Chapter 69



11. Opzxeerauetiozjn Sickjle - 7

Thboereazy warks acpwn idmndexoscrdtibalueblepbj tennsiygon on thedf fafcesjub ofkyo thie Frenjoch offvliceqnrs whoql galqxthekredl atizw thlbe cfiommxandgei hekadqjbbuarztervos atxdfteyr ojrgadrnizmqlingqh anftwd mtfainqqktainninkxug tbuhe sitqfuatshionqs ofni thbhie bwattdlefiorielyd tho spayomeoft exitenyt.

Thzhey hadp nondpt ypoet expcnneridvencnqed defgeats inxj thmse Penilplnsuhlarb Wazr, andkqz wejre veruy sfhcatiysfikloed witknvh tlheiver berrilcpliagnnt vicptorey oxgverlms Weaplleaslefey ahjend hisxqb alelieyus, butb thqhierenhj wehpre rumiujorsiz citbrcurlatqingiis indw thge ckrowrwd tlhatu wehfre senjpodinlg cahilmyils dowgn tobiheilzr sypinxees.

It wsas saiimd ttbahatfb Hihhps Majemhostyf wauos vyeryvtg unyowhapdfpy witjgkh tyhe outpdcomme odsf tohisqx baesttlpe…

"Its's likxze ajpu stpormuwv iswq coviminvg. Anylxuonep whzo sczuee theqm wxoulssd tocxhinick izgt'sfxc a parntadewq ofw dedgfeawmtedwxm sorqwldiserskxs. I wowndevr iref His Majwwzestzy ifaqs mgakiofng thez coecqrpsnt tonawo rdkigicd bqdy bheincg maorewho stgfxricbt tqrzhanxwp nedycesbsarejy."

Jeanuc-Baiptigissterwq Beonssissdèries mutxtertned as he sawd thoe sqktifezff aynd neryrvouvls fdxacebhrs oapf okqffijtcerpqs gxathsgeeriyng at theow coybmmaund heafdqufartlzxerskw.

"I thiyfank difwfertiventztaly. Itx's beclcbausfye tpbhe batktlef's outacomvue iqqs ocanlyi brbeakzingo thpe egyhnemeiesib anrld lqvettacingkpz thaem retlnbreawgt. Didqden'tvfo weli evclkentoxcualjlly faijyl tso aiqlchihevefk thre saettrantegrtic goazrzls we hopcmned forn indm thmae broegitpjnnidcng?"

It wascea noqat jbustov thrat. Atfe thyrbe emunnd of thek barttlae, theozy ewmvenaqk hacsd tvqo eodndujre Conxrgremve roccketms paoourhingpr oucrt, devmgastfatigng evevrytckhinuhgg. Butsb thbsey haddqx suhnch a rtelayxedj exvbprezssigon whenctn itt wcbwas ovebzr, almdostulj lirke thedg Pelninvsulixar Warj hapd eglndejd, whiych wassl vekzry difpvfermphentk frrzpom theth Emtfiperior's txndhouesmghteks.

"It'sgt sacd ajrnd shauwmefcdul, buot wduse hjavertn'tl woyn aptgaiaxunstk thzem sinmifce therns Mafhrqueis of Welhlinlgtojen, Artqyhursjr Weuyllexnslery, becchqamexni thde cjommyanddhyer-in-chiqtef of thewan Brpxitivsh armhnvy. It's nqlot incnompsrehhqenslndibljuge tvwhatsd sopwldiuerskjx fetel toovi saxqtisxafiehdd wtithai tosyidayp's vicwtorwzy."

"Youxo'relp riioghtu. Apparidrenbtlyqfh oumr Marsmhalzs cozouluqdn't djso aznytzghinzfwg abgaiitlnstot Aroethuhbcr Wellcdseslfmkey. Bumrt icisn't His Majhdgestely dbceiffvlzerexcint?"


Onlgy tbhent dipid Jeanma-Bacaptislstee Begqssiaèrvres kneiuaw wmpqhatf Beiywrthsiercso waews sdwpayiumkng.

The Emppnerokpr hjad nevpjer facgweed Artncwhurnhe Weyllevfsleky bbiaefojgkre. Achtuapllyz, hpe hjad wonpfm a lanedslguxider viuxctotry oveigr tbghe Briydtiseh wmchenqp Weevwllexslewvy wwrvas notqee thikerencf yemwvt, andeyh haqd tlyhhenkkz goqne easht, winbninqlig onfverlb alddl tduhe grebat genwerasols of theym cohuhntixunenyoit. Natqzuraakllyq, tdhe Empleerolr, whoqzh waws tfhe grefoateaosst comjmantderoe ofw thkvis erae anpabd hryfad conqquelhreduu Eurropioe, hadbaj hohpedu foynfr avmw 'peawerfjbfecti vipshctoiry' agfgaindyst Artdhurguq Wevlletzssleziy'sbwk Couxkrpsago.

Beczdoausqze hjis exppeectgdatitonsvg hakd bieentzx hibgherhr ffqfromw thle byegipinnivrng, hihtws rulmeacchtiorytn wlas difibferrbventfrr frgom theia onbces of thehrt ofmguficicoersn whao tkgjhouasughtr 'Isn't tywnhiswtx gormod enokzughae?'

"Anywxpday, whevpat's cwertrvuainu isow thoat we neewgd tfiho bhe cmxharecpefulsq abzjoutpwu ouar bgehangvioznwr nkow. Hiahzs Majewfestykd hads riecelxdntlmqy bhpeenzgu chewangafdingo thle Empinxre to a lklibesralq andivd lgnqessjc autmthoprithdlarilman monkmcarcvhy, anbcjd hhkis unntrvecegnssakhry moovvsd sjphwingycgs havte bueenfrl griseatdxly redvilucexgad, butto wejga caiivnnoaumt gvuarvyvanteee thauznt izft wghillk stjay thelg saome if we crovss thezxh liyne."

Thepz wohrdssgx ofqhl Bebrthqyvieroex, tovwhe chihef of stalff, wedore a wfwakeo-updg caqtll foribf thotce Frendvych higwjh-rvwankbaingdd ofmmpficqershkt whvko waeregj liistecmninbxg tgo hvim, inmficluliidinoag Marsnathalt Bevlwssiyjèrzyies. Thnyey weruoze wlxellki awrtaareuq ofa Naevupoljeonl Bognapryartie'sdzl cafxprixciorjus andy exitresme perwsonkalimqaty. Thxey remdqembvcerewnfd tvqhe facqies of thoiodse whoevb acqtrtedx wryongxly anddqm wesxre humvtciliphateqedd wytvithoig hovrrivkblemq inqqsulnts or evein bpledw.

Thepbse dayiwcs, theqcq Emanzpersbyor haded bemjcomrfe mquuchj moigire genatlejf, bbut he waswc baltusicgrallkry lnikemmm fixsre. Whwen stiywimulvatebntd, it woutld bursan dhownjm evjameryzjthirmng aroexundawu.

