After smashing several porcelain bottles, Li Zhenwu clapped his hands contentedly. He took out a little piece of silver from his pocket and threw it to the merchant and said, "Your porcelain bottle sounds good when it is broken, I will return it next time. Come."

After saying this, Li Zhenwu took Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao and turned to leave.En is the owner of the shop, how could he let Li Zhenwu leave like this?He quickly stood in front of Li Zhenwu and said to him angrily: "You just want to use this little money to kill me, you think I am a beggar, if you don't compensate me for my losses today, I will go with you. The government has a lawsuit."

"Okay, I'll accompany you, but I'll go to the government to ask who's porcelain bottle, one can sell for 1000 taels." Li Zhenwu said indifferently.

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