Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 245: Andy's ambition

Andy ignored the eyes of the pirates, he picked up the rum steadily, and took a light sip.

Olivia stood behind Andy, her wizard robe was very conspicuous, and several pirates looked at her with hesitation in their eyes.

"Hey, maybe you should make a seat for the beautiful lady?"

Andy said to a pirate beside him, the pirate was looking at Andy fiercely, his hand had been placed on the dagger handle beside him, and there was a good chance that he could cut Andy's throat.

Maybe Andy was a little unexpected to what he said, and the pirates didn't react for a while.

He was no gentleman, and in all his mean and filthy life had never given a seat to a lady.

"Boy, if you are looking for trouble, you have to say that you are joking with your life."

The huge pirate suspected of Sally said in a low voice, he glanced at Olivia without a trace, and raised his arm threateningly, his exposed muscles knotted up like a small hill made of meat. , It's no exaggeration, Andy even thinks he can knock down a dirt wall in this tavern.

"Now, get out of this chair and get out of this tavern, or you and this beautiful wizard chick will pay dearly for your stupidity."

The big man clenched his fists, and the sound of clicking was full of threats.

"Wow~ I have to say, your muscles are enough to make some timid guys pee, but it's useless to me... I'm not here to make trouble."

Andy let out an exaggerated cry. He calmly looked at the little giant who threatened him, but his eyes fell on the face of the pirate in the ochre red pirate costume. There was a scar at the corner of his eye, and the whole person looked a little sinister.

Just like when Andy first met Zach.

The pirate felt Andy's gaze, his eyes flickered a few times and turned into a fierce look, staring at Andy closely.

Andy looked at him and narrowed his eyes. At this moment, the pirate of prey suddenly felt a little hairy in his heart.

"The trouble came to me first, remember me? Captain Sally? Kate asked me to say hello to you."

Andy's words were obviously addressed to the pirates of prey, which made the pirates stunned, as did the little giant. He looked at Andy's eyes a little changed, and subconsciously looked at the pirates of prey beside him, scratching his head.

The vicious pirate's expression changed. He looked at Andy with a strange expression. He didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Shark, give this beautiful lady a seat."

The pirate beside Andy nodded in astonishment. He retracted his gaze, drank the drink in the glass, stood up, and walked behind the shady pirate.

"Shark? Hehe~"

Olivia chuckled lightly, as long as she wasn't stupid, she could hear the contempt in her smile, and she sat down rudely, looking like she didn't care about everyone.

Shark's face froze, he showed an ugly smile and yellow teeth, but his eyes flashed with crazy danger.

Olivia didn't seem to feel the murderous aura of the sharks, she turned her head in disgust and stopped looking at them.

"It seems that I underestimated you. Kate told you about me?"

The pirate of prey is Sally, he comforted the pirate shark behind him, and asked with a gloomy expression.

Sally didn't recognize Andy when he sat down, after all last night he thought Andy was dead...

He knew that since Andy could find them, Kate must have betrayed them. It seemed that his guess was correct, and Kate was indeed dead.

For Kate, Sally still understands that some conventional means, even death threats, will not let Kate reveal half of the information.

So, maybe it's the witch's credit? You know, wizards always have some evil means to force the enemy into submission.

Sally looked at the witch beside Andy, lost in thought, he didn't know what Andy did to him, maybe he knew something from Kate, so he tried to get the Holy Grail Fragment?

If this is the case, Sally sneered in his heart, he will make this greedy little guy pay the price, so what if he has the support of a witch?

It's not that I haven't killed a wizard before, and the wizard who died in his own hands can't be counted on one hand.

It's just that Sally is a little uncertain, that is, what happened to the Redbeard bar last night, whether it has anything to do with Andy...

If it matters, then Sally is foolish enough to provoke a powerful enemy for himself,

"Looks like you still remember me, good, it makes me work a little bit less."

Andy smiled badly. After confirming that Olivia could solve Sally, Andy was much less worried about Sally.

Even though Sally was once the second mate of a legendary pirate ship, Olivia is a great wizard who is proficient in necromancy!

Young Olivia gets the full power of the old but powerful wizard-in-law! This is something that countless people can't This is why Andy came to find Sally on his own initiative! He already had the power to deal with Sally, so he could use it.

From the beginning to the end, Sally was only afraid of the blood axe Ryan, so when Ryan was still there, Sally could only investigate secretly, and even dared not appear in the Redbeard bar.

And judging from their cautious state before, Sally obviously hadn't touched Jack. After all, with Jack's backing, Sally is likely to be in another state.

So... this might be an opportunity.

"What? Are you here to seek revenge?"

With a hoarse voice, Sally had to admit that the young man with an oriental face in front of him made him feel a pressure.

"I know why you came... and I'm also interested in it. I would like to thank you. If it weren't for Kate, I wouldn't know the news of the Holy Grail Fragment."

Andy's words were obviously not expected by Sally, he smiled bitterly, and the huge pirate beside him muttered.

"I just said don't be so sensitive, it's alright... and that idiot Kate, who not only risked his life, but also revealed our purpose."

"Shut your mouth."

Sally said impatiently, the pirate immediately closed his mouth and took a sip of wine, but his eyes swept over Andy and Olivia fiercely, and it seemed that the anger of the scolding was transferred to On both of them.

"I'm sure you're not here to show me off, kid, tell me your purpose."

Sally said lightly, he did not understand Andy's purpose.

Andy smiled, looked around and lowered his voice.

"Maybe, we can work together."

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