National Island: I Build a Home on the Back of a Giant Turtle

All People's Island: I Build My Home on the Back of a Giant Turtle Chapter 240

Moreover, it seems that the sea people are ready to fight for a long time.

These guys are very patient.

After fighting with the intelligent race of the island world itself for hundreds of years, he has determined his hegemony over the island world.

Now, they are going to fight the humans on Earth for dozens or hundreds of years.


According to the number of islands that sank every day, Chu Chen speculated that the sea people must have moved their nests now.

Most of the powerful warships and powerful seamen have already been dispatched.

In this case, there will not be too many sea people in the sea people's lair.

The time has come!

In this way, after another three days, the turtle Xiaohei finally rose to level 7!

This upgrade took a lot of time, and it was still under the condition that the sea turtle Xiaohei was eating sharks every day.


After the turtle Xiaohei reached level 7, Chu Chen looked at its panel.

Seeing this, Chu Chen was overjoyed.

Because, Turtle Xiaohei's vortex ability has not only increased to a distance of 26 laps, but also has an ability that Chu Chen has long dreamed of.

That's the shield!


PS: Go home tomorrow or the day after, and there will be more updates. .

Chapter 173

"Contract Creature: Turtle (Little Black)

Evolution Level: Level 7 (2 million/5 million)

Evolution point: 5000 (Level 7 turtles automatically give birth to 128 evolution points every day, and the host's hundred-fold evolution talent is increased to 12,000 points. If you swallow some special energy or treasures, you can also get evolution points.)

Skills: Hard Turtle Shell, Tough Skin, Water Bomb, Air Wave, Vortex, Speed, Shield

Talents: Longevity, quick healing

Others: None"


Turtle Black's panel has undergone some changes.

On its panel, there is an additional shielding ability.


"Xiao Hei, open the shield."

After discovering Xiao Hei's shield ability, Chu Chen naturally wanted to try it.

Following Chu Chen's order, a transparent shield that was invisible to the naked eye appeared above Xiao Hei's tortoise shell.

This shield has a large area and can completely cover the area above the small black tortoise shell.

It is equivalent to forming a hemisphere above the small black tortoise shell.

After the shield is opened, any missiles and the like that attack the surface of the little black turtle shell will be intercepted.

26 Moreover, this shield can also set some functions and logic.


The basic protection logic is related to speed. Objects whose speed per second exceeds a certain speed will be intercepted.

Like missiles, shells, etc.

There is also a logic that is set according to the momentum of the object, that is, how much kinetic energy the object has when it hits the shield. The core of this protection logic is still speed.


Chu Chen can also be set to intercept any object.

That is, no matter how fast you are, you will be intercepted directly.

In addition, Chu Chen can set up screening for fast birds such as Chu Chen's seagulls. No matter how fast these seagulls are, they will not affect the entry and exit of the protective cover.


The ability of this shield is quite good.

Moreover, in a non-war state, the shield can be opened all the time.

Once an attack comes and enters the war mode, then the shield has a certain capacity.

If the capacity is exceeded, the shield will shatter.

This tolerance mainly depends on the degree of evolution of the turtle itself and the evolution of this skill.

In other words, as the turtles continue to evolve, the strength of the shield will also increase.

In addition, if Chu Chen allocates evolution points to this skill alone, it can also increase the strength of this skill.


In addition, this shield also has a bug ability.

That is, after opening this protective cover, Turtle No. 1 can turn on the diving mode and dive into the sea as a whole.

Turtles can naturally enter the sea.

That is to say, the shield can only keep the sea water out.

How deep it can dive, just like the protective ability of the shield, also depends on the evolution level.

According to the current ability of the No. 1 sea turtle, it should be no problem for the entire sea turtle to dive to two or three kilometers underwater with a protective cover.

Going down is a little harder.

After all, the surface area of ​​sea turtles is too large, and after diving to the depths of the sea, the water pressure is not generally large.


After reading the function of the protective cover, Chu Chen was quite satisfied.

This protective cover will undoubtedly make the turtle's defense ability more comprehensive.

Now, turtles aren't just defensively strong on their own.

It also protects the buildings on the surface of Turtle Island.


Once other sea turtles have evolved to level 7, then these sea turtles will have protective shields, so there is no need to worry about shells, missiles and other attacks.


After the vortex ability of the No. 1 sea turtle was further increased, Chu Chen also prepared to use the vortex of the No. 1 sea turtle to take advantage of the sea people's efforts to deal with the island owner and rescue all the tens of thousands of mermaids. !

So, on this day, after Chu Chen took stock of his belongings, he set off with a huge team.

There are many teams in this group.

There are 10 whale warships in total, which is the number of whale warships that have increased in the past few months.

There are 50 armored killer whales in total.

There are 5 electric eels, which are all grown-up electric eels.

In addition, there are 10 seagulls, which are used to find the way.

He didn't bring more seagulls, because the sea people are active underwater, and the sky is not their domain, so don't worry about the sky.

In addition, Chu Chen did not take all his belongings away, leaving behind a dozen orcas in armored orcas, and dozens of other killer whales.

Well, the total number of killer whales he has now has already exceeded 100.

These killer whales are naturally kept at home.

Chu Chen also wants to prevent the sea people from finding his turtle island.

This is also possible.

The sea people are haunted, and no one knows where they are. These guys are looking for the island of the island owner in the whole island world to destroy. What if they happened to hit Turtle Island?


The sea people seem to be moving around in the form of five warships as a team. If there are only five warships, the killer whale left by Chu Chen can completely solve it.

In the event of a massive attack from the sea people, Chu Chen can also go back to support through the whirlpool.

Now the CD of the Turtle's whirlpool has been further reduced, and the CD time has only been one day.

Moreover, Turtle Black needs to activate the whirlpool three times in a row before entering the CD time.

This is the benefit of evolution.


"Queen, let's go~"

This time, Chu Chen will also bring a large number of mermaids.

Caiwei and Shanshan took all the thirty-eight mermaids away, because their contract with Chu Chen was the earliest and their strength was very strong.

In addition, Chu Chen also selected a thousand mermaids that have evolved quite powerfully from the Coral Sea.

Plus the mermaid queen.

A total of one thousand and dozens of mermaids.

These mermaids first passed through the vortex created by Turtle 3 and came to the vicinity of Turtle 1.

Then, go through the whirlpool of the No. 1 sea turtle and head to the lair of the sea people.

According to the description of the Mermaid Queen, Chu Chen had already found the location of the sea people's nest.


So, Chu Chen took his team and set off in a mighty manner.

Even though there are only ten whale warships, but now the length of these whale warships is more than 300 meters.

Killer whales do the same.

If ten whale warships and fifty killer whales are lined up in the sea, the scene is quite spectacular.

Even if they are lined up in a row, the length they pull out in the sea will be several kilometers long.

No way, who made them so big?


"Go~Little Black~"

Chu Chen gave the order.

Xiao Hei opened his mouth and spit out a big air balloon.

A few seconds later, the air balloon exploded more than ten kilometers away from the little black foot, and there, a huge vortex with a diameter of four kilometers appeared!


Chu Chen gave the order.

Then, whale warships, killer whales, and mermaids filed in.

Murderous kill to the mermaid's lair! .

Chapter 174

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