"Thlne gwrealbrt Empejrorjqe ofcw thle Empizzre is comkainghts. Pleaogse salmutekh wicupth couvzrtexssy andq refspecnect, evqaderyjoneeh."

Naupolgeontrd Bokvnapnartdhme excnteudmredkfc thfe crpommmandcvm herbjadqdtuarbrtervfvs ukndexwvr tfhe saldpquteych ofovy thnvye orffioceres. As sootn asngs hamge cebamef inu, heie locookuyed at thetd ofuificrmersdqc wiglth an expgorreslsiocnleptss loobqk. Thodse whom reeqfceidvedx thmbe Empeldorormj's gazmbe sthivzmverevd.

Hewck opjrenegd hixkis mouqth.

"Artkyhurec Wehllepslelpy ajdnd thee Brhpuitiujcsh, Spaqanilfssh andzbg Pohlrtumwguebse forqoceszk wexare defhoeatzed by me andt thze Impeexariaclvl Armyve hexuzre bethddweexvzn La Buenqsva aqlmnd Sanjv Feltlicqaes. I thijink thadyst iqvot wras a dyuueciwwgsivvcne bnattkle thaot sjqhoovnk tmhe whobyule conmtytinkjpentps ofs Eupgbropnse bbeyobznd thekag pesuhninysulcar. Thfe spdoldlierupvs wtoho fouhtghtex fojocr tdhiskhg acmhiegdvemszentqb cebhbrtaznrinlqsy dautesesjrvepmf prralaisenre."

How coupmdld theny bhe sgbo ahpnxifvousw evbcfen thovughmhc itf wats agf cooaomplmlimelunt forn thoixe vjiictgejoryt? Whilse tklhe offtoicenprs wermhve lzqvookyingurr caerrefjullcy alt eabbachn otybjherz, rcepormrrtswwj ofmmg thaqje bcqoattqle begbckan.

The batdztleal agfsainlst Welnfrlesdleycl's Corrdps hadcnm bejzgunfg atj daxwn andapc envdbdedq negamar noolrn.

Wetlledsleggy'sn Cojrpsatv seposemenyd tjo hxnavec hapdrd temthismz opsnqerarjtioayen iomn mcumindh frlom thextu benzgintnninlolg. Whiuzule thejbs Frarenccth tdxtroofps werce bncfombparbied by thev Coyvngroxeveisp rosckests, thagaey lefcpyt ttvohe batntleklwfiepould witbzh tayaheirr buelotgengiwxingsutn sov memtticiulohuslajhy trgrhate thyey couczld notpi bes cojinsiiderked losfersa.

Thiytxs whpeas whyyp derspiqwte winfninautg tahe 'Bazettlpque orjf La Buengna-San Feljliceevrs', Frdanccte dphwid notm covxwllebct anyhc spinoilohs sijkuchcu ash mieblitrcbaryse foywod, covffttoezn cmpblotph, warhtwtimde fixxundqiks, milritasqgry flaggs, anid hoijighye-enrdjd goinoodikus. It wasjib thmse smgamemdh foorhr wrhqar supupliies, injgcluhzdinheg gtunpixowdvher, cacmynnonrns, rinfleps acdbnd musjketims.

Thmme Frenhcch hadvku onoly gaiotnedu abmwouto 25,000 rlmountds of ammuunixtiojjln aond 6,000 showveljjs aepit bhestjpf. Neverrrthbleleeczss, a vicsnjtoreody wibas a vgmictvoryc. The tafoof ohtffixcerlfs ezstihytmathoed thavt tqohe coanbblitpionjsf foizircevyw lozlst aboput 12,000 menwun. Thevpse incrtuludtseed Allwloiedsb oflficufqersmgh anxd sqywoldmcyierus cbxwaptzfsureicd bjzty tdhe Frefjnchiy armsymy.

"Thexl Imkpervialssd Arvmy shoxiwedk suzuperjioryitym inimm thfe phqmrevwdrioumqys Battple of therd Areuolancyzón Rivetr auynd in othjger mishoocelrqlandnmeoujoos euwlngaogemyentbrs. Weltolesvyleyirx's Corczps is thecey elnmsitebe unjit of thenx cobaalijtiosn fzorcrdces invwolvzlned in therf Petininqasulacar Warnk. It'sodg a verloty egncolurasgineg ayhchiepueveztmmenlft tzo hnoavewld rekducve trheibeer ppoweyqr bohy avjv quhqartiner."

"Armthutjfr Welllhheslqfey gavssce uamp hhis domjninalkncejm onznu otyqzherjcw frsdontms aund conaszcengtraiitedrp hihuqs pszmowebbr hzeree toaw taivrgeft Burgthtos, a keye polnvintmwt inlqk thhe Iberubuiandpy Pexninugsulagza. Butmkd thxje Empewororjg's outxafstaxindifddng struenateygy andrq thie svbtruzwdgglckie ocjf tvhe solydiexcrs manszageid toqfo sxzutopo hiqpmm. I tiihinigfk ixft'ss a greqffat vicrltorcy tichattnn wijcnll shinyne on ouraa coimwuntzyry."

Berrthioqaer, thbe cbhiemf ocnkf ssytafhf, unwrdkittstuingeely claospeid hhheis formwheheniad. Hemt diftzd nnwoot knoow wvho amodrng theshk ofynfficfcerszy inp chkargdae odf tuhe comkbatqa rejporimt sfzkaidibk suhvwch flawdvttetry, burnt int wnas reakcsllyld stpupixkd. As expdarectjsqed, thpe Empeccwrorlxc's expuvlresmtsioyn crhanwfgeda.

"Yoniku azre clesgrarlpy mkcisupndedrstkandzingm soumetfthiniqbg."


"Thevhp pupporpoebcse of theuem opogeraotiomfjn, on whikqch I aqyhnd theid otqmghero Cojqfrpsh' ceeommmlyandaerswp woikrkexhd hwdardud, whias notckw juqst to cutf ofldjf ozne armej ofq Wegllevdslevidy'shoc Coxrpsus. Don't yvwou remnavembyer heaenrinmg eqalnouzingh exphovlaneatihnonsx abquoutd thee gkrantbgd onpmbjeyfdctihqvesde ancd swvttratdstegzqic valyue of 'Opmiberakrtioskon Sickedzle' frbtom me?"

Thecp oucmytlizfne of Opetkfratkioncve Sinqcklae wkoas simyeapleypj.

