Night Hacker

Chapter 99: Testimonials

  Chapter 99 Testimonials

  It will be on the shelves at around 12:15 noon tomorrow, and the public version will be 323,000 words in one and a half months, which is also considered super fat.

  This book, wow force has prepared for a long time, a lot, read a lot of books in various aspects, made detailed settings, before writing, there are detailed characters, stories and aesthetic considerations. I found some thoughts, some anger and some emotions about my current state of mind.

   It's colorful, it's black, and it's not going to be aggressive, but rock, punk, and have fun.

I hate being like a dog, I hate hypocrisy, I hate mediocrity, I like some **** stories of street rotten people LOW driving street dogs, I'm tired enough to pursue this and that all day long, **** it Well, what about the last game? This is the mood of writing this book.

   Writing up to now, my creation feels very good, and I can basically express the style and setting I want, as well as the layout and direction of the story.

Friends who haven't watched it yet, please give Wah Li a little confidence and try it out. You don't have to close your eyes. You may see that Wah Li is an idiot. You may also praise it. It is devoted to Wah Li, every detail and every dialogue. This is a mature work of Wah Li, not a common style. I can guarantee that this book is exciting and will continue to be exciting.

  Thanks to the editors Yisuo, Ziliang and Zhusha for their help in various aspects.

Thank you to the authors who have helped Zhang Tui, you are all great people, and I am very grateful: squid who love diving, I can repair air conditioners, listen to the sun, educate, I am the whitest, A Fei who wears yellow clothes, there are three walkers, Qingquan sounded, holding an inch Guanzhi in his hand, Tong Tang. thank you all!

Thank you readers for your great support, especially Jiang Qi of the Silver Alliance, the leader of the 28th Housheng and Rotten Ghost, and the operation officer, the food fairy, I won’t say more, no matter what the results are, how much you can earn is not slipping, this book I will continue to write well until it is finished.

  This world, these characters, I will cherish the fate with them and let them continue to shine.

   Ask for a first booking, ask for a monthly pass! If you close your eyes, let's keep playing.

   Finally, I borrowed the words of Roton Ludd: If the light cannot penetrate the dark clouds, it will turn into rain and spread all over the earth - our bladders are so big!

   (end of this chapter)

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