Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball

Chapter 371: fundamental contradiction

  Chapter 371 Fundamental contradiction

   "Zanzhu Xiaochun's consultant thinks that my reform plan will waste too many resources, and thinks that Konoha doesn't need to set up a new education department, so it won't be so motivating for a ninja school."

   "Mitomen consultants think that the process of this plan is too long, which will reduce the number of our Konoha ninjas. At the same time, ninjutsu is more likely to be stolen by other ninja villages. In the end, the plan is too complicated to apply to Konoha"

   "Two consultants, what I outlined is okay." Yong Ze looked at Zhuan Xiaochun and Mito Menyan.

   "No problem, that's what I mean." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun nodded, looked directly at Yongze, and said in a deep voice.

   Turning to Xiaochun's stubborn eyes, I didn't know that I thought she was a fighter who defies power, and Yong Ze was a villain who relied on power to seek personal gain.

   Mito Menyan didn't speak, but just nodded, indicating that there is no problem with what Nagasawa said.

   "In this way, the two people's ideas actually have one thing in common, that is, they think that Konoha's ninja school is the best solution now, and there is no need to make too much trouble, am I right?" Yongze asked again.

   "I didn't say that the current ninja school is the best solution." Zhuanju Xiaochun corrected, "I mean the current form of Konoha, it is good to maintain the status quo, but your plan is really troublesome."

   "I still think so now. That plan is too troublesome, too taken for granted, unable to deal with the complex situation of the ninja world, and did not take into account Konoha's own situation." Mitomonyan crossed his fingers and said with his head slightly lowered.

   "Well, I have roughly understood the thoughts of the two consultants, so let me ask you a question, what is the foundation of Ninja Village?" Yongze raised the question.

  The two consultants glanced at each other, and then turned to bed Xiaochun thought for a while and replied: "Of course it is a ninja. Our Konoha can become the top five ninja villages, thanks to the excellent Konoha ninjas."

   "Since the consultant knows that ninjas are the foundation of Ninja Village, why should I be excluded from increasing investment in ninja schools? Only good ninja schools can cultivate excellent ninjas." Yong Ze asked again.

   Turning to bed Xiaochun thought for a while, and quickly said: "I am not against increasing investment in ninja schools, but against your unreasonable reforms. Such a plan does not conform to reality."

   Seeing that Xiaochun was not fooled, Yongze secretly thought it was a pity, if Xiaochun didn't react just now, it would basically be the end of the game.

   "Konoha is just a village with 300,000 people, not a country. Assistant Nagasawa, if you show your plan to the daimyo, maybe he will be interested." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said quickly, expressing her opinion again.

   "Then do you think Konoha will always be a village with a population of 300,000?" Yongze asked with a flash of light in his eyes.

   "Otherwise?" Turning to bed Xiaochun disapproved.

  She never regarded Konoha as an independent force, but regarded Konoha as the military department of the Kingdom of Fire. Why do you need so many people next to the military base?

  Yongze now understands why the two consultants always have to argue with him in some aspects.

  He thought it was because he caused Danzo to go to jail, which made them unhappy, or because he was the assistant of the Fourth Hokage.

  It turned out that the root cause was that they never thought that Konoha would develop and become stronger without restriction.

  In fact, Konoha covers a large area, with a radius of about 20 kilometers, which is basically the same size as Yongze's previous city.

  But Konoha's land area and population ratio are too exaggerated. It has the land area of ​​a normal city, but only 300,000 people.

  The main reason is that the original intention of Konoha was to serve as the main military force of the Fire Nation.

  The daimyo will give the money, and the ninjas will contribute. This is probably the agreement.

  Konoha is essentially a military base, and it is actually quite unscientific to have so many civilians.

  However, considering that many ninjas also emerged from civilians, it can also be regarded as a reserve source of soldiers?

  However, Nagasawa is different. He does not regard Konoha as the military department of the Fire Nation, nor does he want to be the daimyo's younger brother, even in name.

  Although Konoha appears to belong to the Land of Fire, Konoha doesn’t care much about the daimyo. It’s just a formality to say that the daimyo can decide Hokage. The right to accept fate is still in Konoha’s own hands.

  Nagaze, who is bound to Konoha, only has Konoha at his root, so he doesn't allow anyone above him, and wants Konoha to be the daimyo's sword? Want to fart.

  Nongze wants Konoha to develop without restrictions, until Konoha's existing land cannot support Konoha's development, and then Yongze will push to the wall that surrounds Konoha, and continue to expand with Konoha.

   This is the fundamental contradiction between him and the two consultants.

   "Sleep to bed Xiaochun, I now question whether you are still qualified for the important position of high-level consultant." After clarifying the core contradiction, Yong Ze said bluntly.

   Originally keeping you was to save face for the third generation, and also for the older generation of ninjas. Since your existence will hinder Konoha's development, let's go to retire.

   Turning to bed, Xiaochun was confused, why suddenly she was not qualified to continue to be a consultant.

  Back to bed Xiaochun glared at Yongze, and reprimanded: "You were not born when I shed blood and tears for Konoha, what qualifications do you have to say that I am not capable of serving as a consultant."

  Being accused of incompetence by a junior at a high-level meeting hurts Wanan Xiaochun's weak heart.

   "Xiaochun, Yongze, if you have something to say, you can talk about it." The third generation also felt a little puzzled, but he quickly stood up and made friends.

   "Yongze, you can't just say that Xiaochun is not capable of serving as a consultant for no reason."

   "Xiaochun, you too. No matter what Yongze said, he has made a lot of contributions to Konoha. Now he is also a senior Konoha at the same level as you. How can he be called a boy."

"Turn to bed Xiaochun, what is your intention, you actually said that Konoha will always be a village of 300,000 people, don't you think that Konoha will never develop?" Yongze stopped calling him a consultant, and just called him by his first name .

   "Maintaining 300,000 people does not mean that Konoha cannot develop. There are already enough people in Konoha, and any more will only increase the pressure on Konoha, which is of no benefit."

  Zanzhu Xiaochun expressed his own understanding, and gave many examples of how many people are bad for Konoha.

  The increase in the number of people will make it more difficult to manage, and it will be easier to be infiltrated by the enemy country.

   "Is this what you think, how naive." Yong Ze laughed.

   "Worried about poor management, worried about the infiltration of enemy countries, worried about the suspicion of the daimyo, worried about not being able to provide too many jobs..., worried about what to worry about, and how Konoha will become stronger."

  "If it is difficult to manage, then find a way to make him easy to manage.

  So what if the daimyo is suspicious, we are not his subordinates, we are a cooperative relationship.


   Turning to bed Xiaochun was stunned, shocked by Yongze's words.

  She felt the strong ambition contained in Yongze's words. Yongze is not building Muye Village, but building Muye City, and building Konoha Kingdom.

   Mitomon Enzo was also surprised, only Minato could barely remain calm.

  (end of this chapter)

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