After taking a shower, Scarlett Johannes came out dressed in pink Nei.

“How’s it going, does this look good?”

Scarlett Johansson looked at Lin Mo, and her eyes were full of charm.

“It’s very pretty, but I still think Annie’s black is better.”

Lin Mo turned his head and saw Anne Hathaway beside him.

Such deliberately provocative words made Scarlett Johansson directly face black.

For Lin Mo’s behavior of “liking the new and disliking the old”, Scarlett Johannes resolutely resisted.

“Well, I didn’t expect you to empathize so quickly, is this girl as beautiful as me?” Older than me, old witch, can you see it? ”

Scarlett Johann pouted angrily.

Lin Mo grabbed her thin waist with one hand and smiled, “You brought her over, and now I think she is better looking than you, which should be your full responsibility.” ”

Although she knew that it was a joke, the deliberate act of angering Scarlett Johansson still made her very unhappy.

Scarlett waved her fist and punched Lin Mo a few times.

However, her small fist hit Lin Mo’s body, almost like scratching an itch, but it hurt her bones.

“Well, don’t say more, do the right thing!”

Lin Mo said, and took Scarlett Johansson to the room.

Behind her, Anne Hathaway was a little confused.

“Am I a little redundant?” Anne Hathaway smiled bitterly.

Scarlett Johann glanced at her.

“Didn’t I tell you before?” Welcome to join! But now, you’re still a little shy! ”

“, why am I so unrestrained as you?” At least give me some time… Come first! ”

Anne Hathaway scratched her head, a little embarrassed.

“Well, in a few days’ time it’s Christmas, and we’ll still be here for a party.” When the time comes, you will be brave, why are there so many things? ”

Compared with the enthusiastic and unrestrained American culture, Anne Hathaway is still relatively subtle.

“That… Well, you have to give me a little buffer time… Let me try to date Lin Mo first! ”

Anne Hathaway smiled.

Before Christmas, the Knicks have a total of 4 games left.

The good news is that the opponents in these 4 games are relatively average, and there is no top team.

First of all, he encountered his old rival Orlando Magic, and Lin Mo and Maddy set off a spike war.

In the first quarter, Lin Mo scored 22 points, and Maddy also broke out to score 16 points.

In the second quarter, the two sides were still in a state of spike.

At half-time, the two men scored 31 and 24 points, respectively.

It was only because of the huge gap between the two teams that the spike war lasted only three quarters, and the final quarter entered garbage time early.

This season’s Magic are currently only 3-10 record, ranking 1st from the bottom in the East and 1st from the bottom of the league, which is not at all the same level as the Knicks.

Although Maddy has the top scoring ability, his ability to lead the team to win is a little weak.

Moreover, his teammates are also difficult to say, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the bottom super bad teams in the league.

In the end, the whole game ended, and Lin Mo lightly cut down 46 points.

Maddy also scored 36 points, but still couldn’t stop the Knicks’ 122:95 slaughter.

Subsequently, Maddy led the team away from home against the Bucks in Milwaukee.

The Bucks are a strong contender for the playoffs this season and are currently in sixth place in the East with 7-6.

Not surprisingly, it’s basically possible to get a playoff ticket.

The team’s leading star, Michael Reed, is the league’s top ten shooting guard, or the top eight are no problem, averaging 22.3 points and 5 rebounds per game.

In this game, Michael Reid was in opposition to Lin Mo all the time, and his form was very hot.

Even in the face of Lin Mo’s defense, he efficiently scored 26 points.

Only on the defensive end, Michael Reid was blasted into slag by Lin Mo.

By the end of the third quarter, Lin Mo had shot 24 of 33, bombarding 54 points, 11 rebounds and 7 steals.

Another string of super stats that sank Milwaukee and won 13 straight and remained unbeaten.

Lin Mo is like Thanos, although he has become the public enemy of the alliance, he is still invincible.

Every team tried to kill Limer and the Knicks, but none of them were trampled under the feet of the orange and red knights.

The next game, the Knicks hosted the Utah Jazz.

The Jazz’s star Andrei Kirilenko, is a defensive player from Russia, who can output stable at both ends of the offensive and defensive ends, and is very versatile.

This dude is a god who has hooded Kobe Bryant 4 times, and his defensive skills cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, Sir naturally sent him, a defensive spearhead, to blockade Lin Mo.

Kirilenko is tall, long-armed, fast and flexible.

Defensive awareness and skill are also top-notch.

It’s just that Lin Mo’s athletic talent and defensive ability have long been at full level.

Compared with him, Kirilenko is still much inferior.

Game over, Knicks 108:101, Sir Lec.

Lin Mo shot 19 of 34 from the game, scoring 45 points, 16 rebounds, 6 steals and 5 blocks.

Kirilenko has gone all out to defend Lin Mo, and limiting his shooting percentage to around 55% is quite good.

Kirilenko himself also scored 15 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals, and played extremely stable, but he was still unquestionably blasted by Lin Mo.

In the last game before Christmas, Lin Mo ran into the league’s top three-point shooter Ray Allen.

In this era when three-pointers are not prevalent, Ray Allen averaged 6.8 three-pointers per game, shooting 2.74 shots, shooting about 40% of the time, and is already a sharpshooter.

But Lin Mo shot more than him, averaging 8.7 shots per game.

There are more in, 5.2 per game!

The number of hits was terrifying, twice as high as Ray Allen’s.

It can be said that Lin Mo’s three-pointer has changed the situation in today’s league to a certain extent.

Even if it hasn’t caused a huge change yet.

But there are already many teams and players in the league who have begun to imitate Lin Mo’s way of playing.

In less than a season or two, Lin Mo will set off a revolution in the entire NBA field.

[1 more, I hope you will spend more flowers and votes to tip, thank you very much! 】

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