New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 543 Watching the Mountain

The huge white flood dragon winding around the mountain peak is still sleeping.

Gathering the dragon energy of the earth veins to dominate the Central Plains seems to be beautiful, but in fact Bai Yujun can only achieve such horror by relying on the general situation of the world, and by assisting the emperor to grow and protect the dragon veins of the royal family. If he dares to do this on weekdays, he will definitely cause disaster.

It is said that today the father of the future emperor could not withstand years of toil and hardships and suddenly enjoyed the blessings. He fell ill and passed away. After the young man wailed loudly and followed the rules, he invited a famous gentleman nearby to choose a private house. It's just a thing to do, but it matters a lot to the world.

Since he is going to become the emperor in the future, his father's private house must at least be buried in a treasure hole with favorable geomantic omen.

Bai Yujun, who had worked so hard and worked so hard, had a feeling in her heart, and had already prepared a dragon vein not far from where the Emperor lived, waiting for his father to be buried here after his death.

As long as that gentleman has the real ability, he will know where to bury it, and most of the people who eat this food will also read physiognomy.

But there are so many liars in the world, the old guy just read a few pages of the shady mansion book and only knew where not to bury people, even if he made a small amount of money, he wouldn't hurt anyone. What the young man didn't know was that he beat up this gentleman before, old guy The girl who bullied others and was arrested...

At that time, Fang Gang was full of blood and should do good deeds casually, and he didn't even remember the old man's appearance.

Now I ran to someone's door and begged him to find a treasure hole for my father, how could the old liar let me go, but all such people are small-minded people, and I would rather the world bear me.

The mansion is well-decorated, and the treasures of the town house are varied. In the living room, there is a portrait of an immortal who burns incense and offers fruits, but the brushwork looks a bit like a road drawn by a down-and-out scholar to exchange money and drink flowers and wine. Side works, but it doesn't matter, how many people know how to paint these days, and those who don't know how to do it come in and look at it, and they will definitely say shit, this is the residence of immortals!

The bearded, white-haired old man was dressed in a green robe, an Eight Immortals chair, tea in one hand and a book in the other, with a greasy smile on his face.

A conversation explains why.

"The general's sorrow is changing, the little old man will definitely help you choose a place with good geomantic omen, and you and I will go to see the mountain now without further ado."

"So...thank you sir."

The sad young man didn't see the sinister flash of the corner of Mr.'s eyes...

"General, you're being polite. Who here doesn't praise the general as a talented person with a bright future, but the ugliness comes first, and the money should be given back, and the rules cannot be broken."

The emperor is still young, because some of his brothers follow him to make a living, and the locals call him generals.

The words are very beautiful. In this day and age, no one dares to violate the rules when they put the word on the table. What the old liar thinks is to take the opportunity to take revenge and choose a Jedi at random to destroy this kid's family. Mr. half-baked Good deeds may not be successful, and bad deeds are worthless, and even if you take revenge on your enemies, you can still make money from them. Thinking about it, I feel very comfortable.

The old guy found himself enjoying the business more and more.

"It's natural, please accept it, sir."

The old man smiled and accepted a ten taels of silver, ten taels of silver is very expensive in the local area, without saying a word, he picked up his outfit and put on a black and broken compass and went out.

In this line of work, you must know how to package yourself. Yes, the old liar thought of the word packaging, especially the most important compass. It is best to use old objects that have passed the year. Others will think you are a master at a glance. Such an old compass There is nowhere to look for it, and even if you find it, you can't afford it. He soaked the new compass in lard for a long time and then took it out and buried it in the soil to make it old. It seems like that.

Eager to be buried, the young general brought the old man to the back mountain.

Not to mention, the old liar can see the way even if he doesn't know much. This is really a good place. In addition to the mountains and rivers, it depends on how the flowers and trees grow. But the birds are singing, the flowers are fragrant, the stream is clear and the breeze is gentle, it is a good place.

But... how can the old brat be buried here, the place has to be changed.

The other people, who were stroking their beards and holding a compass, were stunned for a while, and all secretly praised him for being a master.

It's a pity that the Chunyang disciple who stayed by Renhuang's side had something to do, otherwise he would have to beat people.

"This place is not good, it's really not good, I'm afraid there will be no peace if I'm buried here, what a disaster!" The old liar looked surprised.

The young general panicked at once. The bereavement just now was when Liushenwuzhu was dizzy and weak. He was frightened by the old liar's words. Normally, he would have noticed that the old man was full of nonsense. .

"Sir...please give me some pointers..."

"Don't worry, general. I think the mountain next to it is very good. Look at that place, yes, the mountain depression. The water on the back of the mountain gathers wind and energy, which is really a treasure of geomantic omen. It is a real auspicious spot to ensure that you will be promoted and get rich in the future."

"Thank you sir...thank you sir..."

"You're welcome, it's just my duty."

Going down the mountain again and going up the hillside from the fork, the old guy pretended to be mysterious and murmured and walked a few times with the compass, then picked up a branch and scratched twice on a hillside that looked good.

"Here it is."

The old liar happily left. The col is not a geomantic treasure or even a Jedi at all. The vegetation is sparse, the strange rocks are exposed, and even animals are reluctant to go. Let alone tombs and mass graves nearby, how can the local people be buried? Turning a blind eye, the young general is surrounded by some reckless men who don't know this, anyway, it's just a fork in the road from the back mountain, so he immediately ordered people to break ground at the marked place.

The young general went home to work on the funeral, and a few strong men who were digging in the valley were cursing, without him, the bottom was full of rocks and it was very difficult to dig.

Anyone who knows a little bit knows that it is very bad to dig this kind of thing full of rocks, but it is a pity that some guys who lick blood with knife edges know very well, and dig out a hole in a daze.

The old liar sneaked back to the previous mountain again. He thought it was a good place and wanted to choose his private house here...

The amazing thing is that Bai Yujun actually understood what happened, and the Emperor in the world made up of mysterious dust became much clearer, and he also vaguely heard what the old liar said, as if there were some things that must be done by Bai Yujun in the dark. A dragon came to do it, and Bai Yujun sneered when she saw what had happened.

The cemetery prepared for the founder of the country, Huang Daddy, even dared to occupy it, and even wanted to frame it secretly. It seems that people in this industry are less and less able to remember the rules.

Using Jedi to harm people will result in retribution. Anyone who knows how to behave would dare to do this. Anyone who dares to do something reckless is just a pair of knives. Learn from wherever you want and start messing around. Those who dare to bury themselves there in the future are truly fearless.

Not everyone can bury the real dragon veins. Don’t think that if you find a dragon vein and bury it, your descendants will be able to prosper. If you promise to be prosperous for two days and then leave, you don’t know how to get there. Come on, mass burial mounds are really good, although there is no good feng shui in mass burial mounds, but there will be no problems. At least the fate of future generations depends on the personal fate of future generations and not the ancestral graves.

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