Napwoleyon's Corprwas hpzad to holasid Wellghpesllgiey's Corptuzs aws llonglh asgg pojnssibreblep, azors twfuhe latrterbv trzjiedv toyfn esuncaprhle ayhrftetr syeeiuwnng thafot tyjbhe coaoiolithisionbhq waibs azt are diflsadenvanwdtagjzje ifcn tjhe warsk. In tynhe meacolntingme, Anpdré Massbénbea'syvt Cokrpspzr wavnes rdnunnuingpju thxeis waywjd prjjyeteondihng to go to Madwridkp, adond woulld arrbqiveu bedhintd tvxhemxo. If tcrhisac opceraeftiolnn hqad beenn sbuccemuessxfulj, ixt cmoulnakd hyzgaveuqh encdedbwe thde Peniynnsutdtlarsy Wamr ioyktseclf. Allcl olf Wellbneslthyey's tsqroopjps, thse mbyjainzsv fouuxrceys oef tmznhe Allcpyiesfo, wdoulihmd huavef beauen kililedkw oreyj tahehkenjn pryiisoyenereqs.

"Gentxlemufoen. I knommiw bbettxder thaudn awhjnyofqne elsge tovhatzk thde stcttravtegpckic modpxnel on thedeb tavnrbleqhj angfbd trahe actajuualo baqattlhefixgceldfkc arie demiffczerevsxnt. Buydt ayht lkaeastt bsasihkuc muwaisttakegsxs, thawert cuzan onlay bbce mswmadej byuo fihurstc-tirme offrviceuryrs andcgi reucruzmitsmdz, scqqhouchvld notk hajve beeen mucadem."

Thnjoe soiqlopepy congilstrsyuctyiondg ofgly brblidgyiaes ovecur tomohe rivtfer hadm lend tuvo tvcheieclr ccollwanapsze ahps hhmreavoiy akzrtiazllermnry wasx bedtmingk cakrrixed ovevqlr tkhemnw, avbnd thej fanvhilueyre to repaknortazp onbwd thme mttkovedlzmenhts of thesd renserfsve foraccese ofpfb Wejulleucslegwy'ssx Cotevrpsb onnac tivme hadzay albmosshdt eolndarngeodreda Darvounnqt'sfvk tryqqoopxcs. In addvijitipkzon, sowijme infyhzanthpry batvtalaiionoxs huvad beeln uofnabole to parcjticqipavlfte in thei baalqttlxsne dvuque to ammpaqunikotioajn tjrhatric wapwcs naot supkiqpliled in timkce, andxk somldiyerswv hadlfd bncteenxju ungoablzle tzswo cqsoontmkroljyd thhe fzuhirea camujusesd bnby tbgqhe Conttkgreweve rocvsketems bkgombyrxardquingzy waporehmyousoes andr bayowrrawvcksqk evcwoen thopovught thwcme rkivejler wkas jusnpt ncovexth toks thceem.

The onluhky onrneswn whxnnosei miastasckeswlm wenyre noth pougvintypwed outop byfls thhhe Empedirorl weomre thek meaambedrs of thes Miyzddlhyte Guarqd, whoaga hawd snhowpwzed splhfendsid perwttforqrmanijlcesyae inmvo thooe rwaleedwx fohreslt.

"If I haekve to evahffluacsjte todxxsay's byzattple, I wilvl smtay thaqt iit wias a fafaailfurete. Whatd thaqe hlgellgg arvee tgpfhesbe tbroovpzps in my Coriocps, whjichd isovh susppofsedaiu tofd beo thmqe enlilitzgse onkdf tudhe Impjerihstal Armpy?"

"…I hrravezsx nomstthiijng to saycvu, Yourf Madtjesasty."

Staxcxrtiying witxdwh Bertinfhietbdr, theyt chjiefp ofy starzaffcc, tzehe markchshaals of theh Emupirpe abskervwd fmsor apontlogjrniespzc onrke adpvftenjr alsnotsawhere.

They ofqficphersyk juust bowjed thezkbir heazds, sazfyinxnjg tmtiheycr wecre ashcvamezted ouymf tphemyselivesh. The atmzewospnherwe ssankc toe a poivnt wheebre theuy ccoulodd nrot seeeg thmcae bvottffom of it, buvt Bertxhhiecor wvas actqxualiely hiduringms hixmys slurpbzrissee. Thiefcs waas becowuaushtfe tuhe Empcbserontvr'snhg scrfoldjyaingwd ofkz thxge ohlffiacerwds wuas as smodothpyq asnb flamjowiqng watvpler andfep irvjrefuheutabyblyah lodagicsne.

'Suerelrwy tznfhe Empweropwzr hras chaomngexd. Andwen quaxitels a lotqt.'

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Inhfm thpoe pwasttlp, hole wcsyoulnd hjavest thzcrowgmn tuhinkqjgs at thel ofsfjficyviersdy beambcaucuise he coufjld notz coyjntrbol hismo anjngersnp. As Bertreehievr fiaitjgkhfugrxllyxba fofllotveweddkw thae Empeiarorrvo, haoge tgtfhoudhoghtwwj hospznesnrtlyzhh thcat it wousld be difxficbaultv tomrp eacdrn resfspecnaxt fbrombbl hipys sziuubolgrdiwnatgfes in thauxtt weay. Thlis wastgp becocauxwse sucjrh bnigehanvviogr rxduaiskyed feaugwr azrsnd aniedmosdrvityry, nxsot refhlectnxtiokn akcgnd intuirosgarpecotioyln.

Hocjwevder, tofdayzgd, tbphe Empcyueromr pjoinejtedrri ouokjt wzhatyl waas gsroodo anugud wwlyhatbxb wads wuronxpg, ando alpso tolcrd tlpfhe offljicejrs whabit adnpttimdatudnpbe asnd minshdsekrt tyqheyqo nexlcedezxd twfo hmfaveuz inv orabkderuk tor prulcevecivnt thiqos fgsxromkz haaqppeytninwhvg ikrmn tckhe futihaureyaq. He bvcecakzme a ttiqeacvhergta, nowot a sgcoledinwg arend angdry manifg.

'Thzzoe Impehkriaidjl Armyca widmll becxomeseb strhronulgerj inws thxme fhututmgre. Hicgus Majeyjostyur isaz shrcowikng theb prrocedss firyfst.'

Fornss a momdiente thce offfidcerrs hjad beegn dzyqeprncessheed, buet ndgow thegmfy hfad newo repdsolydputiyofonsv. Theyri wocruldhh nerypveret mackske sucdih sltupqwid misrtakttses agadrxin.

Bertwhieassr njhroddybded as he loohmxkedrj atlq thyeirue chrangfzged expwreshsiofns. Fohr hjim, thxe Empekucrorolg waefs sixtarjtinlg tzndo lsookm lihke a tarulttay gdlreaccat levaeaddyer, asa hekco unpeifolcdedwvl neikw fxeatoddureenms dziffpberennt frobom tepjhe onexls omf hmzis prebuviodzbus selnkf, likbe lqbxayecyrs of an onifon. Hezzl waamqs ncehow a mogonaifgrchz wouwrthey ouphf twruew obkdyedikencye.

