"Practice in the mortal world is difficult. There are too many things that can affect your mood..."

Bai Yujun put the gold and jade bracelet on the counter.

He stretched out his hand to pick up a pen with a small tip. He dipped some saliva into it and carefully wrote on the labels of the goods. What he wrote in small regular script was full of childishness and reached the highest legendary state of returning to nature.

Bitter Love Jade Bracelet: A heart-breaking token of love. Wearing a jade bracelet can help you recognize the cruelty of reality.

Why bother to dwell on the past, let go of obsessions, and let go of the bonds that are destined to be destined but not destined to be destined. If we meet again in the future, we will be each other's passers-by. We must remember that the flow of time is irreversible.

Use a red string to tie the label to the jade bracelet and place it next to the bone whistle. Some customers may choose to buy it.

The young monk took the elixir and immediately sat cross-legged and meditated, and began to undergo a mysterious transformation. There were no earth-shattering miraculous visions or any violent fluctuations.

Simply put the medicine to work.

A thin blue flame appeared on the body surface, and disappeared after three to five breaths.

The young monk slowly opened his eyes and felt that he was different from before. He had a higher affinity for spiritual energy and a clear mind. Many obstacles in his practice were easily understood. The blockage that once spread through the body's meridians disappeared, and his ears and eyes were clear. .

A certain Bai gently shook his fan, and the breeze ruffled a few hair strands.

"The transaction is completed, the money and goods are cleared, young hero can go back down the mountain, remember to help promote our store."

The rules remain the same. If a deal is made or no deal is made, they will leave in the end. Going up and down the mountain, everything becomes a memory of the past.

"Let's go down the mountain. The small business does not provide food. Just keep walking along the mountain road and you will find the way you came."

After saying that, he turned around and floated back to his desk, took out the drawing paper and drew quietly.

It's rare for a young monk to meet such a master as a god. He wanted to say a few more words, but when he saw this, he could only secretly say that it was a pity. He bent down and bowed his hands, then saluted the fat tiger respectfully. He turned around and went out. When he walked down the steps, he looked back at the exquisite pavilion and remembered. In my mind, I walked into the thick fog step by step along the stone mountain road until the figure disappeared.

Bai Yujun painted slowly and painted a high mountain, which is difficult to climb. Looking at this painting will make people feel helpless and despair...


The sun is shining brightly, and the thousands of watts of double eaves wetted by fog shine with the sun's rays.

Hang your paintings on the wall wherever you like.

I glanced at Fat Orange, who was sleeping with his chin on the threshold of the door, and considered whether to get some Taoist classics to teach his mounts to be positive. The owner was lazy, and so were the clerks. How could this store continue to operate?

With something in mind, I looked at the mist in the forest outside the door.

"A customer comes to shop, uh, it's a wild spirit. Be careful not to scare the customer."

Fat Tiger yawned and stood up, nodded, stretched out of habit, and slowly went out to wait outside.

Bai Yujun felt that business was booming today and it should be an auspicious day. If not, it would be, anyway, he had the final say.

The clouds turned into lazy sofas, and a certain dragon lay down on it and swayed his legs leisurely, while the clouds floated leisurely.

After waiting for a while, I felt that the customer should have arrived, but the door was empty, so Bai Yujun yawned and continued waiting.

A while passed, but still not seen.

"What are you doing?"

Dudu Numu floated out of the hall on a cloud, floated across the platform in front of the building and came to the steps. He saw a fat tiger and a big snake with big eyes and small eyes, and they all turned their heads when they saw him appearing.

Fat Tiger's eyes were helpless. He greeted customers in strict accordance with the procedures, but the customers were too timid.

A black-striped snake spirit that couldn't even transform into another form. Bai Yujun's eyes saw that it was filled with rich hatred, sorrow and despair, and was filled with black evil energy.

"Come up here, we'll talk about it later when we come in."

I could vaguely see it, but Bai Yujun didn't pay attention. Some things are better said by yourself.

A Bai has always regarded snakes as members of the same race. He will help as much as he can and will also provide more benefits.

After saying that, he turned around and floated back into the main hall. The three to four feet long snake spirit also felt the emperor's aura. The fear of the tiger disappeared and twisted its body to walk up the jade steps. Perhaps it was too preoccupied and did not Be aware of the strong fairy spirit in your environment.

Fat Tiger nimbly jumped up to the platform in front of the building, walked to the door and sat down honestly.

The big black-spotted snake twisted and swam to the door, raised its head, swam into the hall and coiled itself.

This time Bai Yujun did not introduce him as usual, he looked serious and spoke to him in a calm tone.

"I know that your intelligence is not high, so I will try to put it as simply as possible. Only creatures with special opportunities can come here. There are countless treasures on the counter that can be what you want. You can trade them with precious materials, or the most precious things in your heart, and Or allow me to watch your memories exchange in the past.”

There was a pause, waiting for the snake spirit with a low IQ to slowly understand. After all, it was just an ordinary snake spirit.

Monsters and beasts accidentally enter cultivation, and their spiritual intelligence will gradually improve as their cultivation level or age increases. This is an extremely difficult process, and cultivation is even more difficult than that of humans.

Its intelligence is roughly equivalent to that of a seven or eight-year-old child, and it can communicate.

It is difficult to understand things that are too complex. He is simple-minded and often relies on intuition to do things.

In a world where spiritual energy is very thin or even non-existent, it can be regarded as a fairy. As long as it treats each other with sincerity and communicates patiently, it can do things that ordinary people cannot do, and many supernatural legends are spread.

