Night sand

Chapter 138

Qu Zhilin looked at the evidence bag expressionlessly. It was certain that the people who killed Zheng Xinxin were still the same people from Myanmar.

The forensic doctor packed the body in a body bag, and several criminal policemen carried Zheng Xinxin downstairs. Bao Xiaoxing and Liu Xinran who were guarding the door could only watch.

Qu Zhilin came out of the room and silently gestured to them to leave.

Liang Kai followed him downstairs dejectedly.

"Xiaoxing, let’s go down too!"

Before Bao Xiaoxing could say anything, Liu Yanran pulled Bao Xiaoxing downstairs, and a group of criminal police officers gathered around in front of the motorcade and chatted quietly.

When they saw Qu Zhilin walking over, they all closed their mouths and faced this unsmiling leader. , they were filled with awe in their hearts.

Qu Zhilin took out the walkie-talkie and raised it to his mouth and said:"All personnel, close the team!"

People who received the news gathered from all directions. Qu Zhilin threw the walkie-talkie to Liang Kai and strode into his car.

Liu Yanran was still hesitating whether to get in his car. Qu Zhilin shouted:"You two are not going back. Right? Don’t get in the car yet!"

Bao Xiaoxing grabbed Liu Yanran, opened the car door and got into the Prado.

Qu Zhilin started the car and took the lead to leave the place where three people were dead.

"Captain Qu, I have some personal thoughts, I don’t know if I should say them?"

After the car drove for a distance, Bao Xiaoxing broke the silence in the car, touched his nose and asked

"oh? you say!"

Qu Zhilin nodded, still staring at the road ahead.

Bao Xiaoxing said:"You have arrested two groups of people from Myanmar. It is obvious that their organization is very large, and the people behind the scenes are very powerful."

"Let’s get to the point! Qu

Zhilin was dissatisfied with Bao Xiaoxing's foreshadowing and said in a deep voice.

Bao Xiaoxing rubbed his nose again and said,"Well, if I guess correctly, there must be a powerful fraud organization behind this organization. Many of our personal They have all the information clearly"

"Fraudulent organization? Have you read too much news about scams in northern Myanmar recently?"

Liu Yanran, who was sitting in the back seat and leaning forward to listen to their conversation, interjected. Qu Zhilin did not speak. At least Bao Xiaoxing's idea was not wrong. Who can easily master other people's information, except for the powerful departments of the government? Those criminal organizations that operate outside the law, and northern Myanmar is a paradise for these criminal organizations

"Well, in addition, just after Xing Tao's phone number was taken away,"We Eleven" targeted me, don't you think it's strange?"

Bao Xiaoxing looked back seriously at Liu Yanran in the shadow.

"you mean?"

Qu Zhilin's body shook suddenly. Why didn't he notice any clues?

"There is a mole hidden within you, Captain Qu. Is my statement a bit alarmist?"

Bao Xiaoxing finally expressed his suspicion.

If there is a mole hidden in the team, all the confusion will be solved. Only the mole can pass on the news that Fatty's cell phone has been seized in a short time.

"Nonsense, have you read too many Sherlock Holmes novels? How could there be a mole in our team? We are all comrades who have been through life and death. Do you know, comrades?"

Perhaps Bao Xiaoxing's words touched the softest part of Qu Zhilin's heart. He was very resistant to this topic.

But he had no convincing reason to refute Bao Xiaoxing's speculation. Judging from the two waves of people who were arrested, they all They were arrested accidentally. None of them were arrested because of their arrangements in advance. As soon as

Xing Tao's mobile phone was taken away by the police, someone immediately added Bao Xiaoxing. Is this all just a coincidence? No, it can't be such a coincidence.

"Captain Qu, if there is a mole in the team, I have an idea to lure him out. Bao

Xiaoxing said carefully, for fear that Qu Zhilin would not agree with his idea.

"tell me the story."

Qu Zhilin nodded with interest and motioned for Bao Xiaoxing to continue.

"You deliberately pretended to take away my mobile phone during the case analysis meeting. If there is a mole, he will definitely contact the criminals, and we can hunt rabbits and find out the mole."

"Wait, how can this be accomplished? Do you want me to monitor the mobile phones of all my colleagues? Qu

Zhilin asked dissatisfiedly

"Well, is it technically possible? Bao

Xiaoxing asked rhetorically without concealing his plan.

Liu Yanran interjected:"It should be possible to contact the Internet Surveillance Brigade, Captain Qu. When we hold the case analysis meeting, we can quietly arrange for the police from the Internet Surveillance Brigade to monitor. As long as there is any trouble, we can detect it."

"Another point is that we must not tell others about our conversation, otherwise all our efforts may be wasted."

After Bao Xiaoxing finished speaking, Qu Zhilin didn't say anything. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to come to this point. In addition, he was somewhat dissatisfied with Bao Xiaoxing's analysis. This little guy didn't even have hair, yet he dared to command him. This old criminal policeman was really clever at what he did. However, when he thought about it carefully, his statement made sense. He couldn't find a reason to refute it, so he took a deep breath and ignored Liu Yanran in the car. He took out a cigarette, lit one, and started smoking silently.

At this time, Bao Xiaoxing's cell phone rang again in his pocket. He took it out, took a look, frowned and said,"He knows everything about the police's actions. Team Qu, 'Insufficient Balance' sent a message saying that even if we find the body, we can't solve the case, and there are two other people he will take care of in a few days."

"Damn, they are provoking!"

Qu Zhilin threw the half-smoked cigarette out of the car and stood up angrily.

Finally, he made up his mind to try Bao Xiaoxing and Liu Yanran's method. Even if he didn't find any clues, it didn't matter, at least his colleagues around him The suspicion could be clarified.

He parked the car on the side of the road, took out his mobile phone and made a call

"Hey, Lao Qi, it's me. You send two brothers to bring equipment. I'm useful. What? Don't ask. I'll buy you a drink when you're done. That's it for now. I still have something to do. I'll tell them to get ready in ten minutes and wait for my return in my office."

Qu Zhilin hung up the phone and looked back. The police car behind him was thrown far away, and he could only hear the sound of the siren.

He stepped on the accelerator and continued to drive forward. Bao Xiaoxing knew that his suggestion had been adopted. He glanced back at Liu Yanran excitedly.

Prado stopped at the door of the Criminal Police Brigade. Qu Zhilin turned off the engine and got out of the car. He moved in one go, ignoring Bao Xiaoxing and Liu Yanran. He walked quickly into the lobby without waiting for the elevator on the top floor. He ran directly up the stairs on one side.

When Bao Xiaoxing and Liu Yanran both appeared at the end of the corridor, only two policemen from the Internet Surveillance Brigade followed him into the office. The door of the office closed with a bang..

A few minutes later, a policeman from the Internet Surveillance Brigade came out of Qu Zhilin's office, took some equipment directly into the conference room, and then came out empty-handed.

Bao Xiaoxing wanted to see how they operated, and slowly took Liu Yanran with him. Walking to the door of Qu Zhilin's office, he reached out to push the door open.

However, Qu Zhilin's office was locked. Bao Xiaoxing retracted his hand to push the door in confusion and said to Liu Yanran:"This thing looks quite mysterious."

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