Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1607: Sealing the Heart.

"Zuo Xiulan, Lu Wenxie, Zhang Hechen, Jiang Jian..."

"My disciple kept naming a person, and then there were the disasters caused by them in the future, banditry, military disasters, epidemics, floods, wildfires... In short, they were all extremely serious events. It will lead to the death of a large number of innocent people.

"I recognize some of these people. They have been killed by my disciples. There are also some people I don't recognize. They... they were still alive at that time. They were all nearby villagers."

"The names came one after another. My fellow fellow apprentices and I were numb when we heard them. I'm afraid there must be hundreds of people. When I thought that my disciple would kill so many people, I... I just..."


The abbot sighed and stopped talking.

Thinking of the foolish appearance of Monk Huicong now, Jiang Cheng was completely unable to associate him with the murderous maniac, "What happens after that?"

Although Jiang Cheng didn't know much about this aspect, judging from the content of the debate, Monk Huicong completely suppressed the abbot's junior brother, and what he said was reasonable and well-founded. As for the mysterious and mysterious ability to predict the future, Monk Huicong also used that picture The painting proved that I could indeed do it.

"Before my junior brother could answer, our senior brother moved. He suddenly burst into tears, the kind of tears of joy, and then... he just knelt on the ground and crawled all the way over. He hugged Hui Cong's legs and cried. Like a child, he is shouting that he has really become a Buddha! I am guilty, please save me!”

"My disciple is guilty, please ask the Buddha to save me!"

Jiang Cheng was stunned, and it took him a long time to realize what kind of plot was this? Why did the cold and dignified senior brother surrender now?

Immediately afterwards, another ominous aura emerged in Jiang Cheng's heart, "Could it be that...Did Huicong really become a Buddha? That's not right. If he really became a Buddha, how could he be treated like this in the temple? Or was everything at night really true? Is it just falsehood?"

Before Jiang Cheng could think about it, the abbot continued: "Senior Brother's performance shocked all of us. I even wondered if I was wrong. Huicong had really touched the threshold of becoming a Buddha. It was just because of our low cultivation. , so you can’t see the true meaning of Buddhism hidden in Huicong’s absurd actions?”

"But Huicong smiled at that moment. His eyes were lowered, just like the golden Buddha statue, and his eyes were full of compassion. He gently covered his senior brother's head with one hand, and put the palm of his other hand in front of him. Then it turned into a flower-like shape, gradually closed its eyes, and began to chant scriptures softly.

Listening to the abbot's narration, Jiang Cheng also imagined a picture full of Buddha nature. If Jiang Cheng could only describe it in one word, it would be pious, extremely pious. But in the next second, this pious picture was completely destroyed. break in.

"The senior brother took advantage of Hui Cong's eyes to close and took out a golden alms bowl from his arms. Then he jumped up suddenly and hit Hui Cong on the head. He knocked Hui Cong unconscious, and then he sat on Hui Cong and twisted. He shouted to us over his shoulder and told us to quickly find a rope. Ordinary rope would not work. We must sew up the remaining golden thread of the cassock and tie up Hui Cong! "


Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He didn't expect that this highly respected senior brother was still a sixth grader. He couldn't argue with the scriptures so he launched a sneak attack.

"Senior brother said that Huicong is not talking about becoming a Buddha. He is clearly going to be possessed by a demon!"

"Huicong's Buddha-nature is true, but he only lacks a Buddha's heart. As my disciple, he once indeed touched the threshold of becoming a Buddha, but the last step was bad in his mind. The incident of those stone girls hanging from the beams at the temple gate brought great His stimulation was too great, which caused his determination to be unstable, and a trace of evil developed in his heart. "

"One thought of becoming a Buddha, one thought of becoming a devil. Huicong did not suppress this evil thought. This evil thought has taken root in his heart. If it is not eliminated, the consequences will be endless. Not to mention our small precepts-holding temple, I am afraid that it will be a disaster for the world. It’s all a catastrophe!”

"But... senior brother, how did he see it?"

Jiang Cheng was embarrassed to say that he also thought what Hui Cong said was quite reasonable. During the debate, he almost single-handedly hung up the abbot's two junior brothers and beat them.

Moreover, it seems that the Buddhist magical power that can see the future cannot be faked.

The abbot seemed to have noticed what Jiang Cheng was thinking, and explained: "Senior brother said that it was not a Buddhist magical power at all, and the future he saw was not the real future, but an illusory future that was bred by the evil thoughts in Huicong's heart. ”

"All of this was caused by the evil thoughts in Hui Cong's heart. To put it simply, if there were no Hui Cong and no Hui Cong who was about to become possessed, then those so-called futures would not have appeared at all! Let alone so many disasters and catastrophes!"

The abbot's words were a bit convoluted, but Jiang Cheng still understood part of it, "Master means that the source of these disasters all come from Hui Cong. If there were no Hui Cong, I mean without the possessed Hui Cong, then none of this would be possible in the future. will happen?"

"This is not Huicong saving people from disasters, he is the root cause, and those disasters all happen around him!"

"That's right!" the abbot said sternly.

Jiang Cheng took a breath after hearing this. Things here are getting weirder. According to the abbot, people who are contacted by Huicong will be affected by it in a weird way, and even make the future extremely unfortunate. , disasters continue.

"Master, do you have any evidence?" Jiang Cheng still felt something was not right.

"Hey -, this is also what our senior brother reminded us. Only those of us who are dull can realize it later." The abbot sighed, "Actually, this is very simple. Donor, think about it, our precepts temple How many villages are there nearby, and how many people can there be in total?”

"My disciple reported more than a hundred people at once, and each of them can cause a disaster. Isn't this suspicious? If all this is true, if it is really the magical power of Buddhism, then life will be unbearable. I'm afraid that even if all the people in the village at the foot of the mountain die 10 times, it will not be enough!" "Yes!" Jiang Cheng was also enlightened, and the doubts lingering in his heart were finally found. If the future is really according to what Monk Huicong said, how many people will be enough to die? This doesn't make sense. After figuring this out, Jiang Cheng was most concerned about how the temple would deal with Huicong. "Master, what will you do after you tie up Monk Huicong? Are you going to arrange an exorcism ceremony for him?" The abbot's words were bitter. "How can we do that? We just plan to seal his consciousness along with the evil thoughts in his heart. Life is only a few decades long. When Huicong's body turns into a handful of dry bones, the evil thoughts will naturally dissipate." Jiang Cheng slowly frowned, "So Monk Huicong has become what he is now because you sealed his consciousness and his heart!"

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