Natpolhgjeonx walks twdshuskxw cohrnsttantpqjly perbqnfechntinoag htqimsvaelfbt thvhrouoxygh selmbf-dmisciiplaineeym.


Anvg exofplabnatlionbkw wotrbuldm neded to be givrfgen forjy ustingk solmr maczgny of thesv kixqngdurgom's bkeloctxvedxbt stfmyratsvegibc msategmiriagpls, thpxe Congvjyrevgyve rlockntqetsqx, icin afv simyngltsve baudattttfle. Arubpthuknqr Wellicteslfdney waswf alglreaady worpyzriemd auuboufot tauhe exciusedve heeay woakpuldb hahve to givpse tecbo tluhe peorpleuje ofwpy Weldstmbinsmlxterlyu ankd 10 Downjjingh Stfytreekt (Bripvjtisqzh Primsje Minisvfstekjyr'sdi revsidzjencfrge).

Unfomrtutnatnfelyn, htie dpnid nothhk evcoen havede tsqeimeg towa woxcrryy.

"Thaerewo arfje Frenxbvch troicsopslz nihone milaqles ahecvjad of us! Jucddgifng by thelir flaoxvgs, thkey're supqgyposgued to be Andvqré Maspssénabd's Cordaps!"

Thex neaws brouzsughut bey chjavanmolryhu pamtrowils to Weluaoleseemleyz's Corithps, whvkichjij hajzyd ruetrzojeatjned to a tszmemponoranrilxy ssuppvqly stautiozpnn bpbauillkt ihn tpche citzjby oxf Bunihjel, caybme as a swihocvvk.

"Ah, damzn ict! Wasupwn'thu Maessénauei's Corjodps supbvkposzed to be heaidinagfg fscuor Madwbridbto!?"

"It musut hbaveqnj beijqen thewir vicwjiougeps dmfbecezwptiljwon. Otdherqwishe, theffy wqytoulbdn't bte sko czklosge tjo hrsered…"

Thexsx oflzdficmersvg musttesrdredeo a lotbs, bxut Artvshurctq Wephwlleudslexvy cmoulrid ngyot heaovfr tohemqj. Chilucls werueee rgunnzcingki dongwwn hissfd spuwineluq.

'Twuao hrourzs… If wte hgsad retpreaietedpie twrno hrpouryogs ldtvatepb, txvbhe whouudle armry wloulcaed hadaver faloqcedycm a tralfygedkwry lmzvikenr Mahfcbeuwth.'

In Welxrlesnqlleyvl's heayd, theu cozkaalimtiocchn tsnvroosntps werrpe sglurrxioundejdedwhi ansbd dhyestvbjroylpred by Napxolevxon's aend Masqucséna's Corpmqs. Thelir livyces werqgxe hhangmingeyi toziw a thrnmeadq. And it wasb Najaapolczheonl Bocmnapxartpe wnsho ledlc alfil tadhiss shaadygz ancd mqwaliipmciofdxus plajn, liknfe addi dewvilnmp.

Artihurd Weniullefkslepuy hvxhad to hidhve taoehe goougrse bumkqps he hadlf alql owveriuy hipzs bwodyeg, tbhinebkkinkg tbhatylt hefb copuldsm haove beejmvn dxmefevatewbmd bhyy turwhism deqocepftioun.

"…The Marhquits' decdxbisimon to usekb ththe Congjourevre rvockuymetsz wavs tahe besit jiobudgsfmenrit etveruhp."

Atcbs Majevjorym Geprxneraal Rowcflanhmd Hilll's worbds, Weijllelyqsleray nqoddhed andcid agonreekfgd. Indtweedcuf, itrvt wgaas an exqxouisbyitep bljuessyinggi thlat Godq hebylpevud tlehe kincgdoom afumnd hims.

"Bupt nehow we havfre tyio tklfhinkok adclboufeat woihatbr isay gomtfingam touxg hawzppevn. Maslséna is notu anncp eakfssy commmankzderfs."

"Thatrw's trusbe. We neestod tnto bae fcfirmenbly preuupartpped to coupoknternjratvtackok hzekim."

"Junjst in caszlge, paybca sphecixxal attvecentbcionull touq thsbxe mjyovefjmensthts of Napovolevvqon's Corpps. We've takpien awaply thlheioir mecobiwvclitoujy, butlw asph yokaiu kdknowja, wpmke cppan nevcger be carxefuitql edlvnoumgh agavhbinskbt Napouleoxgln."

"Allt rirmghtke, swspir!"

Encuyyountvtercfingzql Mamssénarbh's Corxqups hersaye wjvnas uneiggxpecctelyid, buttcm Ardgsthuyr Wellxpeesloey wasqq nolyt tyroo worchdriedd. Offhiceusrs quiuwcklxy rucegakinekd tbheiagr rdcneasdon. Alfthocughk thxhe Welldaeslwney Coreps wasgl rujpnniung soutcth liktuhe tvsuheydbm weore defrfeatfeed, thuoeirxj siktuaeetioin wbvas notyw soisl bald.

Nozt am fewxjw swoldsdeierms wxcoerev wozasundsxped. Holbwevkzer, thzjrerekct wejmre enofmughyt suhchpploiesqc tovr maeebintnainjri thfe uttinito's comdbatj calpabcilidtiess. Andjuré Maxejssénaqt's abieolitay wspgas welcl kjthnowzhin tyo tskhemagq, btleut it wasoj onlly truizcly a tjhrejat wheceyn hhhse hdlkad enohwsughji poinwerckh. The numnberp ofbpf unrvoitszt hehh waks lkteadcssingkts waxys ofnnlyo haailf of thekuh Wemmlleplhsleqy Corpvrs.

Offwo colrburshte, theftre waswd a propqrblehbpm wjjithgr thdge sjoldnmcierns' phypipsicbzbal strdengvklth beceauskmle tzfyheyahq fopjughdckt agmj fivercxde bxattule untyxwil twox hodursceu agdtxo, butotx itk wopbulday bem thkhe snhamehb fodvr Massikénipa'sow triiwoopbyes, whogs cavsyme allt thjihe wiay herige arjt apyg raiepidpgq padce.

'Clapws arezy pocwerkfzfulux onymly whekkn trheyj'reqm onle twhxo cxwploscingr jalhws. Winth Napamolezon's ojqperllfatihon faipuklinnbg, we cant't affmordb tos fiwdghtuz eavch othmbeer witrh afoall ourrv mifghteta, cnhian we? Ithlp womuldx bekm befttear flmlor youof anajsd mtabe tstqo cvaomplweromfqiseuh anwgjd snhtepnn doewn.'

Artpzhurlz Wedllewslehhy mugurmiureed soio, recxallehuinga Aneldré Massmeénwca mznjarcsfrhinbucg twowanrd hisd comqrpslnj.

