When he used to lose the ability to consume the opponent's physical strength, Chiba didn't use it much, after all, he still needed to create opportunities for himself before using the robe, which was not cost-effective at all.

The two of them won a game by themselves, but the advantage in Chiba's hands was slowly increasing, after all, as the number of games was won little by little, the space left for Yukimura to counterattack would be smaller and smaller, and his advantage would naturally be greater.

"Yukimura, you should be fighting back soon, right?"

Sanada's fists clenched, and the back of his hand, which he thought was the cause of the overexertion, turned pale and bloodless. He has always maintained faith in Yukimura because he knows where the most terrifying part of Yukimura is.

That move, that move is Yukimura's only chance! It is also the key to Yukimura's victory!


The tennis ball jumped back and forth between Chiba's palm and the ground, and after adjusting his breathing, Chiba tossed the tennis ball gently, the game had come to this time, and he planned to win it directly, but Yukimura's tricks had not yet been shown, which made him a little vigilant in his heart.



Whoosh~ The tennis ball was deliberately lowered by Yukimura and flew to Chiba's side, without waiting for the tennis ball to land, Chiba directly took the initiative to step forward, stepped in front of the trajectory of the tennis ball, and pulled it back fiercely when he led the racket in his hand, bang! Almost a straight volley, directly aimed at Yukimura's bottom line.



The tennis ball rolled back to Chiba's feet, and Chiba looked at the tennis ball at his feet without saying a word.

"0 to 15!

The three of Lihai glanced at each other, and there was a hint of excitement in their eyes, because they knew that the counterattack belonging to Yukimura was about to begin! That kind of daunting trick had already been initially reflected in Chiba's body.

"How is that possible?!"

Xiang Riyueren's face was surprised, not to mention him, even the trace of the face had a look of disbelief, how could Chiba make such a low-level mistake? Even the kind of ball Chiba who would hang the net if he didn't pay attention to the robe had never hung the net, how could he hang the net with a straight volley?

"My hand ......" Chiba grabbed his hand, and a feeling that was a little out of harmony appeared compared to usual, making him instantly startled, "It seems to be ...... The sense of touch is fading. "

Is this Yukimura's trick related to the five senses?

Back in his preparation area, Chiba will, bang!

"Bad serve!"

Chiba took out a tennis ball again, and if he didn't get used to it just now, the next ball should not be. But even if he loses his sense of touch, he still doesn't worry much now, after all, the foundation of his tennis is kendo, and his kendo is tempered by thousands of hammers, even if his sense of touch is closed by the opponent for some reason, but his experience is still there, and it is not so easy to be defeated.

"What the hell is going on?"

Shinobu couldn't help but change color, even if the ball just now was barely explained as a mistake, what about this ball now? Since the first time they saw Chiba, they had never seen Chiba's serve error.

"Keep watching. "

Trace's eyes flashed, and he glanced at the smiling Yukimura Seiichi in the court, this situation should have been caused by the guy on the other side, right? Mental power player?

The most terrifying thing about mental power players is that they can't see or touch them, and they will let you be hit invisibly, and you can't prevent them.


The tennis ball flew over the net.


"3 to 2!

The two sides exchanged pitches and took a break at a timeout.

"Senior, what is your current state?" asked in a low voice as he personally brought a towel to Chiba.

I took the towel from the hand of the trace, but accidentally slipped to the ground, which made the pupils of the trace shrink, is there something wrong with the body?

"My sense of touch is closed, it should be the opponent's tricks, don't worry, it's nothing. "

Chiba said as she picked up the towel.

Keigo Keibe: "......"

Is the sense of touch blocked? Nothing? How big is this guy's heart?

"The game continues!"

The players on both sides came on the field, and the other players in the Ice Emperor Preparation Area also knew about Chiba's current situation through the traces, and their faces were ugly, if they lost their sense of touch, they wouldn't have to fight at all! Even if Chiba insisted on it with his own experience, they could also see from the situation just now that Chiba's state had obviously declined, otherwise he wouldn't have been snatched by Yukimura so easily.

Boom! Yukimura serves, and the game continues!


"30 to 15!


The tennis ball flew towards Chiba with the sound of breaking the air, and after stepping ~ after moving two steps, Chiba's movements suddenly stopped.

Before his eyes, there was darkness.

"What's going on?"

Xiang Riyueren's heart was unusually irritable, his most admired predecessor fell for the opponent's strange tricks, and changed his appearance, or on top of their most critical game, so that his heart couldn't calm down at all.

Look into his eyes. "The trace department calmed down at this time, "The predecessor said just now that the opponent's move is likely to be related to the five senses, and now ...... He lost his vision. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - receive

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