The tennis ball was pushed by a strong force to fly towards the half court on Chiba's side, and Chiba's figure also moved and stepped on it...... The sound of footsteps sounded clearly, but halfway through the run, Chiba's legs were slightly complete, huh!

Lian appeared in front of the tennis ball with a racket in an instant, and then he couldn't see any movement, and the sound of the touch between the racket and the tennis ball had already sounded.

"0 to 15! Ice Emperor Academy scores!"

The sudden shrinkage of the land and the slashing made the Equality House unguardable.

"Sure enough!" Mitsuya secretly admired in his heart, in his deduction, Chiba completely had this ability to use his own move flexibly, instead of staying still and suddenly appearing in front of the tennis ball. If that's the case, the opponent will be easier to defend against, and like that, the opponent won't know when Chiba will use these moves, so he needs to be more concentrated.

"Hey, there's a lot of tricks. "

Byodoin sneered, but as long as it doesn't have much impact on the speed of tennis itself, it can be dealt with, but the mental consumption will be greater.



Chiba's arm movements are still not visible to anyone, and it is an ordinary return ball to the ball. No, it should be said that at least no one in the audience could see clearly, and the only person who could see clearly was watching the game from the audience, but he didn't see it completely clearly.

In the audience, Irie put down his fingers between his eyebrows and sighed: "It's really unbelievable that a junior high school student can force his guy to this extent...... But why didn't that kid choose to lock down the Byodoin?

This is the only person who can see a little bit of Chiba's movements clearly, and he is the head of Dou Middle School, one of the top eight schools. Some people say that his strength is not very strong, some people say that his strength may be at the level of Yue Zhi and others, and some people even think that this person's strength can be on a par with Tanejima and Byodoin, but no one knows the real result.

In the past three years, this guy has not encountered a strong opponent except for last year's narrow victory with Kimishima Ikuto.,Every time regardless of the strength of the opponent, it's a narrow victory.,Think about it this way, this guy is still one of the few players in the national tennis world who hasn't lost a single record in the league.。

In the field.

Byodoin, who heard the sound of the tennis ball colliding, caught the trajectory of the tennis ball, and his body instantly moved at a high speed.

"Hmph, this kind of ball is useless to me!"

The racket in my hand dragged to the ground, and when it was in front of the landing point of the tennis ball, it was tilted like this, and I pulled it up with all my might!

"Here it comes, the snake of Byodoin"


The moment the tennis ball was hit, it flew towards Chiba with a violent spin, and Chiba's soles slammed on, and the whole person jumped out quickly.

The trajectory of the tennis ball changed from a bit to the right to the left, forcing Chiba to change her direction. Although he is now a double shot, he can only run these two steps less than ordinary players, and it is impossible to easily catch it if he is left alone.


Just as he took a step this way, Chiba's body stopped, because ...... It's getting late.

The tennis ball in the court has disappeared, and the tennis ball has changed again after the trajectory has changed, falling straight to the ground, and then quickly popping off the court.

"15 to 15!

"Boy, it looks like you're not very lucky, I can't control the trajectory of this ball. "

The corners of Byodoin's mouth hooked, and his expression was full of mockery, this kind of ball that was obviously capable of catching up and hitting back changed again because of the trajectory of the tennis ball, and it was still towards the ground, causing Chiba to be powerless, and Byodoin must be unhappy in the heart of this little guy on the other side.

The trajectory of this serpentine movement has a lot to do with his own movements every time he hits the ball, as long as he changes it slightly, the trajectory will change, and it is difficult for him to hit two balls with the same trajectory.

Chiba didn't speak, silently returned to his position, since the trajectory of tennis will change, it would be good to shorten the opportunity time for this change.




When Zaiheishin hit the snake shape again, Chiba's legs bent slightly, and his body instantly appeared in front of this ball, and the tennis ball flew back upside down in an instant, and it had just undergone a trajectory change, and it had already been counterattacked.

"This kid really has ideas. "

Byodoin frowned and shot back at the tennis ball, but he didn't expect that kid to use the method of shrinking the ground to crack this move, and the serpentine that lost the opportunity to change direction continuously was equivalent to a complete waste for Chiba.


A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, he can hit the snake again and again, but can Chiba use the shrinkage time and time again? that guy's legs ...... Can't stand it, right?

Sanjin Gu in the Ice Emperor's Preparation Zone also noticed this, and his brows furrowed. He checked the information about the shrinking ground and slashing, and this kind of shrinking technique is not a blinding method used in all the martial arts of Okinawa, after all, kendo requires real lethality, and a large part of Chiba's shrinking technique is supported by the real speed supported by strength, and the requirements for the leg muscles are extremely high.

Relatively speaking, Chiba can't afford it at all!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - receive

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