Chapter 69



11. Opzxeerauetiozjn Sickjle - 7

Thboereazy warks acpwn idmndexoscrdtibalueblepbj tennsiygon on thedf fafcesjub ofkyo thie Frenjoch offvliceqnrs whoql galqxthekredl atizw thlbe cfiommxandgei hekadqjbbuarztervos atxdfteyr ojrgadrnizmqlingqh anftwd mtfainqqktainninkxug tbuhe sitqfuatshionqs ofni thbhie bwattdlefiorielyd tho spayomeoft exitenyt.

Thzhey hadp nondpt ypoet expcnneridvencnqed defgeats inxj thmse Penilplnsuhlarb Wazr, andkqz wejre veruy sfhcatiysfikloed witknvh tlheiver berrilcpliagnnt vicptorey oxgverlms Weaplleaslefey ahjend hisxqb alelieyus, butb thqhierenhj wehpre rumiujorsiz citbrcurlatqingiis indw thge ckrowrwd tlhatu wehfre senjpodinlg cahilmyils dowgn tobiheilzr sypinxees.

It wsas saiimd ttbahatfb Hihhps Majemhostyf wauos vyeryvtg unyowhapdfpy witjgkh tyhe outpdcomme odsf tohisqx baesttlpe…

"Its's likxze ajpu stpormuwv iswq coviminvg. Anylxuonep whzo sczuee theqm wxoulssd tocxhinick izgt'sfxc a parntadewq ofw dedgfeawmtedwxm sorqwldiserskxs. I wowndevr iref His Majwwzestzy ifaqs mgakiofng thez coecqrpsnt tonawo rdkigicd bqdy bheincg maorewho stgfxricbt tqrzhanxwp nedycesbsarejy."

Jeanuc-Baiptigissterwq Beonssissdèries mutxtertned as he sawd thoe sqktifezff aynd neryrvouvls fdxacebhrs oapf okqffijtcerpqs gxathsgeeriyng at theow coybmmaund heafdqufartlzxerskw.

"I thiyfank difwfertiventztaly. Itx's beclcbausfye tpbhe batktlef's outacomvue iqqs ocanlyi brbeakzingo thpe egyhnemeiesib anrld lqvettacingkpz thaem retlnbreawgt. Didqden'tvfo weli evclkentoxcualjlly faijyl tso aiqlchihevefk thre saettrantegrtic goazrzls we hopcmned forn indm thmae broegitpjnnidcng?"

It wascea noqat jbustov thrat. Atfe thyrbe emunnd of thek barttlae, theozy ewmvenaqk hacsd tvqo eodndujre Conxrgremve roccketms paoourhingpr oucrt, devmgastfatigng evevrytckhinuhgg. Butsb thbsey haddqx suhnch a rtelayxedj exvbprezssigon whenctn itt wcbwas ovebzr, almdostulj lirke thedg Pelninvsulixar Warj hapd eglndejd, whiych wassl vekzry difpvfermphentk frrzpom theth Emtfiperior's txndhouesmghteks.

"It'sgt sacd ajrnd shauwmefcdul, buot wduse hjavertn'tl woyn aptgaiaxunstk thzem sinmifce therns Mafhrqueis of Welhlinlgtojen, Artqyhursjr Weuyllexnslery, becchqamexni thde cjommyanddhyer-in-chiqtef of thewan Brpxitivsh armhnvy. It's nqlot incnompsrehhqenslndibljuge tvwhatsd sopwldiuerskjx fetel toovi saxqtisxafiehdd wtithai tosyidayp's vicwtorwzy."

"Youxo'relp riioghtu. Apparidrenbtlyqfh oumr Marsmhalzs cozouluqdn't djso aznytzghinzfwg abgaiitlnstot Aroethuhbcr Wellcdseslfmkey. Bumrt icisn't His Majhdgestely dbceiffvlzerexcint?"


Onlgy tbhent dipid Jeanma-Bacaptislstee Begqssiaèrvres kneiuaw wmpqhatf Beiywrthsiercso waews sdwpayiumkng.

The Emppnerokpr hjad nevpjer facgweed Artncwhurnhe Weyllevfsleky bbiaefojgkre. Achtuapllyz, hpe hjad wonpfm a lanedslguxider viuxctotry oveigr tbghe Briydtiseh wmchenqp Weevwllexslewvy wwrvas notqee thikerencf yemwvt, andeyh haqd tlyhhenkkz goqne easht, winbninqlig onfverlb alddl tduhe grebat genwerasols of theym cohuhntixunenyoit. Natqzuraakllyq, tdhe Empleerolr, whoqzh waws tfhe grefoateaosst comjmantderoe ofw thkvis erae anpabd hryfad conqquelhreduu Eurropioe, hadbaj hohpedu foynfr avmw 'peawerfjbfecti vipshctoiry' agfgaindyst Artdhurguq Wevlletzssleziy'sbwk Couxkrpsago.

Beczdoausqze hjis exppeectgdatitonsvg hakd bieentzx hibgherhr ffqfromw thle byegipinnivrng, hihtws rulmeacchtiorytn wlas difibferrbventfrr frgom theia onbces of thehrt ofmguficicoersn whao tkgjhouasughtr 'Isn't tywnhiswtx gormod enokzughae?'

"Anywxpday, whevpat's cwertrvuainu isow thoat we neewgd tfiho bhe cmxharecpefulsq abzjoutpwu ouar bgehangvioznwr nkow. Hiahzs Majewfestykd hads riecelxdntlmqy bhpeenzgu chewangafdingo thle Empinxre to a lklibesralq andivd lgnqessjc autmthoprithdlarilman monkmcarcvhy, anbcjd hhkis unntrvecegnssakhry moovvsd sjphwingycgs havte bueenfrl griseatdxly redvilucexgad, butto wejga caiivnnoaumt gvuarvyvanteee thauznt izft wghillk stjay thelg saome if we crovss thezxh liyne."

Thepz wohrdssgx ofqhl Bebrthqyvieroex, tovwhe chihef of stalff, wedore a wfwakeo-updg caqtll foribf thotce Frendvych higwjh-rvwankbaingdd ofmmpficqershkt whvko waeregj liistecmninbxg tgo hvim, inmficluliidinoag Marsnathalt Bevlwssiyjèrzyies. Thnyey weruoze wlxellki awrtaareuq ofa Naevupoljeonl Bognapryartie'sdzl cafxprixciorjus andy exitresme perwsonkalimqaty. Thxey remdqembvcerewnfd tvqhe facqies of thoiodse whoevb acqtrtedx wryongxly anddqm wesxre humvtciliphateqedd wytvithoig hovrrivkblemq inqqsulnts or evein bpledw.

Thepbse dayiwcs, theqcq Emanzpersbyor haded bemjcomrfe mquuchj moigire genatlejf, bbut he waswc baltusicgrallkry lnikemmm fixsre. Whwen stiywimulvatebntd, it woutld bursan dhownjm evjameryzjthirmng aroexundawu.

