Night sand

Chapter 115

The traffic policeman showed a shocked expression. He originally wanted to reach out his hand to help the red-faced boy out of good intentions, but he didn't expect that he would attack him.

In the flash of lightning, the traffic policeman tilted his neck and narrowly avoided the fatal blow. However, the sharp knife was still inserted into his shoulder, and blood suddenly poured out.

"Attack the police! Attack the police!"

The traffic policeman didn't care to pick up the hat that was thrown on the ground. He warned the colleagues in front of him and grabbed the hand of the red-faced boy holding the knife with all his strength. Seeing that he missed the blow, the red-faced boy was extremely panicked and wanted to escape from the place of right and wrong quickly. , but the traffic police in front of him clung to him, forcing him to continue to risk his life.

Each of these killers from abroad had extraordinary skills, and they all lived a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife, but in broad daylight in China, This was the first time he killed someone with a knife, and he was facing a tough policeman. The alerted traffic police rushed here one after another. It could be seen that the public security agency dispatched a lot of police force to investigate drunk driving this time.

People shouted, some The police even took out the police equipment they carried.

The black-faced man cursed secretly, climbed into the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator and knocked away a car in front of him, turned the steering wheel and turned to another lane, risking his tires. The black smoke made a harsh friction sound and rushed forward. Fortunately, the police's attention was all attracted by the red-faced boy. He got what he wanted. The car drove to the corner, ran the red light and left the scene.

Sitting in the back seat Another boy who got on board glanced behind him and said anxiously:"Boss, there are policemen chasing us behind.""

"Damn it, shut up, you are all pig brains!"

The black-faced man slapped the steering wheel, realizing very clearly that they could no longer return to their hometown and could only run as far as they could. The red-faced boy here was finally crushed to death by several traffic policemen fighting for their lives. On the ground.

The hot concrete floor made him scream, and he desperately called his teammates for help in Burmese. But he didn't know that his boss had already driven away in his car.

A policeman took out the cuffs, and with the help of his colleagues, he pulled the red-faced The younger brother put his hands behind his back and handcuffed him hard. Then, several policemen picked him up like a chicken and walked to the nearest police car. The police were extremely annoyed when the drunk driving investigation almost led to a murder. , without even testing the red-faced boy’s alcohol content, he was sent directly to the police station.

The police on the other side kept an eye on the black-faced man running wildly, and sirens sounded everywhere.

"Damn it, the police in this country are going to fight us for their lives. I'll stop in front and we'll run separately. Remember, don't say anything if you get caught."

The black-faced man saw that his driving target was too big, so he decided to abandon the car and flee at the densely populated intersection in front of him. As long as he entered the huge crowd of people, the police could easily lose their target.

"Okay, boss, can I call you then?"

The remaining younger brother asked helplessly.

"Well, let’s talk about it then!"

The car came to a sudden stop at a crowded square. Two figures opened the door and jumped out of the car. They ran in two directions and were instantly overwhelmed by the sea of ​​people.

Two police cars stopped next to their abandoned car. Next, the policeman who got off the police car scratched his head and found that the target had completely disappeared.

"Call the detective to see if there are any clues in this car!"

The leading policeman punched the hood of the off-road vehicle and was very annoyed.

The fat man, who knew nothing about this, returned to Liao Fatty's shop, sat down and chatted, and waited for news about Daqihua. Little

_ Xiaoxing woke up.

The caller was Liu Yanran, and he quickly answered the call

"Hello, Xiaoxing, good news. We have arrested a foreign suspect, who may be related to the cases of Fu Ping and Zhou Lili."

Liu Yanran spoke very quickly, instantly repelling Bao Xiaoxing's sleepiness.

"What did you say?"

Bao Xiaoxing's voice was very loud, attracting the attention of the two fat men sitting on the beach drinking tea, and they all looked at him probingly.

"Our team Qu has already dispatched the police. It is said that he and his accomplices live in Xing Tao's community."

Liu Yanran's words hit Bao Xiaoxing's heart again.

He sat up suddenly, put the phone close to his ear, and said,"Let's go back and take a look!"

"Okay, let’s communicate if there’s anything else."

After Liu Yanran finished speaking, she hung up the phone in a hurry.

"Fatty, let's go back to your house."

Without waiting for the fat man to ask questions, Bao Xiaoxing stood up and put on her shoes, walked to the tea sea, picked up the car keys and walked out.

The fat man glanced at Liao Fatty and said:"You stay in the store and wait for the flowers to bloom. Come back, I'll go with him"


With a confused look on his face, Fatty Liao got up and sent them outside, smacking his lips and returned to the store.

Bao Xiaoxing drove very fast, and the 1.0-displacement Honda Civic was almost smoking.

The fat man felt sorry for his car. , complained from the side:"What the hell happened to you, I'm so worried about you."

Bao Xiaoxing stretched out his index finger and made a silent gesture to his mouth. When Liu Yanran mentioned the suspect's den, he guessed that this den was probably the group responsible for monitoring them.

But he was still sensitive. He asked Fatty to shut up, not wanting anyone to monitor their conversation.

Ten minutes later, their car returned to Xingfu Community. Fatty was surprised to find several police cars parked under a house opposite his house, and the door of the unit was surrounded by police cars.

A few policemen in police uniforms maintained order outside the cordon. Bao

Xiaoxing and Fatty parked their cars, got out of the car and approached the cordon. They stopped under a stern warning from a policeman, just like everyone else. He stretched his neck and looked inside.

After a while, a large group of police officers came out of the door of the unit, led by the criminal police team Qu, whom they had met several times.

Behind them were two red-faced boys escorted by two criminal policemen.

It seemed that They had gained a lot. The people in the technical investigation team were easy to recognize. Most of them were wearing white gloves and walking at the end carrying large and small evidence bags.

Bao Xiaoxing looked back at the balcony of Fatty's house opposite and said in shock :"Damn it, are these people monitoring us all the time?"

The fat man came to his senses at Bao Xiaoxing's prompting, and said angrily:"That old boy is really sneaking around in the dark under the lamp, grandma, it seems that my 10,000 yuan was wasted."

Bao Xiaoxing fell into silence, and later murmured to himself:"The police will definitely ask us for questioning, Fatty, we can't hide it no matter what, what should we do?"

"Cold, no matter what, it was his people who got into trouble, it wasn't us who took the initiative to confess to the police, right?"

The fat man said this, but he felt very guilty in his heart. For"we eleven", a murderous maniac who cares little about human life, all excuses are feeble.

Bao Xiaoxing also looked worried, grabbed the fat man and said:"Fat man, I'm very worried that 'We Eleven' will attack our family. You should contact him quickly and explain the current situation to him clearly. At least let him know that it was not us who betrayed him."

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