Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1695 Children

This time Tang Qisheng threw the glass beads behind a potted plant, the one with silver bells hidden under the leaves. The slight sound of the glass beads falling to the ground also successfully attracted the girl in the dress.

It can be seen that the girl has a great fear of going deep into the dean's room, which is a forbidden place for children like her.

But soon, the desire for "eyes" finally overwhelmed the fear. The girl stood on tiptoes and quickly approached the potted plant. She kept groping with her hands. The moment she touched the huge leaves, her fingers hooked on the silver thread. , also triggered the bell alarm.

As the crisp bell rang, the girl was so frightened that she stood there without daring to move. Strong fear appeared on her twisted face, and her lips trembled. Before she could make a sound, a ball of human-shaped carrion appeared. Falling from the sky, the huge force instantly overwhelmed the girl. Then Dean Roulou roared angrily. In front of Tang Qisheng, he grabbed her head and feet and tore the girl's waist off.

Intense fear swept through Tang Qisheng's body. He never expected that Dean Carrion was hiding on the ceiling. He didn't notice the Dean coming out of the secret room. It seemed that there were other passages in the secret room that could lead to the Dean's room. , and the dean has been waiting for him to appear, and has been lurking for who knows how long.

When Dean Carrion vented his anger on the girl and tore her body into pieces, Tang Qisheng seized the opportunity and crawled out using his hands and feet until he climbed out of the iron door of the Dean's room and took his first breath of life. After being exposed to such bloody and polluted air, Tang Qisheng finally felt like he was alive again.

He stood up and looked around. It was quiet in the direction of the activity room and there was no one in the corridor. He wondered if the children had been locked up by the dean.

But these are no longer important. The top priority now is to find a hiding place first. When the dean leaves, he will find a chance to come back and rescue Jiangcheng Wang Fugui. A figure of a man in black with a knife appeared in Tang Qisheng's mind. Today, If you want to survive the situation, you can only rescue Jiangcheng Wang Fugui first, and then ask them to invite the guy named Wu out.

He can fight back and forth with the legendary president of the Night Watch, and it must be no problem to deal with a rotten dean.

The dean's room is almost at the end of the underground world. Looking to the left of the corridor, there is only a dozen or twenty meters away, and it is blocked by a wall. There are no more rooms.

Tang Qisheng was not prepared to go any further. Of course, he was not prepared to leave and return to the first floor of the hospital. He wanted to find a place to hide first. There were many empty rooms along the way. He was thinking about which one was the most ideal place to hide. place.

But just when he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped. Something wet and sticky fell on him. As Tang Qisheng raised his head suddenly, the scene in front of him scared him so much that he almost collapsed on the ground. On the ceiling of the corridor They are all densely packed with children who have had their eyes gouged out. At this moment, they are like spiders hanging on their hands and feet from the ceiling. Their necks are twisted weirdly at 180 degrees, and their faces are facing down. Their empty eye sockets are staring down, with twisted expressions. Intense resentment and longing.


After realizing that he had been discovered, Tang Qisheng threw out the few remaining glass beads without hesitation, but it was too late. The children climbed down from the ceiling, some went to grab the glass beads, and some directly Climbing onto Tang Qisheng's body, their target was very clear, the eyes.

More than a dozen hands grabbed Tang Qisheng's face, groping to dig out his eyes, "Eyes! Give us your eyes!"

Tang Qisheng lay helpless on the ground, curled up, face down, covering his eyes tightly with both hands, but now even he understood that it was of no use, and the outcome was already doomed.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The ground shook violently, and the movement outside naturally attracted Dean Carrion's attention. At this moment, the Dean heard the sound and came over.

The next second, the child on his body was thrown away. One hand grabbed Tang Qisheng's clothes and pulled him out. Through the gap between his fingers, the desperate Tang Qisheng saw a figure of Mo Hu.

It was a huge rag doll as tall as a human, and on the rag doll's face were inlaid two swollen eyes like rotten peaches.

When he saw the eyes, Tang Qisheng couldn't help but be confused. These eyes seemed to have some kind of magical power, and he was subconsciously sure that these eyes belonged to the dean, but for some reason they fell into the hands of the doll.

After repelling the crazy children, Tang Qisheng was pulled by the rag doll and ran towards the left side of the corridor. "Don't go there, it's a dead end!" Tang Qisheng, whose face was covered with scratches, reminded loudly.

But it was too late. The dean and the children were chasing behind them, blocking their way back. Tang Qisheng could only watch the wall getting closer and closer, while the ragdoll continued to speed up, and finally hit it head-on. .

In the confusion, Tang Qisheng lost consciousness.

"Tick tock."

"Tick tock."

I don't know how long it took, but Tang Qisheng gradually woke up to the sound of water dripping. At this moment, he found himself lying on the ground. The ground was a little damp, but this was definitely not the previous corridor, because there was no evil veins spreading like vines here. Beneath him was the hard, damp cement floor.

Reluctantly standing up, and with his consciousness slightly restored, he began to observe the surroundings. The space here was not very large. There were test benches and many unknown medicines of different colors stored in transparent glass tubes. As the observation deepened, , he also found some stainless steel iron hooks, bone hammers, measuring rulers, a large saw that looked very intimidating, and a series of medical knives of different sizes and shapes.

This place seemed to have the functions of both a laboratory and an operating room. A blood-stained isolation cloth was pulled away in the corner, and behind it was an operating table, and an overturned stainless steel double-layered surgical instrument cart beside the wall.


Tang Qisheng turned around abruptly and saw a door being pushed open, light shining from the door, and a familiar figure disappearing behind the door.

When he woke up, Tang Qisheng was observing that there seemed to be no door to leave, and he couldn't even find the entrance when he came in.

There is no better choice now. Compared with the dean, the ragdoll doesn't seem that scary.

Feeling brave, Tang Qisheng walked over and stretched out his hand to push the door completely open. Inside was a smaller room. What surprised Tang Qisheng was that there was an old-fashioned big-head TV with a red casing placed in the corner.

At this moment, the TV was covered with snowflakes and made rustling noises from time to time. The ragdoll I had seen before was squatting on the ground in front of the TV.

Next to the rag doll is a stroller that was roughly modified from a children's bicycle, with a child lying in the stroller.

It was a boy whose eyes were also gouged out. The boy looked about 6 or 7 years old. He looked extremely terrifying. His chin was missing, his ferocious mouth was exposed, his left leg was twisted, only half of it was left, and his right leg was twisted. The leg simply disappeared. If it weren't for the special underground environment, a person with such an injury would have died long ago.

But what really attracted Tang Qisheng's attention was the boy's remaining right hand. The index finger of the boy's right hand was broken off at the root, leaving only four fingers.

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