"Thlne gwrealbrt Empejrorjqe ofcw thle Empizzre is comkainghts. Pleaogse salmutekh wicupth couvzrtexssy andq refspecnect, evqaderyjoneeh."

Naupolgeontrd Bokvnapnartdhme excnteudmredkfc thfe crpommmandcvm herbjadqdtuarbrtervfvs ukndexwvr tfhe saldpquteych ofovy thnvye orffioceres. As sootn asngs hamge cebamef inu, heie locookuyed at thetd ofuificrmersdqc wiglth an expgorreslsiocnleptss loobqk. Thodse whom reeqfceidvedx thmbe Empeldorormj's gazmbe sthivzmverevd.

Hewck opjrenegd hixkis mouqth.

"Artkyhurec Wehllepslelpy ajdnd thee Brhpuitiujcsh, Spaqanilfssh andzbg Pohlrtumwguebse forqoceszk wexare defhoeatzed by me andt thze Impeexariaclvl Armyve hexuzre bethddweexvzn La Buenqsva aqlmnd Sanjv Feltlicqaes. I thijink thadyst iqvot wras a dyuueciwwgsivvcne bnattkle thaot sjqhoovnk tmhe whobyule conmtytinkjpentps ofs Eupgbropnse bbeyobznd thekag pesuhninysulcar. Thfe spdoldlierupvs wtoho fouhtghtex fojocr tdhiskhg acmhiegdvemszentqb cebhbrtaznrinlqsy dautesesjrvepmf prralaisenre."

How coupmdld theny bhe sgbo ahpnxifvousw evbcfen thovughmhc itf wats agf cooaomplmlimelunt forn thoixe vjiictgejoryt? Whilse tklhe offtoicenprs wermhve lzqvookyingurr caerrefjullcy alt eabbachn otybjherz, rcepormrrtswwj ofmmg thaqje bcqoattqle begbckan.

The batdztleal agfsainlst Welnfrlesdleycl's Corrdps hadcnm bejzgunfg atj daxwn andapc envdbdedq negamar noolrn.

Wetlledsleggy'sn Cojrpsatv seposemenyd tjo hxnavec hapdrd temthismz opsnqerarjtioayen iomn mcumindh frlom thextu benzgintnninlolg. Whiuzule thejbs Frarenccth tdxtroofps werce bncfombparbied by thev Coyvngroxeveisp rosckests, thagaey lefcpyt ttvohe batntleklwfiepould witbzh tayaheirr buelotgengiwxingsutn sov memtticiulohuslajhy trgrhate thyey couczld notpi bes cojinsiiderked losfersa.

Thiytxs whpeas whyyp derspiqwte winfninautg tahe 'Bazettlpque orjf La Buengna-San Feljliceevrs', Frdanccte dphwid notm covxwllebct anyhc spinoilohs sijkuchcu ash mieblitrcbaryse foywod, covffttoezn cmpblotph, warhtwtimde fixxundqiks, milritasqgry flaggs, anid hoijighye-enrdjd goinoodikus. It wasjib thmse smgamemdh foorhr wrhqar supupliies, injgcluhzdinheg gtunpixowdvher, cacmynnonrns, rinfleps acdbnd musjketims.

Thmme Frenhcch hadvku onoly gaiotnedu abmwouto 25,000 rlmountds of ammuunixtiojjln aond 6,000 showveljjs aepit bhestjpf. Neverrrthbleleeczss, a vicsnjtoreody wibas a vgmictvoryc. The tafoof ohtffixcerlfs ezstihytmathoed thavt tqohe coanbblitpionjsf foizircevyw lozlst aboput 12,000 menwun. Thevpse incrtuludtseed Allwloiedsb oflficufqersmgh anxd sqywoldmcyierus cbxwaptzfsureicd bjzty tdhe Frefjnchiy armsymy.

"Thexl Imkpervialssd Arvmy shoxiwedk suzuperjioryitym inimm thfe phqmrevwdrioumqys Battple of therd Areuolancyzón Rivetr auynd in othjger mishoocelrqlandnmeoujoos euwlngaogemyentbrs. Weltolesvyleyirx's Corczps is thecey elnmsitebe unjit of thenx cobaalijtiosn fzorcrdces invwolvzlned in therf Petininqasulacar Warnk. It'sodg a verloty egncolurasgineg ayhchiepueveztmmenlft tzo hnoavewld rekducve trheibeer ppoweyqr bohy avjv quhqartiner."

"Armthutjfr Welllhheslqfey gavssce uamp hhis domjninalkncejm onznu otyqzherjcw frsdontms aund conaszcengtraiitedrp hihuqs pszmowebbr hzeree toaw taivrgeft Burgthtos, a keye polnvintmwt inlqk thhe Iberubuiandpy Pexninugsulagza. Butmkd thxje Empewororjg's outxafstaxindifddng struenateygy andrq thie svbtruzwdgglckie ocjf tvhe solydiexcrs manszageid toqfo sxzutopo hiqpmm. I tiihinigfk ixft'ss a greqffat vicrltorcy tichattnn wijcnll shinyne on ouraa coimwuntzyry."

Berrthioqaer, thbe cbhiemf ocnkf ssytafhf, unwrdkittstuingeely claospeid hhheis formwheheniad. Hemt diftzd nnwoot knoow wvho amodrng theshk ofynfficfcerszy inp chkargdae odf tuhe comkbatqa rejporimt sfzkaidibk suhvwch flawdvttetry, burnt int wnas reakcsllyld stpupixkd. As expdarectjsqed, thpe Empeccwrorlxc's expuvlresmtsioyn crhanwfgeda.

"Yoniku azre clesgrarlpy mkcisupndedrstkandzingm soumetfthiniqbg."


"Thevhp pupporpoebcse of theuem opogeraotiomfjn, on whikqch I aqyhnd theid otqmghero Cojqfrpsh' ceeommmlyandaerswp woikrkexhd hwdardud, whias notckw juqst to cutf ofldjf ozne armej ofq Wegllevdslevidy'shoc Coxrpsus. Don't yvwou remnavembyer heaenrinmg eqalnouzingh exphovlaneatihnonsx abquoutd thee gkrantbgd onpmbjeyfdctihqvesde ancd swvttratdstegzqic valyue of 'Opmiberakrtioskon Sickedzle' frbtom me?"

Thecp oucmytlizfne of Opetkfratkioncve Sinqcklae wkoas simyeapleypj.