Bai Yujun frowned and observed the big snake.

The strong negative emotions in it have affected the practice. Sadness, despair, and especially hatred have turned into obsessions that interfere with the practice. The strong negative black evil spirit is like a burning flame.

If there is no accident, he will definitely fall into the evil path.

It was very quiet in the hall, and Orochi needed time to slowly understand Bai Yujun's words.

The fat tiger glanced at the boss with sleepy eyes and felt that the boss was very patient and serious in communicating with the big snake. The tiger head thought that it would be better not to eat snakes in the future, but to eat more snake natural enemies. He sat at the door and silently calculated what he could eat more of. prey……

The general store of All Heavens and Worlds has unique rules, which will not limit the race. It does not care about humans, monsters, spirits, or ghosts. Regardless of whether they are ordinary people or practitioners, as long as they follow the rules of order recognized by Lord Bai Yu, they will have immortality.

After a while, the big snake spoke in a hoarse voice similar to that of a woman, and the voice was rough.

"I want revenge...! Kill...my enemy's whole family!"

Bai Yujun, who was sitting on the clouds, was not surprised and motioned for him to continue.

The black-spotted snake continued to talk intermittently.

"Thirty-five years ago, I was practicing in the mountains. After waiting for more than two hundred years, I finally gave birth to forty-two snake eggs. People from outside the mountain injured me... trampled on me... burned them and ate them... and took away a few snake eggs. …”

Maybe it’s hard to say too much at once, pause for a moment.

"I have no enmity with him...Why! Why should I harm my child...!"

"I've been waiting for thirty-five years! I'm going to kill his whole family!"

The big snake's eyes were blood red, and it told its sufferings with hatred, and Bai Yujun also understood the whole story.

An ordinary black-striped snake accidentally entered the practice and relied on instinct to survive in the mountains. Although it has been practicing for more than two hundred years, it has no teacher or treasure. Give birth to a clutch of offspring snake eggs.

One day, humans appeared outside the mountain. It was guessed that they were warriors. If they were monks, the snake would definitely die.

After a fight, the warrior injured the big snake and crushed many snake eggs. Afterwards, he lit a fire to roast some and ate some, and took a few more snake eggs out of the mountain.

The big snake, who was lucky enough to survive, witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, and it was sad and despairing that it had given birth to wisdom.

Many low-level spirits have very simple and even single-minded thinking.

Driven by hatred, the Orochi has only wanted revenge for thirty-five years, and followed the smell to chase him out of the mountain. However, how could a snake spirit with low intelligence be able to defeat a warrior on human territory? Every revenge failed, and the Orochi was stubborn and refused to give up. I fought with him in the dark for thirty-five years.

Thirty-five years.

The once young warrior has grown old.

Just this year, the warrior who is already in his fifties and sixties has had his fortune turn.

His youngest son was found to have cultivation aptitude. Regardless of the qualification level, the whole family of warriors already belonged to the cultivation world. The black-striped snake, who was born in the mountains, was almost killed. He was chased by the warriors and the invited monks and escaped unknowingly. Thick fog.

Then, it set foot on the stone steps mountain road.

"Revenge...! Kill his whole family!"

The hoarse and rough voice was filled with sadness and despair, repeating over and over again how to take revenge and kill the entire family.

From a human perspective, the big snake is a beast that deserves to be killed. As far as the big snake is concerned, there is no reason to cruelly kill its child without any injustice or grudge.

Bai Yujun is a god who looks down on the heavens and the universe.

He believes that the snake should take revenge. Warriors who are contaminated by cause and effect must end it. There are countless causes and effects in this world that cannot be sorted out. Since they cannot be resolved, they have to endure all kinds of entanglements caused by cause and effect. Not all living beings can let go. , the young monk was heartbroken to let go of his obsession with love, not to mention the blood feud that killed the child.

The practice of the big snake means that it breaks away from the mundane world and becomes a 'spirit', which has more karma than ordinary animals.

After a moment of silence, he waved his hand and an item on the counter flew into his hand.

"Grocery stores aren't supposed to take on vendettas. You're lucky because one of my jobs is as a killer."

A long time ago, a certain white man had many occupations.

"I won't do it myself. Revenge is your obsession. The things I have can help you get revenge. Of course, I need to complete the transaction before I can give it to you."

"So, how are you going to trade it, the most precious treasure in your heart or let me watch your past memories? Watching the memories will not cause any harm to you, it will be quick and easy."

Bai Yujun held a black bead in his hand. The big snake's head came close to the bead. The snake's eyes saw that there seemed to be rolling dark clouds in the bead, as well as tiny lightning bolts, which looked like thunderstorms were sealed into the bead.

"Beads...can I take revenge?"

It did not feel the aura of the magic weapon nor smell the smell of poison.

Bai Yujun put the note back, but the big snake couldn't read.

"Of course, I can. This is the thunderstorm weather I collected in the last small world. At that time, I used thunder weather to bully the younger generation of divine birds. I grabbed a group of thunderstorm weather, which contained a little of the divine beast's pressure. I allow you to ignore it for three days. With the pressure of high-level divine beasts, you can easily get revenge by throwing beads at the opponent."

As a member of the dragon royal family, what you say can be regarded as a rule. If you say three days are exempted, then it is three days.

The big snake stared at Leiyun Bead with his eyes and nodded heavily.

"I don't have anything precious, I trade my memories with you."

The choice was straightforward.

Sighing, Bai Yujun's eyes became dark.

"The transaction begins now, please look into my eyes."

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