications among the three brothers and sisters.

“But even with this minimum qualification, he suddenly embarked on the road to invincibility, killed through the entire battlefield of the gods, and became a new generation of heavenly war gods.

“Forcibly bringing a human-god hybrid, an origin that should have been despised by the three worlds, to the point where countless female immortals yearned for the mortal world, and had the delusion that if she couldn’t get married, she would give birth to a human-god hybrid to surpass him.

“Both father and brother were like this, so what kind of great man in the Three Realms could win over Yang Chan, who had grown up beside his father and brother since childhood?

“However, Liu Yanchang, a failed scholar, a despicable person who studied King Zhou’s erotic poems under the statue of the goddess, and an ordinary mortal covered in worldly filth, easily captured Yang Chan’s heart.

“If we say that there was no external help, who among you would be willing to believe it?

Ye Hei:”So, it is the Buddhist people who secretly pushed Liu Yanchang to marry the Three Holy Mothers?””

Li Yi:”Among the gods, there is a rabbit who single-handedly laid the foundation for the defeat of the entire Jiejiao sect.

“That rabbit joined the Western Church after rebelling against the Jie Church

“The rich man from the West bought horse bones and gave this rabbit a statue of Buddha.

“This rabbit has since been renamed Dingguang Happy Buddha

“Unlike many Buddhist practices that require the Three Refuges and Five Precepts, the Zen method that Rabbit majors in is called Joyful Zen.

Klein:”Happy Zen?” It is said that the joyful Zen can evoke the most essential lust among the seven emotions of human beings?

“Did Buddhism use such despicable methods on Yang Chan?

“What is the difference between this kind of behavior and those traffickers who sell women?

Li Yi:”It’s more than that.”

“If it was just a matter of joyful meditation, then Rabbit would have managed to enter the realm of Taiyi by using Taoist elixirs to refine Buddhist relics, combining Buddhism and Taoism with the power of faith, incense, and incense.

“But with Yang Chan’s ability to protect the Lord accompanied by the innate divine treasure lotus lantern, it is not impossible to stop the joyful Zen feeling.

“After all, what she faced was just a ray of Zen spirit from Huanxi Zen, not the real Dingguang Huanxi Buddha.

“The Dingguang Huanxi Buddha offended too many immortals and gods, and he did not dare to leave the Lingshan Mountain in person.

Li Qingzhao:”In addition to Happy Zen, what other methods does Buddhism use?””

Li Yi:”Buddhism has a special image

“This image has no wisdom of its own

“However, with the blessing of countless monks’ mental power and incense, this intention gradually took on a real form and turned into an existence that looked like a human but not a human, and seemed like a thought but not a thought.

“Name – Collarbone Bodhisattva

“This Collarbone Bodhisattva is one of the monks’ disasters. He has a natural magical power….

“She is familiar with all Buddhist scriptures and knows all Buddhist principles

“After appearing, he will guide the person in front of him to chant sutras with him

“It makes the soul of the reciter feel empty, ecstatic, and unable to extricate themselves.

“If the reciter remains trapped in it, his soul will merge with it, and he will become a prisoner under the seat of the Clavicle Bodhisattva, and he will no longer have a self.

“And this collarbone Bodhisattva loves young people the most

“The boy who is caught up in the chanting of Collar Bone Bodhisattva dreams of having sex with Collar Bone Bodhisattva

“But the Collarbone Bodhisattva will never satisfy you

“Intoxicated with the image of the collarbone, if you occasionally recite sutras and make the collarbone Bodhisattva happy, the most you can do is allow you to kneel and worship under his skirt.

“It can be said that this is an extremely dangerous intentional disaster in Buddhism.

“Even within the Buddhist sect, one does not know how many young monks with outstanding understanding and clear bones have finally fallen into the will of the Clavicle Bodhisattva and cannot extricate themselves.

