Chapter 147 Give the Silly Roe Deer’s leg a trip!!

Dragon Kingdom Live Room.

I saw a lot of people from other countries come here to comment, what cheating, playing the same thing.

There is really no other feeling than to make them laugh very happily.

“These people laughed at me to death, this time said cheating, hahahahaha…”

“To be honest, if you have a good relationship with us, you can enjoy such a nanny treatment, but it’s a pity.”

“Let’s not talk about what happened before, just in the forbidden area of the National Fortune, looking for trouble with Brother Jiang, who is unlucky if you are not unlucky?”

“I don’t see it! This is the benefit of a good relationship with Brother Jiang! ”

“The National Movement Forbidden Zone does not prohibit such behavior.”

“Making you unhappy is the happiest thing for us, Brother Jiang has done a beautiful job!!!”

The audience of the Dragon Kingdom naturally stood firmly on the side of Jianghuai. Who can make their heroes wronged.

They are waiting for Jianghuai to return triumphantly!

At this time. Inside the National Games Forbidden Zone.

Jiang Huai had gained a lot of resources for the fighting country, and it was almost time to leave.

“Well, that’s pretty much enough, and then you two should also pay attention to your own safety, and it is best to find a safe place near here and stay until the end of time.”

At the end, Jiang Huai also specially reminded the two players of the fighting country. It’s always bad that in the end, others have taken their stuff away.

“We know, Jiang! Thank you! On behalf of our country, I thank you! ”

One of the players was moved to cry, and he was very excited to hold Jiang Huai’s hand.

“Nothing, we need help in the future and believe you will do the same.”

Jiang Huai smiled and patted his shoulder.


“Okay, we’re leaving, there’s still something to do, you guys are hiding.”


After the two people said goodbye to Jianghuai, they immediately chose a safer place. They just prepared some water sources.

I don’t even care about what I eat.

As long as you survive for more than two days, you can safely return to the real world!

Because they themselves cause all kinds of problems in order to eat! That’s a sinner!

Jiang Huai summoned the Berserk Emperor and once again used the Virgin Bullet! With this, it really becomes very convenient.

Otherwise, returning to the jungle of the stupid roe deer from here, it will take at least a few hours for Jiang Huai and others to enter the illegal gate and walk out in a short while.


What they didn’t expect was that when they came out, they saw the stupid roe deer standing at the exit of the illegal door with great curiosity.

When he came out, Jiang Huai hit the nose of the stupid roe deer!

“Oh wow!!!”

The silly roe deer watched Jiang Huai and the others come out, and suddenly became very happy, screaming indiscriminately.

“You guy, your curiosity is really strong, you are not afraid of coming out and bad people will eat you.”

Jiang Huai smiled and rubbed the head of the silly roe deer.

For it Jianghuai is still very happy, the opportunity to help them a lot.

Without the Silly Roe Deer, they may never have found some top resource points so easily.

Feng Baobao glanced at Jiang Huai next to him, “It scolds you, you are still very happy.” ”

Jiang Huai: “??? ”

Silly Roe Deer: “??? ”

Again? It’s been a second time!

The stupid roe deer did not expect that people’s hearts are really sinister, just now it is to express the idea of whether there is any delicious food, how to scold people!

No scolding! Next second.

The stupid roe deer saw a look of unkind Jiang Huai.

“Go you!”

Jiang Huai stumbled on one leg and knocked it down…

How innocent and innocent the last look of the foolish roe deer is.

Feng Baobao seemed to be a person with nothing to do, and the stupid roe deer also helplessly shouted at Jiang Huai, as if begging for forgiveness.

On the side, Violet and Joan of Arc wanted to talk and stopped. Just think about it.

Baby Feng is definitely lying again! Who would have thought that Jianghuai would be on the set… Dragon Kingdom Second Live Room.

Zhao Bingbing couldn’t help but smile and said, “Brother Jiang has obviously been pit by Sister Bao’er again, and the stupid roe deer has been beaten for the second time, so pitiful.” ”

“This stupid roe deer is really spiritual, just a little silly.”

Wu Jing suppressed a smile and complained.

Zhang Juzuo smiled and said, “Jiang Huai may know that Feng Baobao is deliberately deceiving him, but just find a reason to clean up the stupid roe deer, he still knows the weight of the attack.” ”

Everyone also took a closer look.

Jiang Huai looked like he was beating a silly roe deer, but his hands were not very heavy. Just press it to keep him from moving.


Xiao Liang suddenly sighed, “Brother Jiang, they are going to come back soon, wait for the second phase of the National Movement Forbidden Land to open in a month, it may not be here, I really don’t know if there is a chance to meet the stupid roe deer, it is quite a pity.” ”

This sentence is also the idea of many viewers.

The silly roe deer is an alternative in the forbidden land of the national transport. Very cute and loved by the Dragon Kingdom audience.

Seeing that Jiang Huai and the others were leaving the forbidden land of national transport and could no longer touch the stupid roe deer, I still missed it very much.

“Everything will not be clear until the second stage is opened, and if there is a chance, there is still a chance.”

Zhao Bingbing smiled and said, “Let’s finally enjoy the happiness in front of us.” Jiang Huai bullied a bunch of stupid roe deer and let it go. ”

The grudge on the face of the silly roe deer. It’s just that.

After Jiang Huai handed him an apple, he immediately ate it happily. Leave the audience helpless.

Jiang Huai smiled at the silly roe deer and said, “Silly roe deer, we still need to return to our own world in two days, it is very happy to know you during this time, but I don’t know if we will have a chance to meet next time.” ”

After the foolish roe deer heard Jiang Huai’s words, the apples in his mouth were not fragrant, and he looked up at Jiang Huai, and then looked at Feng Baobao, Joan of Arc, and Violet.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

“Don’t think too much of us, if possible, we’ll come back to you, and you don’t want to run around, you know?”

Jiang Huai looked at the silly roe deer and knew that it understood.


The stupid roe deer somehow screamed at Jiang Huai!

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