Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1684 Back to Face

Ye Qiutang became more and more confused, but the word "weird" frightened her inexplicably, "What on earth are you talking about? Please explain it clearly!"

Jiang Cheng turned to look at Ye Qiutang, "Miss Ye, if my guess is correct, the danger we are about to face may be more severe than what Mr. Song said. There are some things I must explain to you clearly.

"My friend and I have more experience in dealing with this kind of thing than you. We have solved similar things many times, so you must trust us. Don't hide the next actions, especially at critical moments. You must never make any decisions and obey the arrangements.”

Feeling Jiang Cheng's gaze, Ye Qiutang slowly frowned, as if she wanted to see through the other face under Jiang Cheng's face. After a while, she did not express her position but said in a low tone: "Mr. Song is indeed right, you two Unusually, he even suspected that these evil spirits in the temple were coming for you. The only thing we did wrong was that we should not have saved you."

Hearing Ye Qiutang's slightly complaining tone, Jiang Cheng acted very calmly, "Miss Ye, I don't want to shirk responsibility, but what happened has already happened, and it's meaningless to talk about it now."

"I can only tell you that we have the ability to solve problems. Not just us, I have four other friends who have also been scattered to different places."

"Everyone's experiences are similar, but if everything goes well, we will meet soon. Then you will take your Yangguan Road and I will cross my single-plank bridge. We will not interfere with each other and everyone will be happy."

Jiang Cheng's words were somewhat unkind, and even the fat man found them harsh, but Ye Qiutang didn't have much reaction. She just stared at Jiang Cheng's face, and then asked after a long while: "I just want to ask you one question. Are these two agents sent by the Southern Barbarians, and is this all a trap set by you?"

Jiang Cheng responded mercilessly: "I think Miss Ye is overthinking this issue. If the Nanmanzi have such means, they have no reason to use it on you."

Ye Qiutang thought for a while and nodded slowly, "I, Ye Qiutang, have absolute sincerity when I say cooperation. Don't worry about this. I believe you can lead us out of this ghost temple."

"That's good." Jiang Cheng's face softened.

"By the way, what is the weird thing you just talked about?" Under the simple stone wall of the Taoist temple, Ye Qiutang stopped. This question seemed to be very important to her.

"Miss Xie Zhenye should understand. If it's weird, just think of it as an extremely powerful evil spirit. You can't defeat such things. It's best to find their flaws." After nightfall, Jiang Cheng tried calling Wu. , but there was no reaction at all. This ghost temple trapped them like a cage. What made Jiang Cheng even more worried was that until now, Li Baiyao, Shunyu, and Zhu Jie and Tang Qisheng had not made any movement.

Jiang Cheng's previous words were a reassurance for Ye Qiutang. She didn't think it was necessary for Jiang Cheng to deceive her at the critical moment of life and death. "Where are we going now?" Ye Qiutang asked. Since she didn't understand, she didn't make any trouble and just gave him some advice. Suggestions: "Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?"

Taoist Lingxu made it very clear last night, tonight is the deadline, and the purple gold alms bowl must be smashed, it is a great evil thing.

"No, it's not time yet." Jiang Cheng stood still and briefly identified the direction, then raised his feet and walked to one side, "Let's go to the Merit Hall first."

Fatty had a very bad impression of the Gongde Hall. Every time he woke up at night, he would go to the Gongde Hall. The way the monks in the Gongde Hall practiced "merits" also repeatedly refreshed Fatty's physical and psychological limits as a human being. The fat man clearly remembered last time that not only were men and women having sex under the Buddha statue, but there were also monks lying on top of the monks. This monk from the precepts temple was really not taboo about meat and vegetables. The fat man was so disgusted that he almost vomited.

The three of them were cautious along the way, but luckily, they didn't encounter any trouble. When they arrived outside the gate of the courtyard where Merit Hall was located, the fat man frowned instinctively. He suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"There's no such noisy noise anymore, aren't you used to it?" Jiang Cheng glanced at him and knew what the fat man was thinking. Everything was written on his face.

"Ah, yes, yes, I wonder why it feels weird."

Although the appearance of today's Gongde Hall has not changed much, the style is very different from before. The stone walls and gray tiles here have a Taoist atmosphere of being free and easy and advocating nature.