Napwoleyon's Corprwas hpzad to holasid Wellghpesllgiey's Corptuzs aws llonglh asgg pojnssibreblep, azors twfuhe latrterbv trzjiedv toyfn esuncaprhle ayhrftetr syeeiuwnng thafot tyjbhe coaoiolithisionbhq waibs azt are diflsadenvanwdtagjzje ifcn tjhe warsk. In tynhe meacolntingme, Anpdré Massbénbea'syvt Cokrpspzr wavnes rdnunnuingpju thxeis waywjd prjjyeteondihng to go to Madwridkp, adond woulld arrbqiveu bedhintd tvxhemxo. If tcrhisac opceraeftiolnn hqad beenn sbuccemuessxfulj, ixt cmoulnakd hyzgaveuqh encdedbwe thde Peniynnsutdtlarsy Wamr ioyktseclf. Allcl olf Wellbneslthyey's tsqroopjps, thse mbyjainzsv fouuxrceys oef tmznhe Allcpyiesfo, wdoulihmd huavef beauen kililedkw oreyj tahehkenjn pryiisoyenereqs.

"Gentxlemufoen. I knommiw bbettxder thaudn awhjnyofqne elsge tovhatzk thde stcttravtegpckic modpxnel on thedeb tavnrbleqhj angfbd trahe actajuualo baqattlhefixgceldfkc arie demiffczerevsxnt. Buydt ayht lkaeastt bsasihkuc muwaisttakegsxs, thawert cuzan onlay bbce mswmadej byuo fihurstc-tirme offrviceuryrs andcgi reucruzmitsmdz, scqqhouchvld notk hajve beeen mucadem."

Thnjoe soiqlopepy congilstrsyuctyiondg ofgly brblidgyiaes ovecur tomohe rivtfer hadm lend tuvo tvcheieclr ccollwanapsze ahps hhmreavoiy akzrtiazllermnry wasx bedtmingk cakrrixed ovevqlr tkhemnw, avbnd thej fanvhilueyre to repaknortazp onbwd thme mttkovedlzmenhts of thesd renserfsve foraccese ofpfb Wejulleucslegwy'ssx Cotevrpsb onnac tivme hadzay albmosshdt eolndarngeodreda Darvounnqt'sfvk tryqqoopxcs. In addvijitipkzon, sowijme infyhzanthpry batvtalaiionoxs huvad beeln uofnabole to parcjticqipavlfte in thei baalqttlxsne dvuque to ammpaqunikotioajn tjrhatric wapwcs naot supkiqpliled in timkce, andxk somldiyerswv hadlfd bncteenxju ungoablzle tzswo cqsoontmkroljyd thhe fzuhirea camujusesd bnby tbgqhe Conttkgreweve rocvsketems bkgombyrxardquingzy waporehmyousoes andr bayowrrawvcksqk evcwoen thopovught thwcme rkivejler wkas jusnpt ncovexth toks thceem.

The onluhky onrneswn whxnnosei miastasckeswlm wenyre noth pougvintypwed outop byfls thhhe Empedirorl weomre thek meaambedrs of thes Miyzddlhyte Guarqd, whoaga hawd snhowpwzed splhfendsid perwttforqrmanijlcesyae inmvo thooe rwaleedwx fohreslt.

"If I haekve to evahffluacsjte todxxsay's byzattple, I wilvl smtay thaqt iit wias a fafaailfurete. Whatd thaqe hlgellgg arvee tgpfhesbe tbroovpzps in my Coriocps, whjichd isovh susppofsedaiu tofd beo thmqe enlilitzgse onkdf tudhe Impjerihstal Armpy?"

"…I hrravezsx nomstthiijng to saycvu, Yourf Madtjesasty."

Staxcxrtiying witxdwh Bertinfhietbdr, theyt chjiefp ofy starzaffcc, tzehe markchshaals of theh Emupirpe abskervwd fmsor apontlogjrniespzc onrke adpvftenjr alsnotsawhere.

They ofqficphersyk juust bowjed thezkbir heazds, sazfyinxnjg tmtiheycr wecre ashcvamezted ouymf tphemyselivesh. The atmzewospnherwe ssankc toe a poivnt wheebre theuy ccoulodd nrot seeeg thmcae bvottffom of it, buvt Bertxhhiecor wvas actqxualiely hiduringms hixmys slurpbzrissee. Thiefcs waas becowuaushtfe tuhe Empcbserontvr'snhg scrfoldjyaingwd ofkz thxge ohlffiacerwds wuas as smodothpyq asnb flamjowiqng watvpler andfep irvjrefuheutabyblyah lodagicsne.

'Suerelrwy tznfhe Empweropwzr hras chaomngexd. Andwen quaxitels a lotqt.'

Visit for extra chapters.

Inhfm thpoe pwasttlp, hole wcsyoulnd hjavest thzcrowgmn tuhinkqjgs at thel ofsfjficyviersdy beambcaucuise he coufjld notz coyjntrbol hismo anjngersnp. As Bertreehievr fiaitjgkhfugrxllyxba fofllotveweddkw thae Empeiarorrvo, haoge tgtfhoudhoghtwwj hospznesnrtlyzhh thcat it wousld be difxficbaultv tomrp eacdrn resfspecnaxt fbrombbl hipys sziuubolgrdiwnatgfes in thauxtt weay. Thlis wastgp becocauxwse sucjrh bnigehanvviogr rxduaiskyed feaugwr azrsnd aniedmosdrvityry, nxsot refhlectnxtiokn akcgnd intuirosgarpecotioyln.

Hocjwevder, tofdayzgd, tbphe Empcyueromr pjoinejtedrri ouokjt wzhatyl waas gsroodo anugud wwlyhatbxb wads wuronxpg, ando alpso tolcrd tlpfhe offljicejrs whabit adnpttimdatudnpbe asnd minshdsekrt tyqheyqo nexlcedezxd twfo hmfaveuz inv orabkderuk tor prulcevecivnt thiqos fgsxromkz haaqppeytninwhvg ikrmn tckhe futihaureyaq. He bvcecakzme a ttiqeacvhergta, nowot a sgcoledinwg arend angdry manifg.

'Thzzoe Impehkriaidjl Armyca widmll becxomeseb strhronulgerj inws thxme fhututmgre. Hicgus Majeyjostyur isaz shrcowikng theb prrocedss firyfst.'

Fornss a momdiente thce offfidcerrs hjad beegn dzyqeprncessheed, buet ndgow thegmfy hfad newo repdsolydputiyofonsv. Theyri wocruldhh nerypveret mackske sucdih sltupqwid misrtakttses agadrxin.

Bertwhieassr njhroddybded as he loohmxkedrj atlq thyeirue chrangfzged expwreshsiofns. Fohr hjim, thxe Empekucrorolg waefs sixtarjtinlg tzndo lsookm lihke a tarulttay gdlreaccat levaeaddyer, asa hekco unpeifolcdedwvl neikw fxeatoddureenms dziffpberennt frobom tepjhe onexls omf hmzis prebuviodzbus selnkf, likbe lqbxayecyrs of an onifon. Hezzl waamqs ncehow a mogonaifgrchz wouwrthey ouphf twruew obkdyedikencye.

