Night sand

Chapter 128

Liu Yanran looked in the direction of Bao Xiaoxing's finger, and saw a photo frame conspicuously placed on the table, and in the photo frame was a group photo of ten people that Bao Xiaoxing could not find even after wearing iron shoes.

They quickly walked to the desk, picked up the photo and looked at it carefully. In contrast to Zhou Mubing, everyone else in the photo was smiling brightly.

Next to Zhou Mubing is Fu Ping, who is holding Zhou Mubing's arm in the same posture as in the graduation photo.

Wang Xinping stood next to her with his arms behind his back. He was tall and handsome, with confidence in his eyes.

Bao Xiaoxing couldn't recognize the other people because he had never seen their photos before.

Liu Yanran carefully took the photo frame, walked to the next room and asked the woman who was being questioned,"Sister, do you know the person in this photo?"

The woman nodded and shook her head, leaving Liu Yanran confused. Just when he was about to ask again, the woman pointed to the photo and replied:"I only know two of them. This is my husband Qiu Bo. The one squatting in the front row is Yan Fang, the little vixen who often pesters him.""

"We want to take this photo with us……"

Before Liu Yanran finished speaking, the woman waved her hand and said,"Take it away. I wanted to throw it away a long time ago, but Qiu Bo wouldn't let me."

Perhaps the photo aroused the woman's sadness, so she lowered her head again. The head sobbed.

Liu Yanran and Bao Xiaoxing looked at each other and exited the room. As soon as they walked into the courtyard, Captain Qu opened the door and came in. He saw Liu Yanran and asked,"Yanran, did you find anything?"

"Captain Qu, the photo was found!"

There was a hint of excitement in Liu Yanran's voice.

"OK, I'll go in and have a look. It's almost dawn. Captain

Qu took the photo frame and looked at the dim light in the hall, then looked up at the white sky in the east, then returned the photo frame to Liu Yanran and walked in quickly.

Thirty minutes later, the two The group met at the entrance of Cuiyuan Lane. Among the people returning was Yan Fang's father. He was going to identify the deceased. The woman was also going, but she couldn't leave her sleeping child behind, so she had to make an appointment with Captain Qu to go there in the morning. Identify the body.

Several cars were speeding down the cold street. Perhaps in order not to disturb the residents’ last good dreams, the police cars did not sound their sirens. The cleaners cleaning up the roadside watched the police cars passing by and murmured. He said to himself:"Is there another big case? This world is really not peaceful!"

Back in the criminal police compound, everyone got out of the car and hurried upstairs under the leadership of Captain Qu.

A police officer took Yan Fang's father to the forensic room, and the rest of the people followed Captain Qu directly in. In the conference room, Bao Xiaoxing wisely walked towards Fatty and others who were still sitting on the bench in the corridor.

Fatty seemed to have slept, and there was still eye droppings in the corners of his eyes. When he saw Bao Xiaoxing walking over, he quickly reached out and gestured to him. The gesture of cigarette.

Bao Xiaoxing took out the cigarette case and threw it to him. He pointed at Liao Fatty and Da Xihua who were like chickens pecking at rice. He shook his head gently and signaled the fat man not to wake them up. The fat man held the cigarette. He stood up, stretched out, stepped forward and asked,"Did you find anything?"

"Well, a group photo of ten people was found. The people from the technical investigation team have already taken the photos to find their identities. However, it took too long, and some people's physical features may have changed so much that the results will not be available so quickly."

Bao Xiaoxing took the cigarette handed over by the fat man and said

"Well, little Xingxing, I'm a little worried about my parents. They are too far away from home, and maybe the police are not capable of ensuring their safety."

The fat man lit a cigarette and said worriedly

"When you go back, let them take leave as soon as possible. At least they can get better protection in this city. I am also worried about my mother. This matter is not easy to handle!"

Bao Xiaoxing was also worried, and his handsome face was hidden in the blue smoke.

"Alas, I hope the police can understand our difficulties."

The fat man didn't look at Bao Xiaoxing, but he didn't blame him in his heart for revealing the whole thing to Liu Yanran. After all, enough people had died.

"Fatty, will you blame me? Bao

Xiaoxing took another puff of cigarette and stared at the fat man closely.

"Blame you? Why should I blame you? I had already planned to confess. Maybe if we confessed earlier, so many people would not die."

The fat man in turn comforted Bao Xiaoxing.

Bao Xiaoxing wanted to say something else, but Liu Yanran opened the door of the conference room and shouted to them:"Captain Qu asked you to come in.""

Fat Man and Bao Xiaoxing put out their cigarettes, threw them into the trash can, and followed Liu Yanran into the conference room. The conference room was filled with smoke, and Captain Qu smoked cigarettes one after another to cover up his sleepiness. After all, he was about to reach the age where he knew his destiny, and his physical condition was not as good as before. The continuous late nights during this period made him a little bit too much. A group photo of ten people was projected on the projector screen in the conference room, and each person identified The dead people are all marked with red marks, and there are three people in the photo who are not marked with red marks, proving that they are still alive.

Bao Xiaoxing looked at their names carefully: Zhou Mubing, Fu Ping, Wang Xinping, Zhou Lili, Qiu Bo, Yan Fang, Wu Wanfang, Ji Lingfei, Zhang Minghao, and Zheng Xinxin.

Among them, only the names of Zhang Minghao, Zheng Xinxin, and Wu Wanfang were heard for the first time, which meant that these three people were still alive.

Bao Xiaoxing quietly took out his mobile phone and looked through the The names behind the photo revealed that these three people were not Zhou Mubing's classmates.

At this time, Captain Qu stood up and walked to the curtain, pointed at the photo and said,"Tell me, the results are out. Judging from the clues we have, the crime is The suspect's target is everyone in this photo except this woman. Six people have been killed so far, four of them were killed in this city. Wang Xinping and Ji Lingfei were killed in City X and City Y respectively because they graduated from college. Stay and work locally. He paused and then said:"The household registration system of the remaining three people shows that they all live in this city. Now, I will arrange for you to lead a group of people to protect Zheng Xinxin secretly; Liang Kai, you will lead a group of people." You are responsible for protecting Zhang Minghao; Feng Runping, you are responsible for Wu Wanfang. Other people are trying their best to trace the whereabouts of the person who took the photo. Now all doubts point to the person who took the photo. He is probably the mastermind behind these cases."

Bao Xiaoxing's heart sank. Captain Qu didn't mention the topic of protecting their family in his words. Didn't this put him and Fatty's family in danger?

While he was secretly annoyed, Captain Qu looked at the people sitting behind him. Bao Xiaoxing, who was in a daze in the corner of the platoon, said:"Little Bao, you'd better stay with your family at this time. We will send more police to protect your family. I can guarantee this, but you'd better not leave this city."

Bao Xiaoxing nodded, and his hanging heart was relieved.

The slide continued to show the WeChat chat records between"We Eleven" and Fatty, which were restored by the technical investigation team through technical processing.

Captain Qu asked :"Has the IP address been found on this WeChat account?"

The criminal policeman who showed the slideshow said:"Not yet. Now there are many ways for fraudsters to avoid police investigations. Some are buying and selling and stealing other people's WeChat IDs, some are registering new WeChat IDs through WeChat cards, etc. We will check these out soon. No, it will take some time."

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