There was a faint light coming from inside, not the light of a torch, but really just some light, a small mud lamp, or a candle.

As we got closer, we could hear the sound of chanting Taoist scriptures coming from inside.

The sound was buzzing, but not annoying, but it could be heard that there were many people inside.

Not daring to go to the old place, the three of them carefully came to another window. Jiang Cheng poked a small hole in the window paper with his finger.

Ye Qiutang followed suit.

Just when the fat man was about to poke him with his thick fingers, Jiang Cheng stopped him, "You don't have to, you stay and be careful around you."

Through the small hole, Jiang Cheng saw dozens of Taoist priests sitting cross-legged inside. These Taoist priests had their backs to them, with green straw mats underneath them, and an open scripture in front of each of them.

Candles stood between the Taoist priests, standing so casually. The tears of the candles slid down along the candles and dripped on the ground.

A breeze blew, and the candlelight swayed fiercely. Jiang Cheng could see clearly. The walls around him were covered with portraits. Judging from their appearance and the gestures of their hands, they should all be immortal figures in the Taoist sect. .


Ye Qiutang took a breath, and then gently touched Jiang Cheng with her hand.

In fact, she didn't need to remind him. Jiang Cheng saw it himself. A little to the right of the Taoist priests who were meditating and chanting sutras, the thin back was very familiar.

It is Monk Hui Cong, but now that Hui Cong has grown hair, he should be called Xuan Cong.

I saw Xuan Cong's body moving from time to time, his head hanging slightly, and he seemed to be reciting scriptures with everyone.

After changing several postures in succession, Jiangcheng Ye Qiutang could still only see the backs of these monks.

"Let's go around to the other side. We must move gently." Jiang Cheng lowered his voice.

Soon, the three of them tiptoed around half the circle of Gongde Hall and went in another direction, where there was another window that looked even more shabby.

After confirming that there was no danger, Ye Qiutang carefully poked a small hole in the window paper with his fingers, and then leaned closer to the hole to look inside. But the next second, the fat man suddenly noticed that Ye Qiutang's body stiffened, and then started shaking uncontrollably.

Jiang Cheng saw something was wrong and immediately pulled Ye Qiutang back, "What's going on?"

He was on guard just now and had not had time to insert a hole in the window paper, and he did not choose to look at the small hole left by Ye Qiutang, because he knew that if Ye Qiutang was really affected by something, then he would also be affected if he looked next , so he chose to ask Ye Qiutang first. This was also based on his experience in the nightmare world many times.

"What happened to them?" Ye Qiutang looked horrified, "What I saw just now was the backs of these Taoist priests, and their backs were still facing me!"

As soon as these words came out, the fat man immediately imagined the scene inside, and his whole body felt bad.

Jiang Cheng was silent for a moment, then poked another hole and looked inside. After a moment, he looked away and nodded with difficulty to the fat man, "She is right, these Taoist priests still have their backs to us."

It was impossible for the Taoist priests inside to completely change directions in such a short period of time without making a sound, so Jiang Cheng concluded that they had been tricked.

Jiang Cheng once saw a post about a campus supernatural story. The post was titled Girl with Braids. It was about a high school girls dormitory. On the night of the holiday, all the roommates in the dormitory left, leaving only Xiaomei. As a result, Xiaomei, who was sleeping soundly late at night, was suddenly awakened by the sound of footsteps in the corridor.

The footsteps were very strange, walking back and forth in the corridor. Xiaomei felt strange, so she looked out through the peephole on the dormitory door, and saw a girl with a ponytail standing next to her. Outside the door, he stopped and remained motionless, his thick ponytail hanging behind his head, jet black.

Xiaomei didn't remember that there was this girl in the school. At the same time, in the middle of the night, all the classmates in the dormitory had almost left. The more Xiaomei thought about it, the more scared she became. At this time, she suddenly thought that a girl in the opposite dormitory didn't seem to have gone home. She acted very strangely. He gently took out his phone and sent a message to the girl.

It didn't take long for me to receive a reply, but the moment I opened the reply, Xiaomei was shocked because it was an unclear photo, as if it was taken secretly through the crack of the door. It's a girl with a ponytail facing away from the camera.

