National Island: I Build a Home on the Back of a Giant Turtle

All People's Island: I Build My Home on the Back of a Giant Turtle Chapter 265


At the same time that Chu Chen bound these turtle islands, the strength of Chu Chen's hands had already been enhanced.

The number of killer whales has exceeded 200.

The number of seagulls exceeded a thousand.

There were as many as 20 electric eels, 10 of which were equipped with plasma cannons.

The number of whale warships has reached 20.

These whale battleships are all made of alloy at the back.

The combat power is stronger, and the defense power is also stronger.

Such a formidable strength, even if the conventional fleet in Chu Chen's hands has just reached a scale, it is enough to traverse the ocean.

For Chu Chen, the conventional fleet is just a supplement to make up for the shortcomings of his conventional and accumulated firepower.

The evolution of the system is the key. .

Chapter 204

In the island world, due to the complete disappearance of the seaman battleship, many people have also regained their confidence and re-entered the island world to work.

Each island has also begun to operate again.

The resource crisis of Earth Star has finally eased.

Employment pressure has also been eased.

You must know that during this period of time, the Earth Star was much more chaotic than before.

Now, the Earthlings can finally breathe a sigh of relief.


Of course, it was still greatly affected, because nearly 100,000 well-developed islands were destroyed.

These 100,000 islands can at least provide tens of millions of jobs with good wages.

Of course, some island owners have also re-applied for islands, and rebuilding their own islands also requires a lot of people.

But the destruction of these 100,000 islands has affected all aspects after all.

Such as some mature industrial supply, energy supply and so on.


Fortunately, everything is recovering.


On the Internet, the discussion about Chu Chen has not stopped.

Chu Chen's current popularity has always been high.

It dominates the hot search list every day.


Chu Chen's life has not been affected much, what should be developed and how should be done.

In addition, he is also actively preparing for battle.

Because Chu Chen knew that the sea people would definitely make a comeback.

This time the sea people were stunned, and after a poor information, so many sea people battleships were destroyed.

Now, after the sea people have completely contracted, the next attack will definitely be more ferocious.

According to the mermaid queen Ellen, the sea people also have some super large battleships, and the weapons on those battleships are also quite terrifying.

Therefore, Chu Chen did not despise the sea people.

And to guard against the next round of attacks from the sea people.


In the waters east of the Coral Sea, mermaids are also stepping up their training.

On Turtle Island No. 1, the forge has expanded many times, and many things have begun mass production.

Like a mermaid spear.

Tens of thousands of mermaids need a lot of spears. The technical content of these mermaid spears is actually not high. They don't need Tang Lei and Eve to stare, and they will be handed over to other blacksmiths recruited by Chu Chen.

After equipping the mermaids with weapons and armors, the mermaids' single combat power will be much stronger.


In this way, time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.


For more than a month, the island world has been calm.

The sea people seemed to be completely frightened and never appeared again.

The people on Earth also put their hearts down and returned to normal order.


"Your Majesty, it's just ahead~"

When the Earth Stars felt that the Sea People would not make a big move in a short period of time, in a deep sea area, a large number of Sea People battleships had already sailed over.

The seamen battleships here add up to nearly 10,000.

Among them, there are a lot of huge seamen battleships.

With such a large number of seamen battleships, densely packed in the sea water, the surrounding fish were all scared away.

The rest are just the fish controlled by the sea people. Through these fish, the sea people can share the vision in the distance.

At this time, a large number of fish swim to one place.

In the sea there, there is an extremely huge palace.


The palace is so huge that it looks like the residence of giants.

Around this underwater palace, there are densely packed submarines and a large number of underwater detectors.

In addition, there are dense mines on the outermost periphery.

Here is an ancient ruin that the Global Federation discovered decades ago.

Through this relic, the Global Federation finally stabilized the channel with Earth Star, making the transfer between the two worlds quite simple.

It can be said that the technology of the island owner watch comes from here.

Here, it is also the most core place for the human beings on Earth.

It is also a heavily defended place.

On the sea here, more than 20 aircraft carrier formations are stationed all year round.

Underwater, there are hundreds of submarines to defend.

Some of these submarines even carry nuclear weapons.

The aircraft carrier formations on the sea also carry nuclear weapons.


In addition, the most elite abilities are also stationed here.

These powers are extremely powerful, and one person can single out an army.


Now, here, the sea people are eyeing!

Moreover, the sea people directly came out, dispatched all the warships, and decided to take this place in one fell swoop.

As long as this place is won, the connection between Earth and the island world will be completely in the hands of the sea people!


"Your Majesty, humans have not increased their defenses, and it seems that they do not know our arrival."

Some seamen reported observations.

"Father, how do you fight?"

Don't ask the prince of the sea.

"Our warships are many times their size. We can directly copy them from all sides, kill them, and resolve the battle as soon as possible."

The sea man king said in a deep voice.

Following the order of the Seaman King, nearly 10,000 Seaman battleships moved.

From all directions, a huge encirclement was formed, killing the huge palace. .

Chapter 205

There are too many seamen battleships.

With the number of these warships, it is enough to wrap the palace in a circle!

Since the seamen battleships sailed close to the bottom of the sea, they were just discovered by an underwater detector when these battleships were less than five kilometers away from the palace.

"Something's wrong, a seaman battleship is coming."

This news was quickly uploaded to the top.

"What? Seaman battleship? How many?"

A high-ranking commander did not take this matter lightly.

"Sir, I don't know yet. So far, only a few ships have been detected, and high-frequency sonar scanning is being used."

Subordinate report.

"Okay, let me know and prepare for battle. Seaman battleships are very difficult to fight. We can only use powerful torpedoes to break through their fire blockade~"

The senior commander said.

He knows the sea people very well.


In fact, in the Global Federation, most of the information about the sea people came from Chu Chen.

There are also some from island owners or fleets who fought against the sea people.

These materials, as a high-level commander, can naturally be seen.


Under the orders of the top commander, hundreds of submarines were ready for battle.

"Teams 1 to 8 attack, and all other teams stay put."

The submarine commander gave the order.

To deal with several seamen battleships, the submarine commander directly dispatched eight submarine teams.

Each submarine team has 10 submarines.

No way, who made the seaman battleship difficult to deal with is recognized.


However, these eight submarine teams have just started to act, and the expression of the officer who just used the sonar scan in the command room changed.

"Okay, a lot..."

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