Darui fell to the ground, was shot away, and when the person flew in the air, he clearly felt that his ribs were probably broken!

As for whether these broken ribs caused internal organs to go up, it is unknown for the time being.

But what is certain is that Darui felt the hot and spicy pain in his body at the moment like the bones in his body were falling apart,

However, after landing, Darui because his physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary ninjas, and because of his long-term Chakra active body, he has not fainted with good physical fitness, and then raised his eyes slightly, and saw Li Zhenwu exhaling lightly and rushing over.

At this moment, he was horrified.

Just being hit head-on made him seriously injured, if he was beaten by the water dog again, where would he still be alive?

Darui felt a great threat of life and death at this moment, and under this sense of crisis, he stood up strongly, his hands barely sealed.

“Lan Duan!”

Darui printing slowed down, but it was firm and error-free.

“Lan Dun – Frustration Suo Suo!”

In his mouth, he whispered a mouthful name, but the power of this ninjutsu is also rare and powerful!

This is his Blood Succession Realm Ninjutsu! The people who can use Arashi in the entire ninja world are only one of the best, and he is undoubtedly one of them!

Lan Duan, like Mu Duan, belongs to a special blood succession limit or ninjutsu that can only be used with harsh conditions.

Lan Dun is a combination of thunder and water, not only has the power of thunder, but also brings the softness and softness of water!

Therefore, Lan Duan, who has absorbed the characteristics of the two, has the characteristics of both, not only is it more powerful than Lei Duan, but also like Water Dun can be completely controlled by the caster!

Therefore, Lan Dun can also be called ‘thunder with water’ or ‘soft thunder’.

Darui, who performed this technique, stretched out his hand, and a large white aperture appeared around his hand.

This aperture was aimed at Li Zhenwu, and then, a dazzling laser that could be called blue and white burst out from it!

Li Zhenwu, who was in the attack range of this technique, felt the most and felt a sense of crisis, but the speed of this technique was very fast!

It’s really faster than lightning! It’s almost to the point where ‘seeing is already coming’!

Li Zhenwu just raised the King Kong Ruyi Rod of the Ape Demon Incarnation between the electric sparks and flints to block the vital part in front of him, and Lan Duan’s blue-white laser had already arrived!

“This technique will be very troublesome if I am beaten, the ape demon also shouted loudly, the next moment, Li Zhenwu has already been born with this technique!”

And the King Kong Ruyi Stick that was used as a barrier in front of Li Zhenwu’s body was not damaged in the slightest! Because Lan Dun laser actually turned a corner and hit Li Zhenwu!

The feeling of Lan Duan’s laser hitting is much stronger than the feeling of being electrocuted in the water array wall!

If the thunder just now was only with the power of thunder and lightning, then the current Lan Dun is based on the original thunder, and there is an additional layer of huge impact that belongs to Shui Duan!

Li Zhenwu was hit by this technique, and then flew out upside down! In an instant, his clothes were shattered! It’s just that the combat suit set obtained from the system is still insisting.

Moreover, the parts and positions on Li Zhenwu’s body that were hit by Lan Dun even had black burning wounds!

“Hey, Zhenwu boy, are you okay!” The ape demon who turned into the King Kong Ruyi stick suddenly jumped out of Li Zhenwu’s hand, turned into the original form of the ape demon, looked at Li Zhenwu with concern, and looked back at Darui.

“It hurts! Die! I! Finish! Yes! After landing, soon after the ape demon asked and answered, Li Zhenwu gasped in pain and couldn’t help gritting his teeth.

This is the most serious injury he has suffered so far, almost as a ‘serious injury’.

Seeing that Li Zhenwu could still cry out in pain with such strength, the ape demon put down his heart, and it seemed that Li Zhenwu was not in danger of life.

“I’ll help you solve that Yunnin.” The tall figure of the ape demon stood up and saw Li Zhenwu without hindrance, but the appearance on his body would not make people think that he still had any combat power, so he was ready to fight Darui.

“No, I’m going to solve him myself!”

The ape demon was about to go over, but was stopped by Li Zhenwu, and couldn’t help but turn around and ask.

“You look like this, how can you solve it yourself…”

However, before the words were finished, the ape demon was stunned, his mouth and jaw opened slightly, and he saw an incredible scene.

At his age, he felt that the scene in front of him was incredible.

What did he see?

But it was Li Zhenwu who had just stretched out his hand and had already taken out the fairy beans in the system space, and then stuffed them into his mouth.

And what the ape demon saw was exactly the scene where Li Zhenwu just stuffed the immortal beans into his mouth, and his body recovered almost instantly!

The fairy bean entered the abdomen, and in an instant, Li Zhenwu’s injured wound, scorched skin and flesh, gave birth to fresh and tender skin, and changed in an instant.

“Restored, restored?” The ape demon looked at Li Zhenwu in disbelief, the ape’s eyes widened, and his white eyebrows were raised. It’s like seeing some monster.

“Difficult, are you a descendant of Mu Duan?”

The ape demon asked in surprise, he didn’t see the scene where Li Zhenwu swallowed the immortal beans, he just saw Li Zhenwu wipe his mouth, and then his body instantly recovered!

However, when this question was asked, the ape demon himself shook his head: “Even Mu Duan, the speed of recovery is not so fast, and you don’t have the characteristics of Mu Dun at all, so why do you recover so quickly?” The ape demon frowned, lost in thought.

Li Zhenwu waved his hand, interrupting the ape demon’s self-question: “I’ll explain it later!” Solve this black charcoal head first! ”

Although Li Zhenwu was ‘resurrected in place’ at this moment, his state was full and his injuries were all gone, but the anger that Lan Dun had received a blow in his heart did not disappear at all.

Li Zhenwu’s gaze towards Darui again was already filled with a stronger fighting intent.

In the distance, Darui, who had just barely performed Lan Duan, was a little relieved at first to see that his technique successfully flew and let Li Zhenwu pounce on the street, but as Li Zhenwu got up a moment later, and after a moment, there was nothing to do.

Darui was dumbfounded! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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