Night sand

Chapter 184

When dinner was approaching, Wen Li called, and the school had evening self-study in the evening, and it was her turn to watch the class, and she wanted Bao Xiaoxing to solve the problem of eating by herself.

Bao Xiaoxing agreed, his mother was not at home, and he could deal with the past alone.

Hanging up the phone, Bao Xiaoxing came out of the room, opened the refrigerator and looked, there were only raw ingredients in it, and Bao Xiaoxing, who didn't plan to cook, planned to go out to eat a bowl of noodles.

As soon as the refrigerator was closed, the mobile phone on the desk in the room rang, Bao Xiaoxing trotted back to the room, picked up the mobile phone and saw that it was a call from a fat man.

"Hey, fatty, what's the matter?".

Bao Xiaoxing was still angry in his heart, and his tone was not very good.

"You kid have taken gunpowder? It's not like I'm saying, the little master and the little fat watched the video broadcast all day ago today, and they have made a major discovery, do you want to know!".

The fat man was not angry, but was in high spirits.

"What did you find?".

Bao Xiaoxing's heart is moved, as long as he doesn't find the mystery for a day, he won't feel at ease for a day!

The fat man smiled and said, "Come to my house, remember to bring something to eat, we haven't eaten for a day and are starving to death." "

"Fuck off, you're trying to lie to me again. "

Bao Xiaoxing was angry, and the fat man wanted to use this trick to trick him into delivering food.

"Don't hang up, don't hang up, you just believe us again, hurry up, lie to you as a puppy. "

Hanging up the phone, Bao Xiaoxing hesitated for a while, and decided to go to the fat man's house, that kid shouldn't lie to himself for a meal.

Changing into clothes to go out, Bao Xiaoxing went out non-stop, bought some cooked food at the deli at the entrance of the community, and swept an electric car and went straight to the happy community.

"Boss, why hasn't Brother Xing come yet, I'll just order takeout. "

Liao Pang said with a bitter face to the fat man sitting in the computer chair shirtless.

"Don't worry, this kid is very curious, he will definitely come, wait!".

On the computer desk in front of the fat man was an A4 piece of paper, on which were densely written with some numbers.

"Tuk Tuk!".

There was a knock on the door, and Liao Pang hurriedly opened the door and went out to open the door for Bao Xiaoxing.

As soon as Bao Xiaoxing saw Liao Pang, he asked unceremoniously: "Have you really found the answer to the mystery?"

Liao Pang said: "Well, the fat brother still feels that he is fortunate to have a hard-working account, and he is reluctant to share the fruits with others, so he didn't go, we found something when we looked through the previous videos." "


Bao Xiaoxing's eyes lit up, handed the cooked food bag to Liao Pang, changed into slippers and entered the room.

When the fat man saw Bao Xiaoxing coming in, he shouted happily: "Your kid is finally here, what about the food?"

Bao Xiaoxing approached the fat man, slapped him on the shoulder, and said, "You have satisfied my curiosity first." "


fat man grinned and knocked off Bao Xiaoxing's hand, pointed to the paper on the computer desk and said, "It's all written on it, you can see it yourself!"

Bao Xiaoxing pulled the A4 paper and looked at the scribbled handwriting on it seriously.

The first thing that caught his eye was the ancient text: Within the three seas, there is the Great Hell, with hundreds of thousands, each with its own differences. The so-called great one has eighteen. There are five hundred, and the bitterness is immeasurable. There are thousands of times, and there is no amount of suffering.

He glanced at the fat man suspiciously, and asked, "I've seen this a few times, what do you mean by you looking for me to look at it again?"

The fat man glanced at Bao Xiaoxing meaningfully, and said: "Last time, we deduced from this that those victims all died in the form of punishment in the eighteenth layer of hell, and I deduced it again today, these are indeed the punishments of the eighteenth layer of hell to punish the guilty, oh, think about it, what is the first one called Fu Ping, the way of death just corresponds to the punishment method of the eighteenth layer of hell, that is called knife and saw hell!".

Bao Xiaoxing frowned and said, "I don't need to repeat this, I agree, let's talk about the point!".

The fat man was a little disappointed by Bao Xiaoxing's reaction, he smacked his lips, pointed to the A4 paper and said, "The second Wang Xinping who died in Heavenly Paradise suffered the punishment of the sixth layer of hell, called the Bronze Pillar Hell. "

"What do you mean?".

Bao Xiaoxing frowned and asked.

"Think about it, is there a pattern to the death of these people?"

The fat man asked rhetorically after taking a deep breath.

"Regularity? I don't think so, how can you think like that?".

Bao Xiaoxing looked at the ghost drawing on the paper in a daze, and then raised his eyes to stare at the fat man's eyes.

"Hmph, I don't have a good idea, there seems to be a password hidden in these seemingly random ways of killing, you see, the first number is 18, the second number is 6, the third number is 7, the fourth number is 9, don't you think it looks like a phone number?"

Bao Xiaoxing silently looked at the numbers circled by the fat man with a pen on the paper, each person who died corresponded to a number, and the last two digits of those numbers were probably exactly a mobile phone number, and what these two numbers were, only Zhang Minghao and Wu Wanfang were killed to get the answer.

Bao Xiaoxing looked at the A4 paper silently, and a series of questions emerged in his mind: Is it really a mobile phone number? Why did this murderer named Xiaofei leave this mystery? What does he want to do?

The fat man looked at Bao Xiaoxing and said, "Little star, the last two digits are from 00 to 99, how many possibilities do you say?"

Bao Xiaoxing scratched his head, he was not very good at mathematics, especially for this kind of permutation and combination of questions, it was not easy for him to say the answer at once.

He put down the paper and asked, "Do you want to try calling one by one?"

The fat man asked rhetorically, "Isn't that possible?"

Bao Xiaoxing shook his head and denied: "It's best not to act rashly before there is a definite result, so as not to startle the snake." "

The fat man smiled disdainfully: "He still startles the snake, everyone is killing people under our noses, will he care about this?"

Bao Xiaoxing was teased by him and had nothing to say, so he walked to the sofa and sat down.

At this time, Liao Pang came in with a bag of beer and said, "Boss, Brother Xing, it's time to eat!"

The fat man hurriedly got up and walked to Liao Pang's side to take the plastic bag, took out a beer and threw it to Bao Xiaoxing, nodded at him and said, "Go to the living room to eat, let's find a way while eating." "

The three mermaids ran out of the room, and the fat man turned on the ceiling fan in the living room, sat down at the dining table, and reached out to twist the pickled vegetables on the plate.

"Little star, why don't you call and ask how the situation is on Yanran's side, there is no movement on the Qu team's side now. "

The fat man chewed the braised duck paw in his mouth and said indistinctly.

"Excuse me, the police force has the discipline of the police force, we have nothing to do, it's better not to ask around!".

Bao Xiaoxing immediately rejected the fat man's proposal, opened the can and took a big sip of beer.

The three of them were silent, only one last step away from the truth, but the three of them could only stop there.

After eating and drinking, the fat man stretched and said, "Why don't we hand over the conclusions we have obtained to the police and let them investigate them carefully." "

Liao Pang immediately chimed in: "I think this idea will work!".

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