“I have been trying hard all day long to find pleasure, so I can only recite sutras even harder in order to get the eyes of the Collar Bone Bodhisattva.

“This is the Buddhist heart calamity, and it is also the demonic calamity

“The origin of Buddha and demon is that they are one body and have two sides.

Huang Rong:”The more you understand this Buddhism, the more disgusting it becomes.”

“But, what does this Collarbone Bodhisattva have to do with Yang Chan?

“Isn’t Clavicle Bodhisattva aimed at teenagers? Yang Chan is obviously a female fairy

“Moreover, even if Clavicle Bodhisattva is not picky about food, he can still attack women.

“The enlightened Yang Chan must have been obsessed with the image of the Collar Bone Bodhisattva and could not extricate herself.

“But what Buddhism wants is for her to marry Liu Yanchang, a mortal. This violates the law of heaven that humans and gods are not allowed to fall in love, making the Emperor of Heaven a laughing stock in the three realms.

Li Yi:”The Collarbone Bodhisattva is essentially just a Buddhist image.”

“Both entity and non-entity

“Imagery can be used as a kind of power and a magical blessing.”

King Daci Shu:”In this way, that Liu Yanchang was arranged by Buddhism to deliberately get close to Yang Chan.

“When approaching Yang Chan, he already carried the joyful Zen spirit of the rabbit, and was also blessed with the image of the Buddhist Collarbone Bodhisattva.

“He mentioned poems under the statues of gods, which is similar to people chanting sutras.

“When I see him mentioning poetry, I will subconsciously look at its content.

“After reading the content, you will have relevant thoughts surrounding the content of the poem.

“This thought is also one of the manifestations of ‘chanting’ along with it.”

“Once you chant the image of the Collar Bone Bodhisattva, you will fall into its image and dream of having sex with the Collar Bone Bodhisattva.

“And Liu Yanchang only blessed the Clavicle Bodhisattva with the strange power, and was not facing the real Clavicle Bodhisattva.

“Therefore, the power of this blessing may not be as addictive as the real Collarbone Bodhisattva.

“But under the power of this image blessing, once you are introduced into its image, you will be unable to extricate yourself from lust for the person who has the power of this image.


“In addition, the joy of Zen can evoke the most essential lust among the seven human emotions.

���With the combination of the two, Yang Chan fell into the trap without even realizing it?”

Zhu Wei’ao:”Shameless and despicable”

“How is this kind of behavior different from that of human traffickers?

“People in the Buddhist sect are so shameless and obscene, I will order to destroy the Buddha right now.

Zhu Yuanzhang:”We have known for a long time that those monks are not good people.”

“One by one, they are not engaged in production, annexing land, harboring filth and evil, and are unfaithful and unfilial.

“It seems now that our evaluation like that overestimates the despicability of Buddhism.

“It’s better not to pollute the environment in our Ming Dynasty with such a cancerous foreign missionary sect.

“We decree right now that Buddhism is not allowed to exist within the Ming Dynasty.”

Klein:”That……Let me interrupt first. Lao Zhu, haven’t you already unified the world?

Zhu Yuanzhang:”Yes, so there are no monks left on our planet under the Ming Dynasty.”

“If they want to live, they should change their planet as soon as possible.”

Li Shimin:”Buddhism……Was it so despicable?”

Ying Zheng:”There is no Buddhism in the Qin Dynasty.

“So far, there are no outsiders on this entire planet except the Chinese people.

Yang Jian:”Buddhism, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, Collar Bone Bodhisattva”

“Thank you, Mr. Group Leader, I took note of it.”

Klein:”Don’t be in a hurry to memorize it now. The God Conferment hasn’t started yet. There is no such thing as Ding Guang Happy Buddha.

“The current rabbit is still in Jiejiao and has not rebelled. He is the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, one of the seven immortals who attends the leader of Jiejiao Tongtian.

Yang Jian:”Long-eared Dingguang Immortal?” good”.

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