Night sand

Chapter 119

The group of them didn't come out of Liao Pang's shop until eight o'clock. All the equipment had been charged. Liao Pang took two bright flashlights from the store and stuffed them into Bao Xiaoxing's backpack.

It was the first time for Da Bahua to participate in an operation. He was both excited and a little nervous. Due to word of mouth, Xiangjiang Hotel had already become a haunted forbidden area. He asked himself that he was not a bold person, so he was still a little afraid of this outdoor live broadcast.

The Honda Civic passed through the night and turned from the wide four-lane into the slightly narrow two-lane. This was an intercity highway that was opened for the integration of districts.

Chenghe Villa is in the middle of this road, and it takes about half an hour to drive.

Because he was not in a hurry, Bao Xingxin's car drove slowly and slowly. The night wind blew into the car with the open windows, which was a bit cool. The fat man suddenly turned his face and asked,"What's the date today?"

Liao Fatty replied without thinking:"August 12th!"

"August 12th? On the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, I said,"Why is the moon so bright today? Damn it, today is the Ghost Festival. Grandma, the gates of ghosts are wide open during the Ghost Festival!""

The fat man curled his lips and said thoughtfully.

Da Bahua, who was sitting in the back seat with Fatty Liao, became nervous and said in a trembling voice:"This... this, Xiangjiang Hotel is usually haunted. We are going to live broadcast at this time. You won't run into it, right?"

The corners of the fat man's mouth turned up, and he was very disdainful of Da Bahua, a guy who is strong on the outside but hard on the inside.

Fatty Liao laughed loudly and said:"There are no ghosts in the world. Brother Cheng, you are a bit timid!"

Pang Liao smiled very meanly, his old face was slightly red, he scratched his scalp in embarrassment and closed his mouth.

After driving for a while, the car turned into a cement road with grass on both sides, and a shadowy figure stood in front of it. Two buildings.

The fat man became excited, pointed at the buildings and said:"We've arrived."

Bao Xiaoxing parked the car under a building, put on the handbrake, opened the door and got out of the car. He took out a cigarette and lit one for himself.

Liao Fatty walked to Bao Xiaoxing with his backpack in tacit understanding, and unzipped it while While waiting for him to finish smoking,

Da Bahua followed the fat man closely, for fear of being thrown away by them.

The fat man looked at the surrounding environment through the moonlight, but saw that there were overgrown weeds in front of him. Except for the exposed concrete floor, under the moonlight Glowing white, weeds sprouted from the broken steps, and the autumn insects in the grass were silent because of their arrival.

There was a large Feng pond in the square in front of the building, and occasionally fish jumped out of the water. Make a sound of hitting the water

"Fatty, let’s get started!"

Bao Xiaoxing threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, lowered his head and took out the gimbal and started to put the mobile phone on the gimbal.

The fat man pointed to the building opposite and said:"Start from there. That building is higher, it should be the Xiangjiang Hotel."

"Don’t you want to see this building?"

Pang Liao asked, pointing to the building behind them.

"We won't go. The only mission for 'we eleven' is the Xiangjiang Hotel. Let's quickly complete the mission and go back to sleep."

The fat man's words made Da Bahua who was standing aside very happy. Now he regretted following them out and fooling around. Wouldn't it be nice to stay at home and sleep?

Fatty Liao handed him a strong flashlight at the right time and said softly. :"If something happens to you, run away quickly and don’t look back. Da

Bahua didn't realize that Fatty Liao was making fun of him, and she smiled very gratefully at Fatty Liao and said,"Is that okay?""

Pang Liao smiled and said:"Of course, brothers are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes."

Da Bahua felt that there was something wrong with this sentence, but at this time she had no intention of worrying about what was wrong. She could only nodded and took the strong-light flashlight.

Bao Xiaoxing assembled the equipment with ease, and finally put on the overhead light. After turning it on and trying it, the light immediately attracted a swarm of buzzing mosquitoes.

The fat man was already impatient. He glanced at the luminous watch and said,"The time is up, let's get started quickly.""


Bao Xiaoxing entered the live broadcast platform and started tonight's live broadcast.

"Hi, fellow veterans, good evening, we have started live broadcast again. Today we came to Chenghe Villa. It is said that……"

The fat man started to introduce his location in a familiar manner, and the popularity of the live broadcast room slowly increased, from a few people at the beginning to about a thousand people in an instant.

Da Bahua, who was watching the live broadcast on her mobile phone, was shocked. Although Fatty didn't have many fans, it seemed that his traffic was pretty good, and he would definitely be able to sell goods through the live broadcast.

Da Bahua is a very thoughtful person. He has already made up his mind to persuade his friends not to set the threshold so high. If you have money, everyone can make it!

At this time, the fat man had slowly walked towards the building opposite. Fatty Liao pushed Da Baihua from behind and urged him softly:"Hurry up and follow me. I will hold the line from behind."

Da Baihua was startled. , not wanting to be left here alone, nodded and followed.

The fat man pointed at the Feng pool and said:"This Feng pool is not small. It represents happiness, wealth and good luck. Maybe the original owner never dreamed that the Feng pool he built with all his heart would be abandoned. Next, I will take everyone to the building in front. Turn around, of course, this building has a terrifying legend……"

Da Bahua listened to the fat man introducing the legend of Xiangjiang Hotel, and found that what he said was the same rhetoric she told them this afternoon. She couldn't help but have mixed feelings in her heart. The carefree fat man actually listened to it all.

As usual, some naughty fans asked: This time it won't whet our appetite again and it will be dropped halfway, right?

Fatty saw the message and replied:"Reply to the fans here. We will never download it unless we encounter special circumstances."

Someone sent 666 at the beginning of the barrage, and then a large number of people followed suit. Fatty said The fan who sent 666 expressed his gratitude, and then finished telling the legend about the Xiangjiang Hotel, and promised to take everyone to take a closer look at the load-bearing pillar where the broken corpse was buried.

""Free as the wind": Don't worry, I can't wait any longer

""If you don't see the coffin, you won't shed tears": Today is Ghost Festival, be careful……

""Calabash baby's grandfather": pretending to be a ghost and defrauding us of gifts


The barrage of comments was raining down. Before the previous fans’ messages were finished, a new barrage came up.

However, in the barrage, Bao Xiaoxing still saw a familiar name at a glance——""Ye Ming Sha"!

He didn't say anything, but thoughtfully gave a sports car. The special effects of the gift shocked many fans, followed by a large wave of small hearts and roses. Although they were all small and worthless gifts, fortunately they were large in quantity. After a wave of gifts, Fatty made a net profit of two hundred yuan.

The enthusiasm of the fans fully stimulated Fatty's enthusiasm. He gave up the plan of walking around the Fengchi pool and turned around and walked in the direction of Xiangjiang Hotel.

Bao Xiaoxing Holding a cloud platform and following behind Fatty, Da Bahua followed closely. Fatty Liao fulfilled his promise honestly and walked at the back. The exterior wall of the building in front of him was painted red. In Bao Xiaoxing's impression, All the owners of the buildings painted in red did not end well in the end. The Forbidden City, where dozens of emperors lived, was far away, and the red building in the Yuanhua case in Xiamen was nearby. The outside and inside of the building in front of me were already somewhat mottled, with the walls exposed. background color.

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