The fallen emperors had mixed emotions.

Some people happily agreed.

Because: royal power can give them what they want.

Some people want to say no.

Especially Emperor Mingyue.

He has extraordinary qualifications and amazing talents.

Even among the heavenly emperors, he is outstanding.

Throughout the ages, there have not been many heavenly emperors who can compare with him.

He is ambitious.

He wants to take over the world.

He wants to be supreme.


The appearance of Wang Quan disrupted his plan.

He was unwilling to give in. boom!

A terrifying energy fell from the sky and hit the Mingyue Emperor's forehead heavily.

Emperor Mingyue screamed.

He covered his head and howled


The Emperor Mingyue didn't know why.

Wang Quan said coldly:

"bright moon.....Surrender to me or die!"

The Mingyue Heavenly Emperor gritted his teeth.

He didn't want to surrender.

Give him some more time, and he can control all the fallen Heavenly Emperors.

Give him some more time, and he can coordinate the imperial arts of all the Heavenly Emperors, kill into the void, cut off the connection with the world, and live forever. Immortal.

But..... boom! boom! boom!

Streams of terrifying energy descended from the sky, suppressing the Mingyue Emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven screams tomorrow night.

He never dreamed that the royal power could be so rough.

Under the shock of terror: he felt like he was going to die.

What's even more terrifying is that the rotation of heaven actually extracts the source of his life.

If he does nothing, he will die soon.

At this moment:

Emperor Mingyue was scared.

He looked at Wang Quan pleadingly:

"I surrender!"

At this moment:

He must surrender.

Otherwise, he will definitely die.

Wang Quan smiled.

The Mingyue Emperor is very powerful.

But: no matter how powerful he is, can he still be compared with himself?

The Mingyue Emperor surrenders.

The other Sunken Emperors are in even more complicated moods.

They I still thought about the confrontation between Emperor Mingyue and Wang Quan.

The result:

Wang Quan took care of everything before taking action.

This is really......Surprising.

Even Emperor Mingyue couldn't withstand the brutality of the royal power.

Others are no match.

At this moment: everyone was completely desperate.

Wang Quan smiled and said to everyone:

"Everyone, there are still a few die-hards in the restricted area below who are still resisting."

"Tell me, what should I do with them?"

Many emperors were silent.

King Quan waited quietly.

At this time:

Emperor Mingyue suddenly spoke:

"The Emperor of Heaven should be killed!

Wang Quan clapped his hands:"Okay!""

"You lead people and get them done"

"Can it be done?

Emperor Mingyue smiled and said,"It must be possible!""

Wang Quan nodded.

A little:

Emperor Mingyue mobilized dozens of Sunken Emperors and went straight to the restricted area.

He knew: now he must surrender at the feet of Wang Quan.

Therefore: he must take this opportunity to show his combat power.

Show his value.


This time he comes, he only brings a small number of people.

Cleaning up the old guys in the restricted area this time will be his personal show.


As soon as he comes: the Mingyue Emperor is fully revived and sublimated.

At the beginning:

He Without resuscitation and sublimation, the ordinary Emperor of Heaven was defeated one after another, with all his bones exposed and his skin torn.


He was revived and sublimated, and directly became the Emperor of Heaven.

Such power is even more ferocious.

A terrifying torrent of energy bloomed.

The restricted area roared, fight against him.

The heavenly emperors among them roared angrily:

"Mingyue, do you want to die?"

These old emperors are all the original group of fallen emperors.

They were able to fight with the fourteen female emperors back then.

Long years have passed: they have experienced too many challenges...

But: those challenges did not defeat them, but made them They are stronger.

Usually, they want to be low-key.

So low-key that the Mingyue Emperor thought that these old Heavenly Emperors were vulnerable.

He thought that the old Heavenly Emperors had been abandoned by the times.

But: these old Heavenly Emperors were also amazingly talented back then. Disciples.

Long years have passed, and the imperial skills they have mastered are beyond Mingyue's imagination.


Mingyue takes action.

These old emperors are completely outraged.

"Rats, do you think we are really old?"

The angry old Heavenly Emperors directly sublimated.

They don't care about the consumption of life span.

They have the source of life.

So: they bared their teeth and claws and attacked each other.




The Mingyue Heavenly Emperor fought with the Old Heavenly Emperor.

Originally, he wanted to cut through the mess quickly. , to show off his power...

But: after collisions again and again, the Mingyue Emperor fell silent.

Because: the old Heavenly Emperors are really too cruel and terrible.

There are hundreds and thousands of imperial arts, as if they are free of charge. Blooming like crazy.

What’s even more frightening is: there are really too many imperial weapons in the hands of these old emperors.

Each old emperor has dozens or even hundreds of imperial weapons.

So many imperial soldiers swept through and killed Mingyue. The Emperor of Heaven was in a panic.

The other fallen Emperors of Heaven were unable to intervene at all. However, they were not panicked at all.

This group of old fallen Emperors of Heaven chanted scriptures and summoned the royal power.

"I beg the great Emperor of Heaven, Lord Emperor Quan, to come!"

King Quan, sitting in heaven.

The power of those old emperors almost surpassed that of the Lord of the Era.


If we recapture these old Heavenly Emperors, then it will be equivalent to recapturing hundreds of Lords of the Era.

By then.....

King Quan takes action.

However: he did not use his true power.

Instead, use the terrifying heaven.

Heaven has great power.

At this time:

Heaven rotates, and terrifying power blooms.

A heavenly projection descended from the sky and landed on the heads of the old emperors.


In the phantom of heaven, countless phantoms of heavenly soldiers and generals came out.

Those heavenly soldiers and generals are the most powerful people in the past and present.

They are imprints.

Although they are dead, their power is carved by heaven. , keep it in mind.




The heavenly soldiers and generals bloomed with power and swept through the suppression.

The expressions of these old emperors changed greatly.

Because: those phantoms of the heavenly soldiers and generals are equivalent to a quasi-emperor.

Millions of quasi-emperors The emperors take action together, who can stop it?


The restricted area is burning.

The terrifying power reaches the sky, tearing a gap.

Run away!

God, emperors, run away.

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