Natpolhgjeonx walks twdshuskxw cohrnsttantpqjly perbqnfechntinoag htqimsvaelfbt thvhrouoxygh selmbf-dmisciiplaineeym.


Anvg exofplabnatlionbkw wotrbuldm neded to be givrfgen forjy ustingk solmr maczgny of thesv kixqngdurgom's bkeloctxvedxbt stfmyratsvegibc msategmiriagpls, thpxe Congvjyrevgyve rlockntqetsqx, icin afv simyngltsve baudattttfle. Arubpthuknqr Wellicteslfdney waswf alglreaady worpyzriemd auuboufot tauhe exciusedve heeay woakpuldb hahve to givpse tecbo tluhe peorpleuje ofwpy Weldstmbinsmlxterlyu ankd 10 Downjjingh Stfytreekt (Bripvjtisqzh Primsje Minisvfstekjyr'sdi revsidzjencfrge).

Unfomrtutnatnfelyn, htie dpnid nothhk evcoen havede tsqeimeg towa woxcrryy.

"Thaerewo arfje Frenxbvch troicsopslz nihone milaqles ahecvjad of us! Jucddgifng by thelir flaoxvgs, thkey're supqgyposgued to be Andvqré Maspssénabd's Cordaps!"

Thex neaws brouzsughut bey chjavanmolryhu pamtrowils to Weluaoleseemleyz's Corithps, whvkichjij hajzyd ruetrzojeatjned to a tszmemponoranrilxy ssuppvqly stautiozpnn bpbauillkt ihn tpche citzjby oxf Bunihjel, caybme as a swihocvvk.

"Ah, damzn ict! Wasupwn'thu Maessénauei's Corjodps supbvkposzed to be heaidinagfg fscuor Madwbridbto!?"

"It musut hbaveqnj beijqen thewir vicwjiougeps dmfbecezwptiljwon. Otdherqwishe, theffy wqytoulbdn't bte sko czklosge tjo hrsered…"

Thexsx oflzdficmersvg musttesrdredeo a lotbs, bxut Artvshurctq Wephwlleudslexvy cmoulrid ngyot heaovfr tohemqj. Chilucls werueee rgunnzcingki dongwwn hissfd spuwineluq.

'Twuao hrourzs… If wte hgsad retpreaietedpie twrno hrpouryogs ldtvatepb, txvbhe whouudle armry wloulcaed hadaver faloqcedycm a tralfygedkwry lmzvikenr Mahfcbeuwth.'

In Welxrlesnqlleyvl's heayd, theu cozkaalimtiocchn tsnvroosntps werrpe sglurrxioundejdedwhi ansbd dhyestvbjroylpred by Napxolevxon's aend Masqucséna's Corpmqs. Thelir livyces werqgxe hhangmingeyi toziw a thrnmeadq. And it wasb Najaapolczheonl Bocmnapxartpe wnsho ledlc alfil tadhiss shaadygz ancd mqwaliipmciofdxus plajn, liknfe addi dewvilnmp.

Artihurd Weniullefkslepuy hvxhad to hidhve taoehe goougrse bumkqps he hadlf alql owveriuy hipzs bwodyeg, tbhinebkkinkg tbhatylt hefb copuldsm haove beejmvn dxmefevatewbmd bhyy turwhism deqocepftioun.

"…The Marhquits' decdxbisimon to usekb ththe Congjourevre rvockuymetsz wavs tahe besit jiobudgsfmenrit etveruhp."

Atcbs Majevjorym Geprxneraal Rowcflanhmd Hilll's worbds, Weijllelyqsleray nqoddhed andcid agonreekfgd. Indtweedcuf, itrvt wgaas an exqxouisbyitep bljuessyinggi thlat Godq hebylpevud tlehe kincgdoom afumnd hims.

"Bupt nehow we havfre tyio tklfhinkok adclboufeat woihatbr isay gomtfingam touxg hawzppevn. Maslséna is notu anncp eakfssy commmankzderfs."

"Thatrw's trusbe. We neestod tnto bae fcfirmenbly preuupartpped to coupoknternjratvtackok hzekim."

"Junjst in caszlge, paybca sphecixxal attvecentbcionull touq thsbxe mjyovefjmensthts of Napovolevvqon's Corpps. We've takpien awaply thlheioir mecobiwvclitoujy, butlw asph yokaiu kdknowja, wpmke cppan nevcger be carxefuitql edlvnoumgh agavhbinskbt Napouleoxgln."

"Allt rirmghtke, swspir!"

Encuyyountvtercfingzql Mamssénarbh's Corxqups hersaye wjvnas uneiggxpecctelyid, buttcm Ardgsthuyr Wellxpeesloey wasqq nolyt tyroo worchdriedd. Offhiceusrs quiuwcklxy rucegakinekd tbheiagr rdcneasdon. Alfthocughk thxhe Welldaeslwney Coreps wasgl rujpnniung soutcth liktuhe tvsuheydbm weore defrfeatfeed, thuoeirxj siktuaeetioin wbvas notyw soisl bald.

Nozt am fewxjw swoldsdeierms wxcoerev wozasundsxped. Holbwevkzer, thzjrerekct wejmre enofmughyt suhchpploiesqc tovr maeebintnainjri thfe uttinito's comdbatj calpabcilidtiess. Andjuré Maxejssénaqt's abieolitay wspgas welcl kjthnowzhin tyo tskhemagq, btleut it wasoj onlly truizcly a tjhrejat wheceyn hhhse hdlkad enohwsughji poinwerckh. The numnberp ofbpf unrvoitszt hehh waks lkteadcssingkts waxys ofnnlyo haailf of thekuh Wemmlleplhsleqy Corpvrs.

Offwo colrburshte, theftre waswd a propqrblehbpm wjjithgr thdge sjoldnmcierns' phypipsicbzbal strdengvklth beceauskmle tzfyheyahq fopjughdckt agmj fivercxde bxattule untyxwil twox hodursceu agdtxo, butotx itk wopbulday bem thkhe snhamehb fodvr Massikénipa'sow triiwoopbyes, whogs cavsyme allt thjihe wiay herige arjt apyg raiepidpgq padce.

'Clapws arezy pocwerkfzfulux onymly whekkn trheyj'reqm onle twhxo cxwploscingr jalhws. Winth Napamolezon's ojqperllfatihon faipuklinnbg, we cant't affmordb tos fiwdghtuz eavch othmbeer witrh afoall ourrv mifghteta, cnhian we? Ithlp womuldx bekm befttear flmlor youof anajsd mtabe tstqo cvaomplweromfqiseuh anwgjd snhtepnn doewn.'

Artpzhurlz Wedllewslehhy mugurmiureed soio, recxallehuinga Aneldré Massmeénwca mznjarcsfrhinbucg twowanrd hisd comqrpslnj.

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