White House living room.

Different from the common architectural style of black houses in the Central Plains, Bai Yujun prefers a well-lit living room. The interior decoration is mainly in light colors instead of dark and dull ones. The living room can even feel the sunshine outside, which is fresh and simple. A stylish minimalist style.

Tie Qiu knew there was something important to talk about and ran out to play after dinner. There were only Bai Yujun and Yang Mu in the living room.

After thinking about it, Yang Mu said what he wanted.

"Junior Sister, Master asked me to tell you that the Human Emperor is about to unify the Central Plains, and Chunyang will contribute a lot. I hope you can help contain Anti-Long and speed up the progress of the Human Emperor's ascension to the throne."

"No problem, who is the emperor? What is the name of the country?"

"I don't know the surname of Renhuang, the country name may be Yan."

"Uh... Who is in charge of this matter? At least I need to know who is manipulating the arrangement, so I can follow the clues to find the fate of the emperor. You also know that if you make a mistake, you may be backlashed, and the consequences will be very serious."

Yang Mu thought for a while, raised his finger and pointed to the top of his head.

"It should be the meaning of the sky. Not long ago, a few lines of words appeared in the hall on the mountain and disappeared quickly. Only the head and the master know the content."


It's a toothache job, and it's still very beneficial after it's done. Being able to help the founding of the country and stabilize the situation in the Central Plains can share a little merit. Anyway, all the lands in the Central Plains are basically mastered. Even if you stay in the Southern Wilderness, you can mobilize the dragon energy. Human Emperor's Destiny then assisted him in dealing with other anti-dragons, earning merits easily.

"By the way, Master also said that many of the monsters who escaped from the ancient battlefields fled to the Southern Wilderness. The master has already started hunting down monsters in the Central Plains to prevent them from causing harm to the world and hindering the founding of the Emperor. This time I have to take responsibility besides coming to you. Clean up the monsters, those monsters have not only not weakened but become stronger after all these years."

"Become stronger? How did you do it? It stands to reason that the number should decrease as time goes by, but now how many years have passed, and it has become more and more."

Hearing this, Yang Mu didn't answer in a hurry but sighed with an ugly expression on his face.

"You will understand when you see it. In short, kill one and don't let it go. They shouldn't appear in our world."

"Brother, don't worry, I'm more interested in killing monsters than killing people."

"Well... that's fine.


Then Yang Mu talked about another matter of this trip. He came to Jiuli to negotiate in exchange for the peace of the Central Plains as a direct disciple of Yu Rong. He hoped that Jiuli would be stable and not cause trouble to speed up the unification of the Central Plains. But everyone knows that the unification of the Central Plains is for Jiuli. Not a good thing, a chaotic Central Plains will be afraid of Jiuli who is about to move.

If the Central Plains were reunified into the Heavenly Kingdom, after a few years of living and multiplying, it is very likely that they will launch troops against the Southern Wilderness again to demonstrate the country's prestige.

Moreover, Jiuli has a lot of benefits at present, and the nobles of the princes and states near the southern wasteland have paid protection fees to Jiuli for the sake of peace. That's right, those who seem to be gentlemen spend money to buy peace in order to enjoy a corrupt life and maintain their status.

If a new dynasty is unified and established, then this annual tribute will be gone.

Yu Rong also knows that it is difficult, but even if there is a village that does not attack the Central Plains, the most important thing right now is to speed up the speed of building the country so that the people of the Li people will not be displaced.

There is no doubt that Yang Mu will hit a wall if he goes directly. Fortunately, there is a young disciple who is doing well in Nanhuang.

Mou Bai was surprised.

"Master asked me and you to persuade Jiuli not to harass the Central Plains?"

Yang Mu nodded seriously.

"Theoretically so."

"The idea is very good, but it may not be achieved. First of all, exclude the black parts. You also know that what they say is as invaluable as their kindness. Unless I pay more benefits, all I can do is to keep at least six white parts from going. Central Plains, I can’t do more.”

Bai Yujun spread out her hands and said that her ability was so great, unless Zixu Qiyun came to negotiate with those Jiuli people in person, otherwise it would be better to strengthen the Central Plains as much as possible.

"Well, Jiuli, you know better. You have the final say. I'll go with you."

"Let's go now."

This kind of thing can't delay time, like the bureaucrats in the Central Plains who take ten and a half months to walk a few steps, I don't know how many people will die. Things that can be solved in one day have to wait for a month. Although Bai has good patience, he can't Time wasted here.

First contact Mu Duo with the sensory ability in witchcraft, and then lead Yang Mu straight to Yunyao Ancient Village.

Mu Duo still has no power, or is too lazy to fight for it. His status is unshakable because of the holy beast totem. question.

Hastily rushed to Yunyao ancient village, Mu Duo had notified the patriarch, priests and other managers to gather in advance.

The strange thing is that those who were in charge in the past have all become fat...

The ancient village of Yunyao attaches great importance to it. The person who came was the head disciple of Daoist Yu Zhenxu from the behemoth Chunyang Palace. This is enough for the ancient village of Yunyao. However, the talks quickly reached an impasse. No one was willing to help the Central Plains give up their interests. People mean that we respect Chunyang Palace very much, but it does not mean that we support the Central Plains countries.

Yang Mu is not good at negotiating, and in the end this burden fell on Bai Yujun's shoulders.

A certain white spoke coldly, with a tough attitude.

"The general trend cannot be violated! If it continues, many young warriors in the clan will not be able to return to their homeland! As the person in charge, you should consider all the villagers instead of gold!"

"I know that you have brought back a lot of gold in the Central Plains over the years."

"But what you don't know is that the gold is cursed with evil! It will make you corrupt! Weak! Rotten! Eternally swallowed by darkness!"

Bai Yujun's face was fierce and ferocious!

The room was very quiet, even Yang Mu and Mu Duo were startled by Bai Yujun's words...

Mu Duo thinks that what Bai Yujun said is right. Since the large amount of gold was snatched back from the Central Plains, the formerly brave and good-for-nothing principals have fallen. They started to decorate their houses and compare each other's material wealth. They stopped planting rice terraces and forgot how to chop firewood. , their cultivation base fell and their bodies became fat, their callused hands became tender, and they forgot the glory of their ancestors.

The old priestess sighed.

"Sigh... Yunyao Ancient Village needs to recuperate and stop interfering in the Central Plains..."

No one refuted the priest's words, they did find their abnormality, and their minds were full of worries about evil curses and no longer considered what happened to the Central Plains.

Yang Mu took out the document at the right time and wrote it in Chinese characters and Jiuli characters. Both parties signed and pressed their fingerprints to reach an agreement.

Then, Bai Yujun took Mu Duo and Yang Mu to negotiate with several other villages that regarded him as a totem. Since these villages were not strong and had no interest in the Central Plains, it was easy to sign documents.

After two days of busy work, Yang Mu bid farewell and left, Bai Yujun and Mu Duo had nothing to do, so they went to Baifu to drink tea together in a daze.

On the soft couch in the waterside pavilion, one demon and one person reclined to watch the drizzle in the southern wilderness outside the pavilion, but Mu Duo was very worried and depressed. She was worried about the changes of those masters in the clan...

"Bai, is what you said true? Is the gold really cursed?"

"Didn't you already see it?"


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