So the girl outside the door has ponytails on both sides, and she has no face at all.

Originally, at this point in the story, Jiang Cheng would only treat it as a pastime for a third-rate novelist when he was bored, but there were many stories extended under this post, some of which were quite interesting. One said that the dormitory opposite Xiaomei was at that time. In fact, there is no one living there at all. Xiaomei’s friends are fake. Some people say that the ponytail girl outside is Xiaomei’s friend, but this friend was killed by Xiaomei. He came to seek revenge on her, and there is one The pinned post left a deep impression on the young Jiang Cheng. It said that Xiaomei was really cursed when she opened the photo and found that the ponytail in the photo was the girl's face.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng's heart suddenly "thumped", and he immediately looked into the room. It was still the same as before, with the Taoist priest facing away, the green straw mat, and the faint candles, but he just felt something was wrong. It had changed, but as he scanned them one by one, the Taoist priests inside did not move.


The next second, Ye Qiutang, who was also observing, seemed to have discovered something, and took a sharp breath, "No, stop looking!" Ye Qiutang pulled Jiang Cheng back.

Ye Qiutang's voice was trembling, and her eyes became frightened. She kept looking around, as if she was worried about something.

"Keep your voice down, aren't you afraid?" Ye Qiutang's voice just now frightened the fat man, and his face turned green. If he was provoked by the evil Taoist priests inside, he would be in trouble.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Cheng tried to comfort Ye Qiutang, "If you have something to say, please speak slowly."

"Don't look, there are fewer people inside." Ye Qiutang said in a hurry, "Last time I looked at a Taoist priest a few times, so I had an impression of him, but when I looked again just now, the Taoist priest was gone!"

"It's gone." Jiang Cheng frowned, "To be honest, Miss Ye, I have been guarding against this, so I check the number of people every time. I counted twice, and each time there were 44 people, including Huicong. Monk."

"Impossible, I clearly remember there was a Taoist priest under the pillar on the right, but he disappeared just now." Ye Qiutang said with certainty.

After saying that, Ye Qiutang continued to look closer, and this time her reaction was even more violent, because not only the previous Taoist priest disappeared, but also the other Taoist priest next to this Taoist priest also disappeared, and they disappeared with them. The scriptures and the green straw mat beneath me, all of this happened very naturally.

The fat man also wanted to come over to take a look, but as soon as he raised his hand, he was forced back by Jiang Cheng's look, "Don't cause trouble, you are the only one who didn't get hit, and you jumped into the fire pit."

By now, Jiang Cheng probably knew what the problem was. Today's Merit Hall was a trap. The other party knew that they wanted to look carefully at Monk Huicong's face, so they set up this trap.

Before, they were indeed looking at the backs of the Taoist priests inside, but now they were looking at the front faces of these things.

And seeing the frontal face means that they have also been discovered by the ghost inside.

At the end of that post, Xiaomei disappeared, and she became the next ponytail girl, like a water ghost looking for a substitute.

After briefly explaining the story of the girl with the ponytail to the fat man Ye Qiutang, both of their faces became excited. To be fair, Ye Qiutang thought that she was not that afraid of death. After she became a famous general, she had seen many bloody scenes. , but what she was afraid of was such a strange death, silent and full of despair.

"Is there anything you can do? If so, then..."

Before Ye Qiutang finished speaking, her eyes suddenly stopped. She stared straight at the position behind Jiang Cheng, her eyes falling.

Jiang Cheng turned around and made a blocking movement at the same time. He subconsciously thought that there was a sneak attack. Anything could happen in this damn place.

But a gust of night wind came, and there was nothing behind him, with no trace of anyone at all.

But the next second, as his eyes turned downward, he found a pair of shoe prints on the mud.

The shoe prints were large and round, which was completely different from the shoes of the three of them. Jiang Cheng immediately realized that these shoes were black cloth shoes often worn by Taoist priests, which were round-topped shoes.

But when had a Taoist priest been around them? The shoe prints are very new, and it looks like they were left not long ago.

Slowly, Jiang Cheng discovered something even more terrifying. There was only one pair of these shoe prints. There was wet mud nearby, but there were no traces of the shoe prints coming from or walking out of, as if they were just there. It seemed like it suddenly appeared at a certain moment.

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